Star Trek Prelude to Axanar
- Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
- Hi Im Orion Acaba, a Voice Actor from Los Angeles. I had the honor to play the Narrator John Gil in this amazing work- Star Trek: Prelude to Axanar! Thanks to everyone of you who has enjoyed it and for your words of encouragement!
Man, I felt like a kid again, sitting in front of the TV experiencing true Sci Fi. Very well done!!!!!
🖖😎👍Keep on Trekkin on and Forevermore!.
Blown away. Somebody needs to turn this into a series now!
Thanks for your excellent work as John Gill. You made us all understand why Kirk revered him.
Wow! Great story telling - I was drawn right in from very beginning. So glad you show us Garth before his descent into insanity. I definitely want more of this!
It's criminal that this story is not going to be allowed to be told in full.
Paramount and CBS should enter in to a join venture with this production team-- give them a budget and support and let them go to work.
And everyone will make a pile a money and the fans will get a rousing, top quality adventure. Now what's wrong with that? Pull your head out CBS...
This should be the template for the next series. I'm truly impressed and hope more will come from this. Make it so!
Still hurts me to my soul that Axanar got shot down. This IS Star Trek. The characters. The ships. The story. This could have been huge for all the right reasons instead of dividing and disappointing the Star Trek faithful as Abrams and STD have done. Still bitter that I'll likely never get to see it.
Axanar is moving forward! I'm so excited! Now we get to see what happens!
every time i watch this film, it gets better....
Magnificent! In my opinion, this honors Gene Roddenberry's legacy much better than the Abrams approach: rather than rewriting the original universe, this actually *adds* to it!
And then the documentary style of telling about the conflict afterwards, instead of dramatizing the events as seen during the conflict itself... It does not really have a Trekky feel to it, but it makes it seem much more real. Seeing Soval back, remembering something that I think Shran could have said after his dealings with Archer. Pure gold!
Because of Soval, it's clear to me that this *must* have taken place anywhere between the Archer and Picard eras. I have trouble deciding where to place it in relation to Kirk's time, though.
Anyway, this is brilliant. I could live with more of this.
The ship being built at Axanar is the Enterprise and Vulcans live a long time. So its probably 5 or so years before Pike took command of the ship as he wasn't the first captain.
I remember reading a novel about the first Constitution class ship going missing with kirks father on it. Not sure if it was canon. Or kirks father went missing on the USS Constitution my memory is fuzzy on the details.
This would have occured prior to Kirk becoming captain of the Enterprise. In the original series, in an episode called 'Whom Gods Destroy', Kirk encountered Garth when he was an inmate at Elba II - a facility for the criminally insane.
Just watched this epic mini movie for the first time after a friend told me about it. Wow wow wow!!!!!!! this is the best Star Trek movie to date and it was done by amatures for no profit,that's just bloody awsome. I think what CBS have done with thier law suit is just petty jealousy and just goes to show how small minded corporations like them really are. CBS stop crying because a bunch of dedicated amatures did a better job than you have and get on board and make this movie official,this is what a Star Trek movie should be like.
I am saddened that I have only just found this film now, in 2018 instead of when it was originally made. I like this documentary more than most of what Paramount has produced for this franchise in the last ten years. This is a fantastic piece, and I can only understand CBS/Paramount blocking this work out of shame, because it exceeds their attempts at story-line and rivals their televised special effects. This is more than an fan fiction, it is a work of art.
The Hollywood influence upon Gene Roddenberry's STAR TREK has been one big stinking colossal f*ckup after anoth er. Even Roddenberry's original was marred with devastating concessions to Hollywood's belief that they, and only they, knew what the American people wanted and could "comprehend." Roddenberry had to lie and deceive to keep STAR TREK alive and in production. But in the end STAR TREK fell into Hollywood's disgusting hands and as always the consequences were just that, disgusting. This "PRELUDE to AXANAR" is the only thing that I have seen that truly captures the original feel of Gene Roddenberry's original STAR TREK. And predictably Hollywood has done everything in it's power to suppress it. I have to honestly say that as a child of the nineteen sixties STAR TREK influenced who I was and who I became as an adult. Nothing aside from my parents has held such an influence over me. I am not merely disgusted, frustrated and saddened by what Hollywood has done to Star Trek I am infuriated that they will not let go of Star Trek and allow those who have proven that they know how to capture and thus resume the true intent that Roddenberry envisioned for his greatest creation STAR TREK and finish AXANAR and then continue the series. Not content with taking part, they want it all and have full control.Their arrogance is intolerable. My argument is that Star Trek has grown beyond any one person's or group's control. Forty years of Star Trek and still a huge demand by the people, Star Trek belongs now to the fans and not Paramount, Hollywood or anyone else.
