Wanna CRUSH 400 Rated Players?

  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
  • This is the first episode of my speedrun where I try to go from 300 to 2000 elo and explain what players do wrong in different elo brackets. I've already played a lot of games on my twitch channel, so if you wanna see more of this type of content be sure to check me out when I'm live! I hope you enjoy the video :)
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Комментарии • 428

  • @AntonFairfax
    @AntonFairfax 2 года назад +1076

    I am 350 player and anyone 400+ develops properly, castles early, and does these basics well… I keep hearing how 500 players just move random pawns and barely know the rules, and the top chess streamers mock even 800 level chess as total beginners… yet it seems everyone is so much better in real life. At least Anna was surprised by how well he played “for a 400”. Maybe it’s become a lot more competitive recently but to me this is standard 400 level chess. I just don’t think people play as badly as everyone says. Or maybe I’m just much much worse at this game than I think.

    • @NoName-wi8xz
      @NoName-wi8xz 2 года назад +66

      I would imagine that if u are lets say 300, you stop playing people, focus on studying + bots, you come back as much better player, it will take time to get to 500. In that time u will be a suprisingly strong 300, 400 etc. Now imagine if you improve to around 1000 from 300. It will take time to reach rank that will represent your skill

    • @slappyship
      @slappyship 2 года назад +53

      Tbh watching chess videos is a good way to improve. I went from a 600 rated player to an 850 rated player just by watching RUclips videos and implementing ideas.

    • @davidmagdalena8149
      @davidmagdalena8149 2 года назад +29

      I'm in the same position and I totally agree

    • @niranjandesai6766
      @niranjandesai6766 2 года назад +8

      when I started playing chess I got rated 1100 and have only moved up. Don't know how 400 play but ofc they must be having certain knowledge about positioning

    • @swick772
      @swick772 2 года назад

      @@NoName-wi8xz Thats what happened to me. I was literally like around 150 now im over 300 and i win literally every game

  • @nicolaspeltier2482
    @nicolaspeltier2482 2 года назад +452

    Anna: *explaining what's going on, taking her time*
    Me: "Anna your clooooooooooock!!!!!!"

    • @joeyteixeira602
      @joeyteixeira602 2 года назад +12

      This is so true 😂😂😂

    • @StuartAylward
      @StuartAylward 2 года назад +14

      Lol, but she already knows exactly how she's gonna win 😄

    • @TheLeopard2A6
      @TheLeopard2A6 Год назад +5

      @@StuartAylward but she doesn't hav time!! 😂

    • @jordanoliveto5863
      @jordanoliveto5863 Год назад +7

      @@TheLeopard2A6 has increment so its pretty hard to lose on time

    • @everydayeverything8190
      @everydayeverything8190 11 месяцев назад +1

      Explaining or not you can always say that bro 😆 Anna doesn’t like time management! Still she is much much much better then me!

  • @kingrex1931
    @kingrex1931 2 года назад +153

    You should continue this series; it is very educational.

  • @bsshelby9337
    @bsshelby9337 10 месяцев назад +100

    I watched this 6 months ago , my elo increased from 320 to 1450 ) yes i used to play chess but i was stuck at 400-600 elo. I just improved my elo by learning openings and ideas like anna is giving)

    • @aditinemiwal754
      @aditinemiwal754 5 месяцев назад +1

      Where did you learn openings?

    • @DonaldPYouAreTheMiracle-Cl-l8s
      @DonaldPYouAreTheMiracle-Cl-l8s 4 месяца назад +1

      Thank you for sharing this!!!

    • @bsshelby9337
      @bsshelby9337 3 месяца назад +5

      @ Yes, keep going ) never stop learning something new in chess) when you get to 1500-1800 , it is best to Practise openings and end games )) it’s been 6 months ago 😁 when i wrote this ) i m already 1950 in blitz

  • @elizabeth4689
    @elizabeth4689 Год назад +28

    as someone who started last week and has been hovering around 350-500, this is super helpful, and it's true that we aren't as bad as most ppl think we are (lmao)

    • @Anonymous-rq7bd
      @Anonymous-rq7bd 2 месяца назад +2

      its just like when GMs tell us that anything below 1400 is a complete "beginner"
      Everyone at the top underestimates the ones at the bottom

  • @DowntownComicsTV
    @DowntownComicsTV 3 месяца назад +7

    I am 53 and just starting to play chess and it has become my delight. You were the inspiration for me to try it out, I watched your games with others and it looked so fun. I watched this video tonight and I played a computer bot level 1000 and I won! I kept repeating to myself to make simple moves. I have been playing by using your advice of engaging knights and bishops and I have been doing pretty well but I am a 400 and as you say, just wait and a 400 will blunder haha. However!! Tonight!! I followed the advice of, "keep it simple, do not make extravagant moves" and I won! It felt so great! Thank you for the great video and sharing your knowledge.

