I recently got my son a bonsai that we care for together on his 9th birthday! It's not too late to start and surprisingly it's not a massive cost either. We got our 3 year old Rock Juniper for 30 dollars :)
I am 66 now. When I was 40 I started with few Japanese maples, I had like 15 small bonsais. I had a Japanese maple that was 15 years a beautiful pine etc. During my divorce at 50 , I left my trees in the house with the sprinklers connected like always. I couldn’t no get to the house for 3 weeks. Finally I got there to pick up my trees and moved and I was devastated. My ex husband disconnected the water and my trees were all dead. I cried in front of them for a while. My heart was broken. Then during the pandemic I started again, I started with a nursery plant of a small cypress and seedlings of my big Japanese maple. I have 9 big Japanese trees taller than me in 5 to 6 years in big pots and beautiful young bonsais maybe 30 now that I care for them. I enjoy every minute. On the pots do really grow very fast and I fertilize every month.
I am 41 and I’m learning all I can about bonsai. It’s encouraging to hear your story and how you picked up your broken pieces and started again. Thanks for sharing that story. Wish you the best
Je dobre se nevzdat sveho hobby. Za 40 let pestovani jsem prisla vlastnimi chybami o dost bonsaji, dokonce mi zlodej ukradl 7 bonsaji, presto pokracuji. Jsem 70+. Zdravim z Ceske rebubliky🙂😂
I’m 23 and I just started my Bonsai journey with two rescues from the grocery store, thank you for sharing your knowledge I’m excited to see where this hobby takes me
@@andrizzle245 I’m not 100% sure, they are both just labeled as ‘bonsai’ though they look rather different. One is bright green with a light coloured trunk, leaves with three almost tooth like rounded edges at the ends and it makes little green flowers. The other is darker in all respects with fully rounded leaves that remind me of a shoehorn in shape. They both like lots of light and moderate water
@@MegaElectriceyes The one with the little green flowers sounds like a tea tree (maybe fuiken, or something like that?). The other could be a Ginseg Ficus. It is very common in grocery stores. Does it have somewhat bulbous looking trunk and branches?
I think it’s beautiful and sad at the same time that you and many other bonsai artists know that the time it takes to create a master bonsai may extend your own life span. I really hope you live longer than 100 so you can see your new tree develop into another master bonsai! Good job and thanks for sharing. I am now 41 and it encourages me to be more patient and make better decisions moving forward with my life and new hobby.
I think the California sun helps, too. I have dozens of trident maples in the ground in washington state. They aren't that big, other than. The ones I didn't prune. It's been 20 years!
Being 50, the prospect of having a specimen like Milton has is slim lol. Unless I drop 20k. I do wish mame weren't so hard to keep. You can have magnificent mame trident maples in 5 years. But man they are a pain in thr butt to care for!
I'm 19 and got a ficus gibseng bonsai tree at a hardware store last weekend. It just smiled at me the right way and I brought ir home. Stumbling upon channels like these is nice, you can see the passion and time that was put in these trees. I'm looking forward to seeing my little ficus grow :)
Beautiful tree! I am amazed by the patience and dedication that goes into this art. I started my Bonsai journey last year. I ordered a 3 year old Chinese Elm, and I dug up a Crepe Myrtle and a Eastern Redbud and put them in pots. Hopefully I can keep everything alive for years to come so I can create something this beautiful!
I dug up a small Wisteria vine from across the street as well, since those make beautiful Bonsai. It is extremely invasive here, so it's not difficult to find!
I just started my journey into the art of bonsai. Im a recovering addict and was turned onto bonsai in art therapy in rehab as a coping mechanism. I always been a gardener and that has always taught me patience so I thought id give bonsai a try because you have to be patient. I got a bonsai kit for my birthday and I been looking into the pros and cons of the different species of trees. 1:22 Did you say trident Maples grow rapidly? Thats one of the species that came with my kit. Thank you for sharing your knowledge. 🙏🏾🌲
I have a maple tree in a pot that is 3 years old and about 3 feet tall. I cut it back last year and thought I cut it back too much but now I see I could have cut it more. Thanks for the tips.
Mini's are also a great way to do bonsai. Especially for those with limited space. They are fun to work with and keeps your imagination going as to what you can make. No matter what your age, they are fun to work with. Something easy, a geranium. Cheap and easy to do and fast growing and overwinters just fine. I have one that is 3 years old. Great showing the way you do your small tree to make it into a specimen. Excellent!