It is January 2018 and Hollywood's arrogance and perversion has long last caught up with them. It seems that at every turn yet another scandal rocks the Hollywood movie industry and the filthy, perverted sub-culture of sexual criminal deviants that have for too long held power over the US entertainment industry. I can only quietly hope and pray that the disgusting Hollywood giants will fall and those like the makers of STAR TREK "PRELUDE to AXANAR" can continue their quality work and finally begin to provide the American people and the world with high quality, virtuous entertainment.
I'm an old star trek fan (but not a fanatic) and had never heard of this...I must say this production is the best Star Trek production I have ever seen...I sure wish they'd do a movie about this subject with these actors and this director and screenplay writer...just tremendous.
It's a fan-made movie, sir.
***** Yes I understand that...just stating how well it was done.
I understand that some of the production work was done by some of the actors in the movie. But Paramount made a big mistake in baking this venture with a little cash in exchange for some credits. It would've gone a long way to assuring a strong fan base for any of the Franchise theatre productions.
Outstanding job!! This is what Star Trek is all about. I really hope full production is allowed to happen. This is probably one of the best storylines ever and fills in the gap on the details regarding the Federation and Klingon war.
So much more true to the original Star Trek vision than anything Paramount ever released, and superbly acted.
Damn, that is good stuff everytime I see it. How dare CBS try to sink such art and genius!
Garth, you glorious lunatic. Rock on!
Ramirez, I was sick for ten solar days after I ate that Denebian slime worm. You still owe me 20 quatloos!
THIS is what star trek should have evolved into. If this could be made into a TV series, it would be the best star trek ever hands down. I loved all the actors, such a great job from everyone involved. This is true star trek as it should be. Absolutely amazing. I am blown away by this. Watching this made me feel like a kid again, bringing me back into the star trek universe and setting free my imagination of space, the final frontier!
I think the federation wouldn't be this incompetent. They would put up a better fight with the Klingons.
I think that the studio that produced this should give up on Star Trek based productions and create their own vision of the future. As FarScape, Firefly, Babalon 5 and "The Expanse" have shown, there are other venues to explore. The Ky Vatta/ "Trading in Danger" and "Honor Harrington" series might be available options. Or just do something like the Orville series, but make it more serious and scientifically accurate.
There are other options than Star Trek.
Brilliant!!! I agree. There is a major gap in the sci-fi space at the moment and I mean serious sci-fi shows. Just watching this clip gave me goose bumps not only because of the excellent acting and brilliant cinematography, but also because it held true to what the different races were and the fact that UFP/Star Fleet did not have a dedicated battle ship when this started - (***** - holding true to the fact that war was not the primary objective and that their hand was forced - ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?!?!?! It just doesn't get better than that). This narrative brings back the glory of innovative and genuine from the heart story telling that fires up the imagination. It sticks to the original precepts of what the UFP is and holds true to that theme and ties in with the time lines and I won't say anything about changing the features of races that we have come to know and accept (WTH!!!!) - which in turn has completely changed the dynamics of inter-species relationships. So if we can get the rest of this story (maybe change some things for copyright) and it plays in a cinema I will go and watch it. I am not rich in any form or fashion but I will share, share, share, share. Word of mouth is a powerful ally and that is the least I can do for this brilliant, ahead of it's time, piece of work - IMHO.
"This narrative brings back the glory of innovative and genuine from the heart story telling that fires up the imagination."
Could we get someone to write a fictionalized future of Elon Musk's plan to colonize Mars? Something like a prequel of "The Expanse."
But nope, instead, we get gay couples kissing..., Because that's what STD (s. transmitted. D.) is all about now... 😕
WOW, enjoyed these 20 min. more than the whole season of Discovery. CBS should take note and learn from these masters. This is how you make Star Trek relevant again.
2023...and this is STILL some of the very best of Star trek!🥰
Every actor & person involved should be both very proud of what they made...and very sad that more was not made, they deserved this one...we ALL deserved this one!
(The acting, story and law...all just beyond incredible!! - Kia Kaha!!)
R.I.P. Richard Hatch. I am glad that you were able to be part of this before you had to leave.
Wish he could have gotten his version of BSG as well...Similar situation.
