our Calf Barn & Talkin' Dairy 🥛
- Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
- Talk dairy to me.. or let me talk dairy to you 😂 come along while i ramble about the dairy and show you guys our calf barn 🐮
I wanna be your Dairy Farmin' bff from Texas 🤍
SUBSCRIBE & stay awhile 😘
M U S I C:
Epidemic Sound
B U S I N E S S - I N Q U I R I E S:
T A G S:
#dairyfarmlife #dairyfarmer #farmersdaughter #gotmilk #livestockfarming #dairybusiness #femalefarmer #cowgirl #farming #kyndranotkendra
Ma sei di una bellezza incredibile ringrazia tua madre e tuo padre per averti creata così bella.
I’m 81 now retired and I just ran into your thred today. We need a lot more real people like you to show people how the real world works. I can really appreciate your prospective. I am getting a real chuckle out of your personality. Thank you! You got to be glad you’re in Texas now and not out in CA. Keep up the dairying. Whe world need you.
Wow.. thank you for this!! Honestly, all I ever want is to give some happiness/entertainment/education through my videos.. and comments like yours make it all worth while! Thank you again for just being a nice human and I’m so thankful you’re here! 🤍🐮
You have a good head on your shoulders and a good attitude on life. Keep up the good work. Cheers to Life!
Thank you for that 🥹 CHEERS 🤍🐮
I'm a retired beef farmer from P A !! I enjoyed seeing your operations !! You are the Prettiest dairy farmer I've ever seen !!! Be safe and God bless !!!💝
Thank you for all the hard work you put in!! And thank you for taking your time to be here 🤍🐮
Another moo-velous video! Blown away by the calf barn tour-and that kiss at 3:56! 😘🐮 Talk dairy to me anytime, Kyndra. Your rambles are the cream of the crop! 🥛😂 You’re worth the wait! 🥛😉
You are THE BEST. “Cream of the crop” I’m going to have to use that sometime 😂
@@KyndraNotKendra. Glad you liked it, Kyndra! 😄 And I have no doubt you’ll use ‘cream of the crop’ perfectly-just like everything you do! 🐮🥛 Keep milking that charm, it’s working! 😉
Older 4440 Deere! Most versatile Tractor on the planet! Did everything with it! Only milk 110 Holsteins twice a day in Elroy, Wisconsin. Great videos ! Love the culture!
Thank you for all your hard work! 🤍🐮
KY is just plain cool! Love the comments and the work! Farming was once common to most but today most have no idea what happens on a farm and how tough it is. Farming is 200% commitment! Well done.
I appreciate this comment more than you know!! Thank you for taking the time to be here, spread some kindness, and just be a nice human. THANK YOU 🤍🐮
Oh by the way, if no one has told you and your family.
OR MONEY. But we Americans appreciate it.
I appreciate this comment more than you know. Just by sharing this little bit of kindness means the world to my family and I. THANK YOU 🤍🐮
"Your parents make you go home and do push ups?"🤣🤣🤣🤠
I heard it multiple times throughout high school 😂
Hello Kyndra. I grew up on a dairy farm in upstate New York. we milked 60 cows. I thought that was a lot. This is back in the sixties and seventies. It’s amazing how farming has changed over the years. We had John Deere tractors. As they say nothing runs like a Deere. God bless you and your family. Thank you for what you and all the farmers of America do
MISSED YA!!! Really like your videos,cool music too. Keep 'em com'n when you can.
Yay! Thank you for being here! 😍🤍🐮
I LOVE your attitude. Keep up the great work Kyndra
THANK YOU so much for this! 🤍🐮
Good job! Hard Work is what makes this country great! May God bless you all.
Kind words are appreciated more than you know! Blessings to you and yours 🤍🐮
I grew up driving old Ford 8Ns and 1950's John Deeres, they were all good back then. Today I have a Kioti to use around the house.
