Hello everyone for all he had a black screen when you ask nina(Nina´s Mafia) for pussy fight when she leaves the room go 7stepps-Down,6stepps-Right,1stepps-Up,12stepps-Down,12stepps-Right,3stepps-Down,2stepps-Right. and yo arrive the fight and no black screen.
(Chang´s Mafia) 6stepps-Down,6stepps-Right,1stepps-Up,4stepps-Down,7stepps-Right,6stepps-Down,9stepps-Right.
Tipp for the other mafias befor talk to tyna at school when she makes the test with you go to your mafia and boss room then go the rout to the ring and write down the steps. p.s i will add the other mafias later in this post. [with stepps i mean arrow Keys]