Holy fuck! I first thought "what does he have to do with this" then as that sat in the back of my head I watched how that Klingon said his lines and it dawned on me.
Just found this. My apologies for a late awareness. Simply.... Brilliant.
I feel Gene Roddenberry's vision is better served by Axanar than the Abrams reboot. Starfleet officers are truly like Ramirez and Garth. They'll fight a vicious war without ever losing sight of the purpose and promise of the Federation. These actors and film makers have this vision. As far as I'm concerned this is the real Star Trek.
Amen! you said so well and right on point! The JJ Trek movies are NOT Star Trek! Good movies just not Star Trek.
forget abrams the new movies are great because of the actors and their dedication abrams is a bit of a joke but the new movies are great. Course STD is absolute trash now.
The evil predators who run Hollywood were, in my mind unwilling to continue the Star Trek legacy of promoting honor, respect and love of country (or planet)! They want chaos! They want sexual depravity and the certainly DON'T WANT young people admiring older people who can actually show them the way to be free! Oh no! That has to go at any price! Weill I say NOW IS THE TIME FOR THEM TO PAY THE PRICE! Let their studios collapse! Let them loose Billions on failed movies! Let their elite like H. Weinstein be exposed for the depraved lunetics they are! And let the Star Trek Franchise wither and die unless they realize that Star Trek is OURS! They spit in Roddenberry's face with their sick, stupidity! Wonderful to watch them collapse!
Of course you are right! Now let's get real! Those who rejected this wonderful portrait of Roddenberry's vision NEVER wanted young people to realize what greatness means! They want compliant slaves! They have failed big time! Now here on Earth my friend, is OUR AXINAR! There are no Klingons but there are Globalists! They DO NOT have the defence of the Earth in mind! They will soon try to fabricate an enemy from another world to trick us! It is all smoke and mirrors to allow these globalist psychopaths are trying every trick they have to enslave mankind! They HATE men and women of honor! They hate freedom for the people! They were too late! AXINAR has come down to Earth! The producer of this short had no idea how far reaching his brilliant work would be! Now let's kick some liberal Klingon ass!
Although I came into this late, while youtube surfing I came upon this? and thought! WOW if only they had the support and backing of a studio! this is indeed the vision Gene would embrace! The actors here were awesome, well chosen and knew how to make a script come to life! I am thankful for any attempt or reboot of the star trek legacy, but at times when I see developments like this! I think damn! who in Hollywood are not paying the fuck attention! Axanar! thought and concept is absolutely brilliant!
Really well done. That’s a show, grabbed me right away, great effects.
It is not surprising that Paramount is scared. The whole industry should be! If this is what "amateurs" can do, what will happen to the pros? Wow! Excellent work, great story telling. I want to see more.
You are right, forget about star trek right now. If you get competent film makers with kick starter campaigns thrown in there can make some amazing low budget films.
Also think about the Star Citizen video game, people are getting fucking sick of the suits. If the Axanar team created a stand alone science fiction film i bet they could get crowed funding... LOL make Axanar without the star trek name, just rename every species and make the ships close enough to just pass copy right laws.
This is AWESOME stuff!
I can't agree 👍 more! I want to see this as a new series not a motion picture but a full run story line!
I totally agree with your idea. Move away from Star Trek but keep the basic underlying tenets....good action, stories, some themes that make you think, and things that make you want to watch. That's what I am doing with my little film, not based on anything, but doing what I want to do and would like to see.
So The Orville? lol
i would love a whole series in this format, narrating events of the federations history.
I have watched this several times and still get goose bumps. I am so glad that this is moving forward and can't wait to see what happens next.
I had no idea that Orion was the narrator. OMG! Vox Machina!
Well no wonder the Federation did so poorly, they had two Klingon spies in high office. :P
This looks amazing!
+cryofpaine This is how a Star Trek movie should be made. A new way of storytelling without throwing away or forgetting the source material/lore. Hear that Jar Jar Abrams...
But I hope they make a sequel or different movie with this production quality but to go back told style Roddenberry Trek: To explore and boldly go where no man has gone before...
just what I was thinking :)
just what I was thinking :)
Oh my God! How did I not know about this? Finally, Star Trek I want to watch again!
I tell you, I have watched this one numerous times and I am more impressed on the quality, grit, and awesome production of this short film! CBS seriously dropped the ball by passing on this one! If they had picked this series, they would have broken records on the number of people signing up for CBS Access!!! Great job on the writing, production and all around story! This IS TRUE STAR TREK!!!!!!