Kioti ❤
Have a good friend that had a dairy farm.. spent some time there observing Start to finish.. it ain’t no joke. Day starts way before daylight and it ends way after the sun goes down. 7 days a week. No such thing as a day off.. so much respect for our farmers. All of them
Thank you for all your kind words 🤍🐮
Great to see you back Kyndra! The tractor that gets the job done is the one I pick! It doesn't matter to me whether it's a Deere. I'm just an "Old man in a nursing home in Dayton Ohio living vicariously through you with your videos young lady". I always look forward to watching you work with your family and enjoy your work ethic. This world could use a lot more Kyndras' out there right now! Thanks again for another bright smile on this old man's face sweetheart and just take care of yourself and your family.
You are too kind! I am so beyond thankful that you spend your time watching my videos and actually enjoy them! Means way more the me than you’ll ever know 🤍🐮 stay cool Mr.Jim 😎🤍🐮 sending you so much love from Texas!
Oh how I miss the days of the dairy. Family sold out in 2001. Miss it terribly. Sad all the dairy farms in my area are gone.
I’m so sorry to hear that. It always hurts my heart when a dairy sells out.. we’ve definitely declined in our area that was once heavily populated 🤍🐮
@ yeah it’s sad. You all never need help I’m down for a visit!
Glad to see you back. Always love your videos. Very real and down to earth.
Thank you 🥹🫶🏼🐮
Love seeing your videos. Grew up on a small dairy farm in Wisconsin back in the 80's. I like seeing how things have changed in the dairy industry over the years. The only type of tractors we owned were Allis-Chalmers.
Hello Kyndra, you were right on your video and thanks for responding back to me last week. I live in remote Alaska it's very enjoyable to see you and your state of Texas.
I have always wanted to go to Alaska. I love the cold! ❄️
We had a dairy farm in Yorkshire UK but moved to Australia in 1965, I grew up with MF tractors and loved them We even brought two new ones to Australia with us. But now I'm 74 and I have a collection of vintage tractors and my favourite is a JD model D
Love watching youtubers who actually work rather than hust spend thier subs and viewers money😢
Any money ever made just goes right back into the animals 😂
@KyndraNotKendra. and thats great never expected anything different plus your stunning never listing to to others
I have been around cattle my whole 70 years and I’m enjoying your videos. This is what farming is about
@@chuckmabry3249 yay! Thank you so much for being here 🤍🐮
I know how much work goes into making a **mediocre** video so the fact that your videos are AWESOME is just another testament for how hard you work in all areas of your life 🥰 I might be lactose intolerant but I love your content.
You don’t get enough credit and you don’t know how much it means to me that you’re still here… YOU ARE LITERALLY THE BEST HUMAN 🫶🏼
@@ROCK-s1t your momma is
When I was a kid I lived in DairyLand which is now called LaPalma in California. Its funny but I still love the smell of a Dairy farm.
My dad is from San Jacinto! 🤍🐮💩
I used to love going the local dairy farm to get milk with my mom when I was a kid. I would go in the barn with the calves and they would suck on my hand. It was pretty cool.
Thank you for sharing! I love reading people’s happy memories with dairy life 🤍🐮
Kyndra, not Kendra, your eyes are mesmerizing! 😉
Too bad they hardly work and I’m blind as a bat 😂
Nothing better than a hard working farm girl … love it girl ❤
Hey Kendra, So glad your back! Making these videos takes a ton of time, filming, editing, adding music, etc can be a pain. I for one love em! So impressed with you knowledge, work ethic and ability to communicate dairy farm information in such an entertaining way. Please keep them false eyelashes makin vids.
Oregon fan
P.S. Nothin runs like a Deere
🥹 thank you so much for your appreciation and kind words. And THANK YOU for taking your time to watch my videos and comment! Sweet people like you are how Me and these lashes keep going 😂😘🫶🏼
Love the this is what we do ( tough shit)comment! It looks like you are very passionate about you family farm and the animals are well cared for. Keep the great videos coming.
Thank you so much for your time and support. It means more to me than you know! 🤍🐮
The calves are so adorable! Great music clip for this segment! Grumpy teenagers! Just like many human teenagers .... LOL
Exactly! 😂
I grew up on a dairy farm in the 60s, yes drove tractors as a 8 year old and up! John Deere 4010. Worked on many farms in High School. Love your vids. Thank you😊
amazing. Thank you for sharing! 🤍🐮
There’s a guy about 5 minutes from us that has his own green and yellow museum. He has at least 40 tractors of varying ages that he refurbished, and all John Deere. There’s even some yellow and orange units.