  • @griffinq8003
    @griffinq8003 2 года назад +34

    Im so glad that Anna, as far as I know, is the only chess streamer to actually explain how the speedrun accounts work.

  • @konrTF
    @konrTF 2 года назад +37

    You're a great teacher! I started playing chess a couple weeks ago now and my ELO is like 350-400ish. These games are really informative.

  • @AnniedArc
    @AnniedArc 2 года назад +60

    I just returned to chess after 20 years after watching your channel and this helped me right away to play an elegant 300 (me) v 500 game. No blunders and check mated white. So happy, no blunders for the first time today. 🎉 More education so welcomed! My seven year old also started. Thank you. I would enjoy basics on lets say 10 different openings.

    • @anthonychadwick3261
      @anthonychadwick3261 2 года назад +1

      Don't feel proud to be a 500 come on now...

    • @-uq-
      @-uq- 2 года назад +7


    • @KavsLockedOut
      @KavsLockedOut 2 года назад +3

      My friend, 10 openings is too much. Stick to your opening principles and maybe learn a setup opening or two; kings indian defense or somet

    • @theshield2207
      @theshield2207 5 месяцев назад

      @@anthonychadwick3261its called improvement nimrod

  • @118andrey
    @118andrey 2 года назад +284

    As a 1100 player I always found the 400 players most challenging, thanks anna

  • @garyarnold3141
    @garyarnold3141 2 года назад +13

    You're helping me to get over 500 in blitz which is a great achievement for me. You're giving real advice with explanations not the gimmicks I've seen elsewhere. Thank you so much.

    • @XavierRodriguez-to2qk
      @XavierRodriguez-to2qk 10 месяцев назад

      What rating are you now?

    • @Makitosenpai
      @Makitosenpai 10 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@XavierRodriguez-to2qk I am 400 in 1 and half week is it good or bad

    • @XavierRodriguez-to2qk
      @XavierRodriguez-to2qk 10 месяцев назад

      @@Makitosenpai It really depends on the person. It all depends on how much you play daily and how long for. A week and a half and at 400 is good since you've just started.

    • @Makitosenpai
      @Makitosenpai 10 месяцев назад

      @@XavierRodriguez-to2qk thx for replying bro I've been improving a lot i will reach 600 very soon with this speed

    • @XavierRodriguez-to2qk
      @XavierRodriguez-to2qk 10 месяцев назад

      @@Makitosenpai that's amazing man keep it going

  • @DBTheKid
    @DBTheKid 2 года назад +18

    I've been watching your videos more often recently and its helped me a bunch. I've reached 584 rating! Thanks, Anna.

  • @grass.9650
    @grass.9650 8 месяцев назад +8

    immediately won two games in a row after your video. all i needed to hear was ‘ play simple chess ‘. i was too focused this entire time on getting to endgame while in both openings and middle game. thank you.

  • @napieracz
    @napieracz 2 года назад +9

    Thank you for explaining what is simple chess I have tried many complicated tactics only to fail at some point. I'll grind my way up and, focus on simple moves and time management :)

  • @crazybunkum
    @crazybunkum 11 месяцев назад +2

    Hi Anna, that was really instructive thank you. My problem is always wanting to take take take but you have hammered it home here that you should delay tactics until they’re really clear and spend the majority of the opening developing and playing to improve your position. 🙏

  • @wiley3840
    @wiley3840 Месяц назад

    Hey Anna, I love this video. I really love learning chess from you and from your Mom. I love your methodical approach that breaks things down and makes chess accessible and fun. It's kind of Zen like. Rather than getting lost in complexity. It seems like your parents taught you that it's accessible and with the right attitude you can get good. I love that. It's such a positive approach. I want to find the rest of this series that you did. I've been playing a lot of bullet (I have a chronic illness and get tired easily so bullet is really fun for me--Chess in short bursts). Thanks so much for all your videos--you are such a bright light and so fun!