Wow, now that Star Wars is dead in the water here comes something worth fighting for! Well done everyone! Magnificent!
Wow been a fan forever and this is awesome best of luck with this project it looks amazing great vision congratulations!!!!
This is Star Trek, it is not too late. We need it yesterday.
Make it so.
kawafahra ENGAGE
That was really freakin' cool. I didn't even know this existed, but I'll definitely be waiting excitedly for the full production.
Wonderful! Best Star Trek Ever!
This guy should jump on a franchise deal. Awesome storytelling!!!!! Thanks for the entertainment! 😎
this is really good, I'm thoroughly enjoying myself, great acting, even better story line, Thankyou, who ever, you are
Tony Todd and J.G. Hertzler were always some of my beloved actors from Trek. Watching these guys is pure entertainment alone.
this is truly what Star Trek should be like!
I'm impressed that these actors would come together to do this short movie. Cheers to them.
Good grief!!! Did I just crawl out from underneath a rock! This short is absolutely fantastic! It really does portray the true heart of the Federation. I have subsequently read about the lawsuit and how it has sadly squashed any chances of a followup production. In my opinion this totally reflects what the true canon of Star Trek should be. Absolutely stellar production!
This is Star Trek at the core! A series based on this plot would be legendary!
Need to start a petition...this needs to get done
This is so AMAZING!
Thanks to everybody who has contributed to this great movie.
You are the real saviors of Star Trek!
The creators of the so called reboot and STD should be ashamed
if they are looking at your great work, I would love to see how
it's going on.
Keep on going!
Good grief! What an amazing job on this mini movie!
Diomedes01 CBS got a whole lot of. butt hurt. So sad that they didn't co opt this and produce it.
Just......Yes!!! Finally we get to see the actual war with the Klingons as the main topic of a Star Trek film! Thanks so much!
Better ship design in this than that new show Discovery.
Jeff Hogan well, to be fair...We did have most of our crew consist of TNG, DS9, and Voyager alumni,
need more episodes of this. Fast, engaging, fresh. Loved every second of it!
The radiating excellence from an obvious labor of love. Outstanding job, I just wish there were more.
I guess we all agree that is a complete and utter outrage that the corporate suits won't allow this thing to come to fruition. DAMN, IT JIM!! Why, oh why can't they come to a profit~sharing agreement, in essence, a licensing agreement? I'll argue this: Fans will go see Axanar in droves - huge numbers - and they'll, perhaps with less enthusiasm, ALSO get a fix of Trek by seeing the next reboot film: nobody needs to lose. Let's be honest, with ourselves: if it is Star Trek, we want to see it. We may grumble, but to be back in the Federation, back in that wonderful dream that is ultimately optimistic ~ yes, we'll go. These nincompoops 'upstairs' still don't realise how fertile the soil they till really is. It can grow more than one crop.
I love your critique even though I disagree. I think a movie like this would siphon off the audience for another reboot film. Rightly so.
GOD DAMN, THIS WAS FANTASTIC! Beats the crap out of what Hollywood's been giving us!
This is my third time watching this I love it
What did I just watch?? OMG I WANT MORE!! CBS and Paramount BE AFRAID, BE VERY AFRAID
AHHHH! I wish I could watch the battle of Axanr so bad now.Awsome short mopvie! Loved It!!!
I can see why the lawsuit now. First rate. Absolutely top grade. Give me more. If they are too stupid to back this and make it official then to hell with them.
when fan films rip out of the throat of the so-called "official" crap and piss on the corpse. this destroys anything that std will ever be able to produce. and the god-like narration is top notch.
CthulhuChow THANK YOU!
Phenomenal! Netflix REALLY needs to make this studio a BIG offer...
An extraordinary vision of Star Trek. Thank You.
Orion, channeling a little bit of that History Channel mojo. Well done!
Wow Just WOW this is the real star trek we deserve.
I love how these 'amateurs' are lucky enough to get professional actors and actresses, phase 2 had sulu and janice rand.
Edit: (just finished watching it) MOAR!!! moremoremoremoremoremoremoremoremore..................
Good God this is awesome. Please Please give us more. This is engaging Trek. I enjoyed this more than just about all the Trek movies. Great Job.
Why hasn't this been put into production? man, would I love this whole timeline in detailed cinema. Probably the best movie ever for Star Trek.
Damn, I wish this was the Star Trek we got
This is what Discovery should have been instead of what we got.
Wow i know right!
This was a fair representation of star trek spirit. The federation has grit when the polish wears off during devastation... Not a SJW beta shininess.