That’s amazing! 💚💛
I don't know what to say. You are a very hard-working young lady. When I was little my mom had a few milking cows. It was not an easy job at all.
Thank you for the kind words 🤍🐮
Hi Kyndra. I just found your channel thanks for the tour and the knowledge and the cows. Hahaha I really enjoyed the video. I'm going to go back and watch the older videos. See you on the next one.
Yay! Thank you for being here! I’m so glad you feel ya learned something. Happy Sunday 🤍🐮
Nothing like a farm girl
you push up , be cause you want the cows to get there food be cause there hungry and its an easy way to do that, in sted of the shavel, and you don't want to wast the food, the ones that don't under stand, are not country people, and / or there not cadel farmers, and you could work them under the tabel too. grate videos.
Great to see you back again!
Thank you for being here! 🤍🐮
Hello Kyndra, the farm looks beautiful, nice and clean and the cows look healthy, thanks for the video. Greetings Klaas
Thank you so much for all the kindness Klaas! 🤍
Hi Kyndra, just found your channel..very interesting to see how you guys work with dairy cows! Greetings from Ireland 🇮🇪 first off. We milk 370 Holstein/Jersey on a perennial ryegrass based system and calve in spring time.(All done in 10 weeks). We use Case+ Same (Italian agco) tractors and JCB+ Kubota for materials handling.
Hey Kyndra. Great video. Calfs all looked healthy and happy with there bright eyes.. (like your eyes😊) we didn't have one of those gizmos to push up feed.. Geuss what we used?? You guessed it... A shovel...lol..
You have such a pretty smile Kyndra. I've always gone out to clubs to meet girls. I should have been going to dairy farms because you are Beautiful!!! Your husband is a lucky man.
Ur badass. Don't listen to much people say on here they're clueless. My grandpa was a dairy farmer and I know what ur dealing with he didn't leave the farm for more than a couple hrs for 50 years.
Your grandpa sounds like my dad. I appreciate your kind words and support more than you know. Thank you 🤍🐮
Awesome Kyndra… I just found ya, subscribed and following now… I have no desire to be a dairy farmer… but there was something therapeutic about watching/listening to you share your experiences…. Love it! 💪
This comment means more the me than you know!! Thank you so much for this 🤍🐮
Always great to see another video from you!
Thanks so much for providing information about the industry!
Thank you so much for being here and watching! 🤍🐮
Hello darling good to see you i don't have a favorite tractor when i was little my uncle had a small farm he had two Ford tractor's that was year's ago but stay safe and God bless All love from west Virginia ❤️
Thank you for sharing! Sending so much love your way from Texas 🤍🐮
For all those that don't like the way y'all do things, they can buy their own dairy...and a few other words. I would love to come learn from your dad and you.
I think you said it best! 😂
Welcome back to the farm Kyndra. I love your sense of humor. I drive a Ford. lolol Can you do a video on your milking procedures? Thank you.
In the works 😊 thank you for being here! 🤍🐮
You go girl you tell them, hey setup a green room, oh the green room is on the ground in the form of feed. Hahahahh
😂 😂
Glad to see you again.
Thank you for being here again 😍🤍🐮
Kubota!! Did not have good luck with John Deere!! Kubota runs like a dream!! 😊
I know lots of people that are big fans of Kubota!
I grew up with all brands of tractors. As long as it gets the job done it doesn't matter the color. They all break down. I currently operate John Deere on the farm.
Thanks for taking time to make another video , I love watching your videos ❤
Thanks for taking your time to watch my videos! 🤍🐮
More power to ya! I enjoy your videos and have learned alot about dairy. Thanks for sharing.