I thank you for your genuine nature and expertise. I began bonsai as stress therapy in my teens and now in my late-thirties, I have a full yard and many larger plants I refuse to throw out. Your video encouraged me to not only pick up a hobby I missed so much, but helped me realise I have an endless supply right in my own backyard.
Same here. I learned about bonsai in art therapy when I was in rehab. It is such an awesome form of art to channel and distract from any negative energy. Even besides growing them, just sitting amongst bonsai trees and plants is so refreshing. I enjoy sitting in my vegetable garden and relaxing.
An hour ago I decided to make a raised bed salsa garden... I saw this video and now I need to add "start to make Bonsai" to my list for this summer. Thanks!
Today is my first day on my bonsai journey, nana ficus was given to me and some compost, I just planted it. This takes a lot of commitment and patience. I hope I get to see the end. Thanks for this video, now I understand I don't need so many tools and not overthink.
Having been exposed very little to bonsai, it's an absolutely incredible thing to consider the commitment of nurturing and loving a plant to beauty over 25 years with such fastidious planning and careful cultivation. As a young person, it feels like such a daunting thing, yet it's so awe inspiring, to the point that I feel motivated to try something so long term and grand. Thank you for sharing and teaching, I've liked and subscribed, and will now likely spend my next free moments enjoying the rest of your channel and what you have teach.
This is the best Bonsai channel I've found! Very educational, useful information without all the unnecessary diatribe most RUclipsrs force me to endure. Thank you!
Presne v tom.veku jsem.ored 40 lety zacala. Chce to trpelivost, vytrvalost a co nejmene cestovat. Bonsaje musite obhlednout, pripadne zalevat kazdy den😊. Hidne stest a uspechu
Yo I'm 33 (34 in July) and I wana start too! Not sure what trees tho?? I definitely wana do exotic trees since I'm gana spend the time doing it I suppose
@@milenaruzickova8026вот это правда. Уезжаешь на неделю оставляешь на мужа а душа болит. Не про мужа, он дорогу до холодильника знает и может попить и поесть .а про своих бонсаек.
Thank for you sharing your secerts and keeping reninforcing your 3 foundations and metnioning them again. Loving watching these videos, they are peaceful and informing
Your Bonsai tree looks incredible, and you're very informative. Thank you for your time and wisdom. I hope you continue to make bonsai videos for 100 more years.
Im starting my bonsai journey and came across your channel. With all the channels out there, I find myself coming back to this one the most. Thank you for sharing your wisdom!
thank you milton. love these progression videos. makes the big beautiful bonsai tree making "magic" easy to understand for people that are newer to the hobby
Im new to bonsai and this video helped me so much to understand how to prune the tree to get that thick trunk! Thank you! This deserves a subscription!!
Thanks a lot. I am going to change my method. I just prepared afew maples a few weeks ago. I will be more drastic with the last one and see the results in few years.
This guy reminds me of my father who also has such a genuine love for plants and the art for growing and it makes my heart warm 🥰 Thank you for sharing such wonderful knowledge!
I stumbled upon this video, and I wasn't more than 2 minutes into it before I hit the subscribe button...I have always wanted to learn how to nurture a Bonsai after seeing some gorgeous Jade plants at my local nursery, some of which are over 60 years old. I'm 56 now, so I am going to get a move on...thank you for the wonderful video, and I'm looking forward to watching more of them!
Thank you for posting this video, and sharing your knowledge and techniques. I now have a new appreciation and respect for how much thought, care and time goes in this form of art. Hope you have a long and healthy life to see this tree become a full 25 years bonsai 👍🖖
This is a very therapeutic hobby. I have two different red acer pulmatums, a blood good and a crimson queen that I have been working with for a year now. They were both bought as 24" saplings. Wow how they have changed with trimming and being kept in a shallow pot over a year. I am looking forward to the next several years of shaping and spending time with these trees.