  • @richardclark9687
    @richardclark9687 9 месяцев назад +12

    As a "500" rated player (I honestly feel like I have reached that rating on luck more than skill) this is a very educational and shrewd breakdown of the pitfalls players like me find ourselves in. I am constantly trying to be clever and come up with sneaky tactics and end up blundering multiple valuable pieces. This is a sobering reminder to stick to the fundamentals of chess and let the finer points of the game come to me as my skill level advances to the point that I can actually leverage them against strong opponents rather than be run through by my own sword. Thanks, Anna!

  • @exdejesus
    @exdejesus Год назад +1

    Yet another great teaching video. I learn so much by seeing MY mistakes exposed in other peoples' games!

  • @callmeslim9138
    @callmeslim9138 2 года назад +84

    Thank you Anna, these 400’s were just too much for me.

    • @robertakerman3570
      @robertakerman3570 2 года назад

      Oooh. Hair cut. I'm so glad Anna never became a Super=Model. This is so much better.

    • @Bando1017
      @Bando1017 2 года назад +21

      @@robertakerman3570 tf?

    • @erforado
      @erforado 2 года назад

      where ezxactly

    • @maalus9965
      @maalus9965 2 года назад

      @Anna_Cramling1 gz prize kekw

  • @GlesgaNews
    @GlesgaNews 2 года назад +11

    Cheers Anna. Thanks for taking the time to help us, I am just a beginner myself and have been trying to solve chess puzzles as a way to gain ideas. Be great if you had a Anna Cramling chess puzzle app or something. Also enjoyed watching you play your Mum and Dad in the other videos... All the best GN

  • @johnstilley5063
    @johnstilley5063 2 года назад +7

    Video Request: How to get better at visualizing in chess. (I have real trouble visualizing the board accurately more than 3 moves out.)

  • @akariandbooks
    @akariandbooks 4 месяца назад +1

    from experience most 300-400 elo players are actually suprisingly good, they know the proper opening basics and how to fork/pin very well; I honestly believe the 400 elo mark is downplayed by many however many players at 300-400 elo are suprisingly better and decent making it harder to get above that 400 mark

  • @DummyAccount-f1q
    @DummyAccount-f1q 10 дней назад

    I learned to play chess when I was twelve (in 1968). The school had placed chess sets in the elementary school class room, and a fair number of the boys in my class (no girls that I recall) got interested. I went so far as actually to read a chess book, and of course I came across all these now familiar platitudes: take control of the center, castle, don’t develop the queen prematurely, etc. I immediately implemented these rules playing my friend Larry, who didn’t read chess books and hadn’t even bothered to memorize the relative piece value scale (rook is worth five pawns, etc.). What happened? Larry destroyed me. Why? Because you should never move any piece ever without some plan of attack at least vaguely in mind. I don’t care what level you are. As far as I’m concerned that’s the real and only rule of chess strategy, and Crambling tells us here to do the opposite.

  • @DonaldPYouAreTheMiracle-Cl-l8s
    @DonaldPYouAreTheMiracle-Cl-l8s 4 месяца назад

    Anna this is great. I'm not approaching 400 yet, but as a beginner, I just love the way you are explaining and emphasizing the fundamentals of developing pieces, Thank you!!!

  • @NexusGuru
    @NexusGuru 2 года назад +4

    You should definitely continue this series this is where I’m stuck at right now like 450 I’m starting to checkmate a lot more thanks to you and it is def your thought process❤

  • @fishnow1560
    @fishnow1560 2 года назад +5

    I've been playing chess my whole life. I'm 42. I remember playing yahoo chess in the mid 90s- late 90s. 1200s back then we're like 1100s. Now a days you play a 1100s they are like 1200-1250s. Ether people are getting better or I'm getting worse.

  • @ryancaputi5127
    @ryancaputi5127 Месяц назад

    Anna, you are an excellent teacher! I appreciate your advice for beginners. Clear and helpful :)

  • @seppdereinzigwahre3482
    @seppdereinzigwahre3482 6 месяцев назад +1

    I began playing chess last month and my elo at the start was 500 now it’s 400-450 and I can’t seem to move up. Thought it would be quicker but I guess I just have a lot to learn

  • @seanloughran6714
    @seanloughran6714 5 месяцев назад

    Super informative! I have watched too many of your high level games and have been trying to emulate the complexity. I def. need to simplify and be more simpler!