That means more to me than you know! Thank you for being here 🤍🐮
Hi Kyndra... First time watching your videos 😺... I am a farmer with my wife.... City people don't know how HARD the worker does at a Farm . You do a Great job 💪... At your family Farm ... And for the Tractors .... JOHN DEERE all the way .... John Deere moved to Mexico that's why they don't like them . God bless you and your family 🙏😻 thanks again for sharing your Videos. Plus we never a Pretty lady
Thank you & your wife for all your hard work! 🤍🐮
When you say move can you add an extra ooooo to it !! Like moooove 🐄
😂 absolutely I will
We're very blessed in our small Illinois county to have several dairies. One family purchased a building in town and now they process and bottle their milk. They make some fantastic ice cream also...14% butter fat. SO GOOD! (Holstein herd)
Another dairy has a store front at their farm and make cheese and ice cream. (Jersey herd)
It's hard work even though Kyndra and family make it look easy. Thx for bringing us into your farm.
Best tractor is the one that gets it done like you said. I recall once a pro woodcutter was asked what chainsaw he prefers. He said the one with the sharp chain.
That’s the truest statement I’ve ever heard!
“Case International “…. But hats off to the hard working beautiful little lady…. We appreciate ya and ❤ ya…. We are grain farmers and raise beef cattle… I know what work is and running the family farm… 2400 acres of soybeans, and around 2000 acres of corn, and tend to about 250 head of angus and poll…. We appreciate ya, and your family…❤❤❤
Great videos, fell into the RUclips trap tonight trying to stay awake while we send our chickens to process! I enjoyed the video learned a lot. Thanks
Thank you so much for being here! And for all your hard work! 🤍🐮🐓
When I grew up we had John Deere,Allis chalmers, case,Oliver’s,deutz,ford at one time or another. Favorite was probably Ford 7600 but the old Oliver’s were great too! Thanks for the video and bringing back a lot of memories 🙂
Thank you for sharing and taking your time to be here!! 🤍🐮
I really enjoy watching your utube about life on a dairy farm. You asked what would be my favorite tractor if I didn't have a John Deere, I guess it would be my 30 inch Troy built riding mower lol😅.
😂 😂
Hey sweet mom
Really happy you and your family are ok other than that is coming back seater 💜😂
I enjoy your channel. You do such a good job explaining everything.
Thank you so much! I try to make it as simple as possible 😂
You definitely can have hair in rollers, fab lashes, in a sweatshirt and shit shoveling boots and still drive a tractor of any kind. When I went home once for a reunion, my dad had me go out the the far field and bring in some pregnant moms to the barn while in hot rollers🤣No way I was getting out of chores while home regardless of age. My favorite tractor is one that runs and does a great job. John Deere is as good as any. Just needs wheels, bucket and forks.
You are absolutely right!! No excuses to getting out of farm chores 😂
Oh my gosh! I love your barn! And those babies are so dang cute!!!
Kyndra love your content. Thanks!
Thank you for being here!🤍🐮
Nice looking calf barn Kyndra
Thank you Kevin! 🤍🐮
Team Red baby! CaseIH.(my combine is green tho...but dont tell anyone!) Lol
Secrets safe with me 😉
@KyndraNotKendra. lol
80's Ford New Holland. Love your no nonsense perspective and teaching.
Thank you for sharing and the kindness! 🤍🐮
We feed twice as much food in the morning so we dont have to feed at night. Someone from the milk barn comes out every two hours to push feed up same style tire as you
Totally understandable! Thank you for sharing, I love reading how other people operate! 🤍🐮
if we the American consumer did not have dairy farmers like Kyndra and her family I would not have milk for my corn flakes my Frosted Flakes my fruit loops or my Rice Krispies!
You are the best!!! I absolutely love cereal 😂
@@KyndraNotKendra. Keep up the good work farm girl-(Jeff in Memphis, Tennessee)🐄🏁
So, this is where you Moooove them to? Very cute. Favorite tractor, Fendt.
I see what you did there 😎 Thank you for sharing!
We have John Deere and GMC. Grew up with it , so it’s all I know. We had a New Holland skid steer early ‘80s. The hour meter went out at 6000 hours. We never did a thing to it. It had rolled over. Beat to death. But kept on running. I’ve often wondered if the New Hollands today are built that way ? I wonder if it’s still running today ? Amazing machine.
Love love love your channel ! Thanks for taking the time to share with us. 🥰☀️
The real deal here . Eloquent & hard working .
Thank you 🥹🤍🐮
I agree farm girls got it going on.