I've spent a good amount of the night trying to find a "good bonsai video" to curb my ever-changing rabbit hole of curiosity about bonsai... In this case, it was me thinking about and *needing* a big... BEEEEEG bonsai. This wasn't even necessarily about that-a 'big, beeeeg bonsai', no, but the gorgeous trunk was still amazing, trust-but this is the only bonsai video I watched through-and-through. The way this man expresses his thoughts and holds himself, his cadence, too. Love it
Thank you. I appreciate you giving your rationale as you actually move through the processes, it helps me see , in my mind's eye where you can go with it. I never saw anyone explain the root, or the redirection in planting! Fantastic teaching
This was amazing, always wanted to learn about growing bonsai's. The idea intrigued me and the discipline to transform something living into a piece of art over the course of many years seems like an amazing form of personal spiritual reflection.
I really appreciate all the advice shared!! I was gifted an assortment of 100 maples seeds, Osakazuki, acer palmatum, and assorted. Stratifying them in the fridge for this spring and looking forward to the journey! I'll definitely have to plant some in the ground. And I'll be looking to rescue any landscaping rejects I find to get a jump start on an older tree. 😊
I chose Ozakasuki as my anchor tree for my garden, along with Chinese Hackberry. They have beautiful red color when the weather condition is right. You have good taste
Was given a few trident maple seedlings a couple years ago. Been thinking about how I was going to shape them. Looks like at least 2 are getting the chop. Thank you for the informative video. Getting the like and subscribe.
I got in trouble by my wife last time I trimmed our plants, I told her I’m bonsaing it she was like “what!” So I had to explain and she wasn’t getting it so for now on I’m going to use only certain plants that she approves of. Lol Thanks for the content!
Thank you very much. I enjoy your videos and am on a little journey myself, as my granddaughter brought me a little bonsia tree about 6 months ago now, and I love it. I'm looking forward to more of your videos. 😊
What a fantastic tree thanks for all the trees that you have that you shared with us and the information on how you got the seedling from seed to them being that spectacular
Sir, I really hope you reach hundred and more years, so we can admire your skills and knowledge which result in such a magnificent trees! Warmest greetings!
I think your a badass and seriously the only person i watch concerning this topic. I am nearing 50 and just picked up this hobby, though I do have high hopes. One of them is cultivating mesquite and pecan bonsai trees. Those being the most populous in this area of Texas, and maybe a scrub or live oak or two lol. Live long and prosper my friend.💪
Thank you for a great video!!! Staying tuned for the finished product! I learned so much and was recently given a dying pine bonsai tree, currently trying to revive
Thank you much for this video sir! As a long time Bonsai lover i had no idea what process truly went into starting these projects off. Liked and subscribed!
Just started with a zalcova at 24 and I'm hoping to keep it well and healthy for as long as i can (as well as being a full time musician too so its gonna be quite the balancing act!)
I just discovered you on Instagram, leading me here. I really enjoy your videos, so informative and so helpful. I’ve only gotten serious about bonsai just in the last few years, and I truly enjoy learning all I can. I’m only looking to be a well informed hobbyist, not a professional, but I still want my trees to look respectable. This video answered some major questions for me, and I can’t wait to try to put this knowledge into practice. Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom and experience. I’ll have to make the time to watch all of your videos. 🙏🏻
I'm glad you're enjoying bonsai! It really is a wonderful hobby. If you ever have any questions, please feel free to ask them and I will do my best to help.
This has got to be one of the most rewarding hobbies in the world.
It is!
They don't just give it to ya.
I recently got my son a bonsai that we care for together on his 9th birthday! It's not too late to start and surprisingly it's not a massive cost either. We got our 3 year old Rock Juniper for 30 dollars :)
Only if you start young,.
Yes, until the day that you have to sell them because of your age....
I am 66 now. When I was 40 I started with few Japanese maples, I had like 15 small bonsais. I had a Japanese maple that was 15 years a beautiful pine etc. During my divorce at 50 , I left my trees in the house with the sprinklers connected like always. I couldn’t no get to the house for 3 weeks. Finally I got there to pick up my trees and moved and I was devastated. My ex husband disconnected the water and my trees were all dead. I cried in front of them for a while. My heart was broken.
Then during the pandemic I started again, I started with a nursery plant of a small cypress and seedlings of my big Japanese maple. I have 9 big Japanese trees taller than me in 5 to 6 years in big pots and beautiful young bonsais maybe 30 now that I care for them. I enjoy every minute. On the pots do really grow very fast and I fertilize every month.
