Fuck yeah NOW we're talking!
Okay, this is a fair question! (Although IMHO it's couched in an unnecessarily bitchy tone.

) Let's examine the version history:
- -
Sep 4 2017: Female Agent 1.0
First version!
Sep 13 2017: Female Agent 1.1
First update! Adds faces to the avatars (previously they had no faces, just horrifying empty faces made of skin), and the ability to customise your agent's appearance (previously name, looks, nationality, Kink etc were randomly generated on startup).
Nov 28 2017: Female Agent 1.2
First sex scene! Previously the game ended just before the date with Max: this update added sex to the game. (The code created for this version is still the code used for all the sex scenes in the game.)
Mar 13 2018: Female Agent 1.3
Added Operation LIONESS to the game. This is the training mission in Scotland, where your agent visits three nightclubs and seduces three civilians as prep for Bangkok, culminating in the wet t-shirt contest at Oceana.
1.3 got 21 updates.
25 Feb 2019: Female Agent 1.4
Created RPG rules system – stats, skills, XP. Added the Lifepath, allowing players to set their agent's unique backstory from childhood, through university, and their agency career before starting the mission.
1.4 got 10 updates.
23 Aug 2019: Female Agent 1.5
Avatar upgrade: all avatar art redrawn in HD resolution. Added customisable facial features, rear view, body types, etc.
1.5 got 8 updates.
Soon: Female Agent 1.6
New system for sex scenes.
- -
So looking at those dates leads us to an interesting discussion.
Were all those versions necessary?
Here's my thinking:
If I'd gone to Bangkok right after 1.0:
There'd have been no character customisation, and your agent wouldn't have a face. Just a haunting
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If I'd gone to Bangkok right after 1.1:
There'd be no sex in the game.
If I'd gone to Bangkok right after 1.2:
The whole Corinthian/Cathouse/Oceana sequence (i.e. the sexiest part of the game) wouldn't exist.
If I'd gone to Bangkok right after 1.3:
There'd be no RPG rules – every character would be the same as every other character. Task resolution would be purely random in every scene. Every character would have a vague and generic backstory.
If I'd gone to Bangkok right after 1.4:
Avatars would be blurry, with identical faces, body types, no rear view, etc. (This could in theory be fixed later, but the longer it was left the bigger a task it became, and it already took ages.)
If I'd gone to Bangkok right after 1.5:
All sex scenes would be the same; no variation for situation, partner attractiveness, kinks, cock size, etc...every single sexual encounter in Bangkok being
"You touch his shoulder...He kisses your mouth..."
So I feel like there are three arguments here, two useful:
1) These updates weren't all necessary. This is a question of
design and I welcome challenges to my designs: in the past they've help me improve my designs (1.3 was
totally not part of my plan, it came from Dissonant Sountrack and esclavage). At the very least I feel that discussions about design help me explain what I'm trying to achieve better, which is good for all the fans.
If you want to argue design goals it's literally my favourite subject! HMU!
2) These updates took too long. This is a question of
efficiency and I desperately want to improve efficiency. I'm doing all kinds of experiments and speaking with consultants to help me speed up the dev cycle:
if you want to talk efficiency I'm interested, HMU!
3) The problem is that Crush works for an hour a day, if he worked 8 hours per day dev speed would increase 800%. This is not the problem, if you believe this you're wrong. This problem is imaginary, so coming up with ways to solve it is a waste of time.