If only all the farm girls looks like..., I am probably a farmer today. 🤣
Hi Kyndra! Thank you for taking the time to shoot amazing videos for us. Home, work, family - I can't imagine how you manage everything. Such hardworking people always command respect and admiration! Keep shooting as soon as you have time, we are always glad to hear your interesting stories. Have a good week! Take care of yourself! 🙂🫶🤍
Again, your comments are always my favorite! You’ve been so kind and supportive since the beginning, even from across the world! Have a beautiful week & stay warm! Sending love all the way to 🇷🇺! 🫶🏼🐮
@@KyndraNotKendra. Thanks! I'm glad you're okay!🙂👍
i am in live punjab and start dairy farming r u help me?
You are a beautiful young lady love your attitude lol thanks for showing us around the dairy farm❤wonderful operation I must say…love the babies so sweet❤
Thank you so much and for taking your time to watch my video! Have a beautiful Sunday 🤍🐮
thank for doing it...thank for sharing
Thank you for watching 🤍🐮
Hi Kyndra,
U asked on one of ur videos how big we thought ur dairy was, I think it's not small it's MOOsive.
Happy New Year to u all, looking forward to watching u in 2025.
Cheers, Poth.👍
I learned to drive on a massey ferguson 135 and still use massey ferguson on my farm.
A tractor that does the job is my favorite.
Great answer
I have a John Deere 5083e and an old 2020. I’m enjoying your videos, thanks for sharing.
Thank you for being here!
Love the tire push up tool.
Dairy !!! Oh , ok my mind went to Dirty 😂
You’re such a good hand, mom to mookies and great family farm. 🐄
Ya gotta love country girls!❤
Grew up on Allis Chalmers. Have operated Big Red and Big Green. They all are good and always have pros and cons. Nice vid. 💪🏻🇺🇸
Thank you for sharing! 🤍🐮
Great video Kyndra
Thank you Kevin! 🤍🐮
Hey welcome back ! We have missed you and the farm ! ☀️
Yay! Thank you for being here! 🤍🐮
Love your sense of humour Kyndra🤣
Thank you 🤭🫶🏼
@@KyndraNotKendra.عيونك جميلة مثل بحر الحب يا صاحبة عيون زرقاء.🎩❤
Farmer daughter nice you rock
Oh wow a video I have been waiting for this. Thank you for the video you are awesome. Much love from Virginia❤
Thank you for always being here and sharing your kindness!! Sending so much love to Virginia 🤍🐮
@@KyndraNotKendra. awwww you are awesome and like I always say nothing like a farm girl to keep things m o o v i n g
@KyndraNotKendra. this is my bona fide Farm Channel I do not watch anyone else because there is no one that compares to you thank you for all your hard work
Good evening Kyndra, ❤
Another amazing video, I don’t know much about farming and tractors lol but like you said if your tractor gets the job done, that’s all that matters. Your cows look like there are very well taken care of with much love and consideration for their needs. I think you and your family do an amazing job at making sure that they have the best life that they can. I’m sorry if others want to sit back and criticize, they must not have much of a life if they have to sit around criticizing others. What works for one doesn’t necessarily work for another. Also, you look absolutely amazing 🤩 I love how your hair is growing out and it is blending very beautifully. Are you planning on redoing your blonde or are you wanting to just grow it out? Either way I think it’ll look amazing. I hope that you are doing well and your family is doing well also. Many blessings. Love you much. ❤
It has been a minute since I worked on a family ranch. But back in the 50's, we had Massey Ferguson and Farmall.
I love your videos and your honesty. Keep it coming Kyndra
Yay! Thank you! 🤍🐮
I don't know why people have to criticize you, I'm guessing because you're so beautiful 🥰🥰
You are too kind 🤍🐮
My grandparents had all john Deere on their ranch. I remember I got a brand new 4040 with the new curved cab when I was in the 6th grade
John Deere is the most commonly seen in the fields of South Western Idaho, with all the other brands sprinkled in. Enjoy your humor and content.
I enjoy that you’re always supporting my channel! 🤍🐮
Love your video . We mainly your new Holland over her in Queensland Australia
Thank you for sharing 🇦🇺
My farm called it “sweeping in”
I like that! Thank you for sharing 🤍🐮