I am 41 and I’m learning all I can about bonsai. It’s encouraging to hear your story and how you picked up your broken pieces and started again. Thanks for sharing that story. Wish you the best
That's very sad. I'm glad you were able to start over and have a lot of success
You are a determined. Good for you! Keep that up! you have more years ahead of you…and a lot can happen to make your trees heirloom.
Je dobre se nevzdat sveho hobby. Za 40 let pestovani jsem prisla vlastnimi chybami o dost bonsaji, dokonce mi zlodej ukradl 7 bonsaji, presto pokracuji. Jsem 70+.
Zdravim z Ceske rebubliky🙂😂
Just after 3 weeks???!!!
I’m 23 and I just started my Bonsai journey with two rescues from the grocery store, thank you for sharing your knowledge I’m excited to see where this hobby takes me
That sounds like a great start! Please let me know if you have any questions.
You will be surprised how time flies. It will be nice to have a bonsai making the journey with you ❤
what did you get from the grocery store?
@@andrizzle245 I’m not 100% sure, they are both just labeled as ‘bonsai’ though they look rather different. One is bright green with a light coloured trunk, leaves with three almost tooth like rounded edges at the ends and it makes little green flowers. The other is darker in all respects with fully rounded leaves that remind me of a shoehorn in shape. They both like lots of light and moderate water
@@MegaElectriceyes The one with the little green flowers sounds like a tea tree (maybe fuiken, or something like that?). The other could be a Ginseg Ficus. It is very common in grocery stores. Does it have somewhat bulbous looking trunk and branches?
I think it’s beautiful and sad at the same time that you and many other bonsai artists know that the time it takes to create a master bonsai may extend your own life span. I really hope you live longer than 100 so you can see your new tree develop into another master bonsai! Good job and thanks for sharing. I am now 41 and it encourages me to be more patient and make better decisions moving forward with my life and new hobby.
I am an eternal optimist😊
Not sad...it is good that we leave something good behind for other people to enjoy. For sure can't take it with us.
im glad i started this hobby as early as i am. ill be 26 next month so hopefully ill have some nice trees in many years time
Amazing! You are going to make some magnificent bonsai heirlooms :-)
hows it going?
I suspect the main trick is waiting about 22 years.
😂i have been trying the last 15 years!
I think the California sun helps, too. I have dozens of trident maples in the ground in washington state. They aren't that big, other than. The ones I didn't prune. It's been 20 years!
That's exactly what I got from it! That and I should have known I wanted to make tiny trees when I was around 3 yrs old. 🤦🏻♀️
I mean, it’s exaclty what he says. This is just the start.
Being 50, the prospect of having a specimen like Milton has is slim lol. Unless I drop 20k. I do wish mame weren't so hard to keep. You can have magnificent mame trident maples in 5 years. But man they are a pain in thr butt to care for!
Thank you so much. I want to grow 4 trees to give to my sons when I die. I appreciate all your teachings.
I'm sure you will create wonderful bonsai heirlooms for them!
I'm 19 and got a ficus gibseng bonsai tree at a hardware store last weekend. It just smiled at me the right way and I brought ir home. Stumbling upon channels like these is nice, you can see the passion and time that was put in these trees. I'm looking forward to seeing my little ficus grow :)
I’m 34 and just starting my bonsai journey. Your videos are so helpful and inspiring. Thank you 🙏🏼
I'm happy you're getting into bonsai! Feel free to let me know if you have any questions!
Beautiful tree! I am amazed by the patience and dedication that goes into this art. I started my Bonsai journey last year. I ordered a 3 year old Chinese Elm, and I dug up a Crepe Myrtle and a Eastern Redbud and put them in pots. Hopefully I can keep everything alive for years to come so I can create something this beautiful!
I dug up a small Wisteria vine from across the street as well, since those make beautiful Bonsai. It is extremely invasive here, so it's not difficult to find!
even if i wasn't interested in bonsai, if listen to this man. So calm.
I just started my journey into the art of bonsai. Im a recovering addict and was turned onto bonsai in art therapy in rehab as a coping mechanism. I always been a gardener and that has always taught me patience so I thought id give bonsai a try because you have to be patient. I got a bonsai kit for my birthday and I been looking into the pros and cons of the different species of trees. 1:22 Did you say trident Maples grow rapidly? Thats one of the species that came with my kit. Thank you for sharing your knowledge. 🙏🏾🌲
I have a maple tree in a pot that is 3 years old and about 3 feet tall. I cut it back last year and thought I cut it back too much but now I see I could have cut it more. Thanks for the tips.