Ahhhh. What was this? It was fantastic. I want more... Much more.
The scripting, acting, and screenplay in this are SO. FUCKING. POWERFUL. Oh my GOD. Damn onion-cutting ninjas 😭👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🤘🏼
Can someone tell me why wasn't this chosen to be the next Star Trek series? This was (no pun intended) light years better than Discovery! It was perfect canon and it was the perfect bridge between Enterprise and original series! You saw Captain Garth and his contribution to Starfleet history! But how come this was not the series! I would have signed up for CBS access in seconds, because it would have been worth it to see a series of the caliber!!!
Great fictitious documentary cant wait for the rest....more battle scenes!
This is 'TOP NOTCH' & 'GREAT'!!! Impressive!!!!
Best Fan film of any kind I've ever seen. Well done guys, really captured the spirit of war in the Star Trek Universe and I loved the documentary style used.
This was very well done.
This is so awesome! I couldn't stop watching!
Love it. I grew up on Star Trek this is the best addition hands down. They have to make a movie or better yet a mini series.
I want to watch this so bad.
DocPicklez this could of been a series by itself.
DocPicklez 1st.Mar.Div. oh come on what do Californian Marines know. But you got it right on this.
This , this is soo good ! They tell the story as if actually it happend and they have been there ! Amazing performance !
This totally kicks butt. I hope there is more to come in the near future.
Now this is that Star trek should be today not JJ,s BS i WANT this pls.
ironically enough JJ supported this, but Paramount and CBS still fucked it over...
Lost touch? I dont think they even know what fan base is. All they keep constant contact is their share holders.
The star trek movies are fine, its the new TV show that looks like shit.
JJ movies pretty much suck. The last one was better because he wasn't involved. Making Khan a white guy was inexcusable, and using the transporter to get to Kronos turned it from Science Fiction to Science Fantasy. JJ is such a huge Star Wars fan (not that there's anything wrong with that) that he tried to make Star Trek into Trek Wars. If those movies had nothing to do with Star Trek they would have been fine. They definitely were not Star Trek.
For years the standard for star trek has been Television quality even when taken to the big screen. From the stories to the acting to the the dialog. But this is a Star Trek who is what we have all wanted and needed but just didn't know it was possible. Truly the creation of art out of an old painted over canvas and tubes used finger paint.
Anyone who disagrees has lost the core of every episode of the Television show. Protect the weak at the at what ever the cost to the fleet and individuals who make up that fleet.
I could watch these kind of retelling of stories from StarTrek lore done in this style all day long.
happyness will never end... I'm crying inside... 🖖
The approach is very human, it’s more real, more gritty I can’t put my finger on it but I like it, this is the direction it should go now. Really liked it.
Ran across this by accident, but I must say...Wow!!!!! As a star trek fan, better than anything the creators have made lately.
This is the Star Trek I have known and loved by my experiences...
OMG I love this!!!! I know I just now found it after being released 3 years ago... but this is amazing!!
This was extremely well done. This needs to be a thing.
Absolutely wonderful! This really sends me back but also brought up to date really nice story acting music sound image. I cared about each character --- no overwhelming CGI really really nice.
This story drew me right in. It's real Star Trek, not the crap they're trying to pass off now. I really want to see this continue.
This made me want more, I can't wait, hurry hurry. Star Trek... the rightful progression of what happens to a mature canon of stories and its universe.
Yes this is truly a continuation of Star Trek that we Trekkers have to love. Live Long and Prosper. I can't wait to see the end of movie and see Garth kick some Klingon butt.
This historical outline should be fleshed out into a high budget mini series. Fascinating.
Absolutely AMAZING!! As others have said in the comments below, I feel the same way.... THIS is what Star Trek SHOULD have evolved into all along. They have had some real PANSIES in command of The Federation Starships since Capt. J.T.K.. In fact, ONLY Warf has had the balls that were needed in battle and wanted by the fans and RIKER would have been a MUCH better Captain of the Enterprose. The Federation has been like a leftest test tube. The type of show that was big on showing the weakness of The Federations Capt's. THIS is what we fans have been waiting for!!
Wow, Orion Acaba that has me hooked! That was just great, thank you.
You know what I think, make the movie. The needs of the many out Way the needs of the few, or the one(cbs) so, the evil empire takes Axanar back to court. The movie gets made, and MILLIONS of Star Trek fans get there wish. After that let’s see we’re the chips fall.
what a great video...loved it.
Nice! Good job, bro.