  • @michaeltubbs8767
    @michaeltubbs8767 2 года назад +4

    Excellent lesson, Anna. I am a new chess player and your commentary has helped me to see how the game works. Thank you.

  • @horstborscht7401
    @horstborscht7401 7 месяцев назад +1

    I‘ve noticed that when playing black against the 400-800 range players, short castling often turned into a bit of an own goal for me. Mostly my opponents relied on fancy moves by the queen and started rampaging through my defense, which led to me moving forward my pawns from the castle. Now I‘ve started favouring long castling and suddenly I started winning (combined with a more defensive approach).

    • @ربیعہجمیل-ح5ع
      @ربیعہجمیل-ح5ع Месяц назад

      I have always loved queen side castling as it instantly provides queen a back up compared to king side because mostly it's another move required to bring it to the open file 👍👍👍

  • @rand504
    @rand504 2 года назад +8

    You helped me reach 920, was so happy I saw the queen move that attacked the rook and knight

  • @ThePokerhand
    @ThePokerhand 11 месяцев назад +12

    Instructions unclear.
    Tried to defend my pieces but ended up in a nasty fork resulting in the loss of my queen.

  • @dawghe
    @dawghe 11 месяцев назад +15

    I'm not sure exactly where I am because I've beaten 1600 and I've lost to 700 shits confusing

  • @wimv7811
    @wimv7811 2 года назад +12

    Hi Anna , You did a wonderful job ,making chess interesting for beginners.

  • @gabedude68
    @gabedude68 6 месяцев назад

    Thank you for doing a noob level tutorial! I'm below 300 so would love the Twitch one too! and THANKS for clarifying that you're not just violating noob players for kicks!

  • @kenrabow
    @kenrabow 3 месяца назад

    Anna. I mentor young adults and I find your teaching style absolutely outstanding. You are great in your teaching (I presently am a reticent beginner in chess but want to encourage my mentees to do chess and be inspired by how I suck but persevere). You are wonderful in your explanations. You are simply outstanding as a chess mentor! Thanks for what you do.

  • @RobjeFromTheBetuwe
    @RobjeFromTheBetuwe 4 месяца назад

    Thanks a lot, very helpful! You've a nice way of presenting, keep doing this kind of 'tutorials or instructions'.

  • @Beery1962
    @Beery1962 2 года назад +7

    Please keep doing these. They are very helpful.

  • @xSuperSoldier54
    @xSuperSoldier54 10 месяцев назад +1

    As a 600 most people play the basics and principles really well just comes down to sacrificing and pattern recognition

  • @CT99999
    @CT99999 7 месяцев назад +1

    Love your content! Thanks for all the explanation. On a funny note, I realized you say "moves" like "me-you'vs"! haha, and "new" as "ne-you's", and "now" as "knee-ow"!

  • @guardian-X
    @guardian-X Год назад

    Thank you, Anna. This is very helpful for chess beginners like me.

  • @ima.ekenes
    @ima.ekenes 2 года назад +3

    Yes! I have been wondering about tactics for low levels! Thank you for explainig what "simple chess" is!

  • @dossilveros
    @dossilveros 3 месяца назад +1

    I just want to play chess. I don't want to crush nobody.

  • @maxsonpardillo-vu8fg
    @maxsonpardillo-vu8fg Месяц назад

    If im fighting anna on the chess I would be already asleep while anna is still explaining

    @SHYAMASHYAM966 2 года назад +1

    Great Explanation Anna thanks for these lesson's ❤️

  • @MasterInHD
    @MasterInHD 2 года назад +1

    In order to not lose as anything under 1200, is just to not blunder any pieces and that’s it.

  • @aureeel
    @aureeel 2 года назад

    This has got to be the most useful video series

  • @rumbled5461
    @rumbled5461 2 года назад +10

    Yes please carry on, these are great!

  • @ampmadventure
    @ampmadventure 10 месяцев назад

    You explain it so much easier than Levi lol. Love watching both of your videos tho. Been stuck in low 400s, just trying to learn

  • @wacogambahead7589
    @wacogambahead7589 2 года назад +3

    I am putting myself up for adoption by GM parents 🤫

  • @fantasy6108-t7k
    @fantasy6108-t7k Месяц назад

    Thanks. This advice boost me up 200 with higher accuracy.