Mini's are also a great way to do bonsai. Especially for those with limited space. They are fun to work with and keeps your imagination going as to what you can make. No matter what your age, they are fun to work with. Something easy, a geranium. Cheap and easy to do and fast growing and overwinters just fine. I have one that is 3 years old. Great showing the way you do your small tree to make it into a specimen. Excellent!
Yes...I will strive for a balance program. I just did a mini forest.
I thank you for your genuine nature and expertise. I began bonsai as stress therapy in my teens and now in my late-thirties, I have a full yard and many larger plants I refuse to throw out. Your video encouraged me to not only pick up a hobby I missed so much, but helped me realise I have an endless supply right in my own backyard.
Sounds like you have some great material to work with! :)
Same here. I learned about bonsai in art therapy when I was in rehab. It is such an awesome form of art to channel and distract from any negative energy. Even besides growing them, just sitting amongst bonsai trees and plants is so refreshing. I enjoy sitting in my vegetable garden and relaxing.
An hour ago I decided to make a raised bed salsa garden...
I saw this video and now I need to add "start to make Bonsai" to my list for this summer.
Have fun!
Today is my first day on my bonsai journey, nana ficus was given to me and some compost, I just planted it. This takes a lot of commitment and patience. I hope I get to see the end. Thanks for this video, now I understand I don't need so many tools and not overthink.
Welcome to bonsai! You got this!
Having been exposed very little to bonsai, it's an absolutely incredible thing to consider the commitment of nurturing and loving a plant to beauty over 25 years with such fastidious planning and careful cultivation. As a young person, it feels like such a daunting thing, yet it's so awe inspiring, to the point that I feel motivated to try something so long term and grand. Thank you for sharing and teaching, I've liked and subscribed, and will now likely spend my next free moments enjoying the rest of your channel and what you have teach.
I am excited that more young people are getting into bonsai! It is a wonderful hobby and I wish you the best of luck!
This is the best Bonsai channel I've found! Very educational, useful information without all the unnecessary diatribe most RUclipsrs force me to endure.
Thank you!
Glad you like my videos! Have fun with your bonsai!
I am glad I am starting at 33 (34 this year) as I will have a couple of nice trees by the time I am 50 :)
Presne v tom.veku jsem.ored 40 lety zacala. Chce to trpelivost, vytrvalost a co nejmene cestovat. Bonsaje musite obhlednout, pripadne zalevat kazdy den😊. Hidne stest a uspechu
Yo I'm 33 (34 in July) and I wana start too! Not sure what trees tho?? I definitely wana do exotic trees since I'm gana spend the time doing it I suppose
@mikeg1032 exotic plants go for exotic mistakes and exotic results, you shoud start with more resistent and more easy an manageable trees
@@milenaruzickova8026вот это правда. Уезжаешь на неделю оставляешь на мужа а душа болит. Не про мужа, он дорогу до холодильника знает и может попить и поесть .а про своих бонсаек.
same same but different
Thank for you sharing your secerts and keeping reninforcing your 3 foundations and metnioning them again. Loving watching these videos, they are peaceful and informing
Thank you kindly!
Your Bonsai tree looks incredible, and you're very informative. Thank you for your time and wisdom. I hope you continue to make bonsai videos for 100 more years.
Thank you for your support!
Im starting my bonsai journey and came across your channel. With all the channels out there, I find myself coming back to this one the most. Thank you for sharing your wisdom!
Glad that you like it.
This is how you shape it… completely cuts it off…. See it’s straight now, you can’t see the curve. 😂😂😂 👌 love it
thank you milton. love these progression videos. makes the big beautiful bonsai tree making "magic" easy to understand for people that are newer to the hobby
You can do it!
Im new to bonsai and this video helped me so much to understand how to prune the tree to get that thick trunk! Thank you! This deserves a subscription!!
Glad it was helpful!
Thanks a lot. I am going to change my method. I just prepared afew maples a few weeks ago. I will be more drastic with the last one and see the results in few years.
This guy is a treasure!
This guy reminds me of my father who also has such a genuine love for plants and the art for growing and it makes my heart warm 🥰 Thank you for sharing such wonderful knowledge!
Thank you!!
I appreciated the clear advice.
Best explanation ... ever!!!
I would have never guessed these different types of bonsai techniques. Awesome.
Now you know! :)
What a beautiful introduction to the mystery of creating these stunning bonsais. Thank you so much, Milton!
Great demonstration of your technique Milton. Thanks for sharing your secrets!
I stumbled upon this video, and I wasn't more than 2 minutes into it before I hit the subscribe button...I have always wanted to learn how to nurture a Bonsai after seeing some gorgeous Jade plants at my local nursery, some of which are over 60 years old. I'm 56 now, so I am going to get a move on...thank you for the wonderful video, and I'm looking forward to watching more of them!
Thank you for the support! If you have any questions, please feel free to ask!
I'm just getting started in Bonsai. Thank you for the videos.
Thank you for posting this video, and sharing your knowledge and techniques. I now have a new appreciation and respect for how much thought, care and time goes in this form of art. Hope you have a long and healthy life to see this tree become a full 25 years bonsai 👍🖖
This is a very therapeutic hobby. I have two different red acer pulmatums, a blood good and a crimson queen that I have been working with for a year now. They were both bought as 24" saplings. Wow how they have changed with trimming and being kept in a shallow pot over a year. I am looking forward to the next several years of shaping and spending time with these trees.
Have fun with your bonsai! :)
@@bonsaiheirloom thank you, I'm still a novice compared to you but I'm gaining experience and I love it
Thank you sir! Very clear and precise instructions. I have a Japanese maple started this year and will follow you!
Great! Let me know how it goes with your japanese maple!
I've spent a good amount of the night trying to find a "good bonsai video" to curb my ever-changing rabbit hole of curiosity about bonsai... In this case, it was me thinking about and *needing* a big... BEEEEEG bonsai. This wasn't even necessarily about that-a 'big, beeeeg bonsai', no, but the gorgeous trunk was still amazing, trust-but this is the only bonsai video I watched through-and-through. The way this man expresses his thoughts and holds himself, his cadence, too. Love it
Thank you for sharing your bonsai. I am so grateful to watch your master skill.
I hope you do live,
to 100 and more cos,
that was great, thank you!
Cuts of branch. "See, now its totally straight." 😂😂
I was dying off that one, great video 🤣
5 minute past he cut that entire part of the tree😂😂😂
Thank you. I appreciate you giving your rationale as you actually move through the processes, it helps me see , in my mind's eye where you can go with it. I never saw anyone explain the root, or the redirection in planting! Fantastic teaching
Glad you found this helpful! Thanks for watching!
Bonsai, the only craft and art that is everchanging and more rewarding than everything else.
I agree!
That was nothing short of amazing. Thank you.
Mad respect for that beautiful tree you got there. Godspeed and many good years to you sir.
This was amazing, always wanted to learn about growing bonsai's. The idea intrigued me and the discipline to transform something living into a piece of art over the course of many years seems like an amazing form of personal spiritual reflection.
Thank you! Best wishes to you and your bonsai!
I really appreciate all the advice shared!! I was gifted an assortment of 100 maples seeds, Osakazuki, acer palmatum, and assorted. Stratifying them in the fridge for this spring and looking forward to the journey! I'll definitely have to plant some in the ground. And I'll be looking to rescue any landscaping rejects I find to get a jump start on an older tree. 😊
I chose Ozakasuki as my anchor tree for my garden, along with Chinese Hackberry. They have beautiful red color when the weather condition is right.
You have good taste
May I live that long to see the growth of my bonsai …I am 78 😂😂😂😂
Was given a few trident maple seedlings a couple years ago. Been thinking about how I was going to shape them. Looks like at least 2 are getting the chop.
Thank you for the informative video. Getting the like and subscribe.
They will turn out great!
Absolutely, thank you so much for sharing!
I got in trouble by my wife last time I trimmed our plants, I told her I’m bonsaing it she was like “what!”
So I had to explain and she wasn’t getting it so for now on I’m going to use only certain plants that she approves of. Lol
Thanks for the content!
the only video I've seen so far that really taught me something. Thank you
I appreciate you sharing your bonsai secrets.
Thank you for watching!
Thank you very much.
I enjoy your videos and am on a little journey myself, as my granddaughter brought me a little bonsia tree about 6 months ago now, and I love it.
I'm looking forward to more of your videos. 😊
Thanks for your support!
@@bonsaiheirloom you are more than welcome. 😊
Pvc cutters does wonders for large branches nice clean cuts.. Great video BTW thankyou for sharing
I love your videos! Thank you.
I have sent a couple of emails to you this morning.
I will be in your area tomorrow
What a fantastic tree thanks for all the trees that you have that you shared with us and the information on how you got the seedling from seed to them being that spectacular
Just take time to mkae incremental improvements. Thanks!
Sir, I really hope you reach hundred and more years, so we can admire your skills and knowledge which result in such a magnificent trees! Warmest greetings!
I absolutely love your watch. That casio is sometin special😊
Appreciate you sharing your secrets wise master... I shall pick up the torch where you set it, and pass it on in time.
Thank you very much... I got into gardening last year and I suddenly had a peek of intrigue for Bonsai! Thank you for the informative video! :)
Wonderful! I'm so glad more people are getting into bonsai!
Thank you for sharing your knowledge.
That tree is amazing!
i like the way you explain things.
Thank you!
Thank you for sharing your story and knowledge with us.
Thanks for listening!
Would love to see the year update on this one!
Awesome video - I just learned so much I've been wondering about my trees forever! Thank you!
You´re a master, thank you for sharing your knowledge with the world. I wish you many more years full of happiness and health.
Thank you very much!
I think your a badass and seriously the only person i watch concerning this topic. I am nearing 50 and just picked up this hobby, though I do have high hopes. One of them is cultivating mesquite and pecan bonsai trees. Those being the most populous in this area of Texas, and maybe a scrub or live oak or two lol. Live long and prosper my friend.💪
Thank you, James!
How to turn 3 year old tree to 25 year old bonsai => wait for 22 years
Thank you mister, your video was Very informative and you are good to it
Thank you so much, I love your videos, I am new to the hobby and still learning, your videos are such a joy to watch and very informative!!
Great! You will make great bonsai!
Thank you for a great video!!! Staying tuned for the finished product! I learned so much and was recently given a dying pine bonsai tree, currently trying to revive
You can do it!
Fascinating. I've had several very very young bonsai but never knew what to do with them so they eventually died.
thank you so much for the lesson. so helpful
Very informative how to. Gives you a great perspective into the art of bonsai. Thanks so much!
Glad you enjoyed it!
Just getting into this. You explain things very well. I subbed and liked.
Thank you!
Thank you much for this video sir! As a long time Bonsai lover i had no idea what process truly went into starting these projects off. Liked and subscribed!
Thanks for sharing all your experience.
Thank you for watching!
I liked the video at the first "handy dandy" and subscribed at the second one. Thanks for this great video!
Just started with a zalcova at 24 and I'm hoping to keep it well and healthy for as long as i can (as well as being a full time musician too so its gonna be quite the balancing act!)
Best of luck to you!
Excellent explanation good sir! Subbed.
Great lesson, this is awesome! looking forward to more videos. Thank you!
Thank you for sharing your techniques, doc.
Someday you will share with others! Propagation!
Glad you like them!
Thank You for the lesson 🙏🌞
Thank you for sharing. Greatly appreciated.
awesome, thanks for sharing your knowledge
Thank you for sharing your secrets with us!
My pleasure!
Thanks for another great video. I appreciate your demonstrations on how you are able to produce such nice trees.
Thanks! Now you can do the same!
the confidence to chop all that down knowing you know what you're doing
thank you very much im discovering a new world
Thank you so much 🙏 this helped me a lot
Glad it helped!
I just discovered you on Instagram, leading me here. I really enjoy your videos, so informative and so helpful. I’ve only gotten serious about bonsai just in the last few years, and I truly enjoy learning all I can. I’m only looking to be a well informed hobbyist, not a professional, but I still want my trees to look respectable. This video answered some major questions for me, and I can’t wait to try to put this knowledge into practice. Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom and experience. I’ll have to make the time to watch all of your videos. 🙏🏻
I'm glad you're enjoying bonsai! It really is a wonderful hobby. If you ever have any questions, please feel free to ask them and I will do my best to help.
❤❤❤ Amazing how you can do wonders with little cut here and there. 👍
Very insightful. Thank you for taking the time to share with all of us.
Glad you enjoyed it!
Amazing ❤❤❤ thank you so much
I always wonder how they made them this was interesting and good video nice job