  • @אלעדר
    @אלעדר 2 года назад +19

    This guy played well,
    he doesn't seem like a 400 rated player, he seems much more

    • @AntonFairfax
      @AntonFairfax 2 года назад +4

      Honestly i keep hearing how hopeless 400 players are but as a 350 player who is learning, tries to develop properly and do all the stuff the experts teach, it doesn’t stack up. Everyone I play already does all the stuff Anna mentioned here. To me this guy played like every 400 play I’ve played. Maybe good chess players just don’t realise how people play so far below them

    • @billj4525
      @billj4525 2 года назад +1

      @@AntonFairfax They have no consistency at all though. I think if your actually rated 400 it's more likely you're not accurately understanding your own games or the games you're seeing here. This guy definitely played far better than the average 400 player. I mean it's hard to judge from one game, but if all you had was this game to judge you wouldn't assume 400 or anywhere close to it based on this alone. There are more tactical mistake and worse opening moves from 400's than in this game. 400's throw away pieces all the time.

    @FORDEVR 2 года назад

    awesome. Just rekindling my chess love and really enjoy these tutorials.
    greetings from Alberta, Can.

  • @ogibinedi
    @ogibinedi 7 месяцев назад

    I am going to go to 500 for today, congratulations for myself 🎉🎉🎉 caused of you anna i started play a chess game, maybe a couple weeks ago and still blunder at some point and didn't have yet pattern and strategy for any movement or develop...

  • @1polyron1
    @1polyron1 2 года назад +10

    I can't wait for one day when Anna is the one filling her parents role perhaps and appearing in her kids videos

  • @generallykaiden
    @generallykaiden Месяц назад

    bouncing between 200-300. Can't believe how often people pull the early game bishop/queen checkmate combo on me. Even now that it's happened so much I keep trying to prepare for it when I see it coming but they still get me.

  • @akhilkumar3090
    @akhilkumar3090 2 года назад +1

    1) go for longer diagonals for bishop
    2) keep your pieces together
    3) play simple moves, be patient

  • @MrCedad
    @MrCedad Месяц назад

    Thank you for your help! It is greatly appreciated.

  • @dcrggreensheep
    @dcrggreensheep 2 года назад +2

    Thanks. I saw you in the streamer awards for best chess streamer and was about to vote Gotham but realized I wasn't familiar with you so I decided to watch you. Turns out I made a good decision and you are great at explaining positions, better than Levy or Nelson.

  • @georgehowe6750
    @georgehowe6750 2 года назад +1

    You are by far my favorite chess channel. Your enthusiasm is great, your content is great and fun to watch.

  • @TheAxtrex
    @TheAxtrex 2 года назад +5

    Nice idea Anna, im here for it

  • @ChrisPlossyt
    @ChrisPlossyt Месяц назад

    Thank you Anna! Very informative.

  • @itscnvulsins5384
    @itscnvulsins5384 2 года назад +10

    Thank you for this I actually found this helpful and I’m a 700 rated player!!

  • @ickyLarkin
    @ickyLarkin Месяц назад

    i think i’ve been missing out. Trading looks so intriguing!

  • @hankeng6375
    @hankeng6375 2 года назад +4

    As a 350 rated player, this series is great for me!

  • @BuzzLiteworth
    @BuzzLiteworth Месяц назад +1

    It took me 15 months to reach 730 then lost 200 in 2 days and it’s took 3 weeks to gain back 100 of that. Chess is a horrible game

  • @Theop_legend
    @Theop_legend Месяц назад +1

    Pls make video on how to crush 700 players

  • @CaptainKirk01
    @CaptainKirk01 2 года назад +2

    I learn so much from you. Thank You!

  • @reni_arp
    @reni_arp 7 месяцев назад

    Anna I'm truly grateful I met you (I mean by your videos haha), you are an incredible chess player and motivate me so much to keep learning, as well as falling in love with chess everytime❤❤ adding to this comment, you seem such a nice person, really✨the way you express lovely about your parents, as well as your personality of a sunshine❤✨you're truly amazing, I have so much admiration for you❤❤ keep making awesome videos!! ✨✨✨

  • @MrEolicus
    @MrEolicus 2 года назад +1

    Thank you Anna. You explain really well.

  • @hugcannnal
    @hugcannnal Месяц назад

    nadie se habia preocupado tanto por mí Gracias Anna

  • @nlechupack7800
    @nlechupack7800 Год назад

    I do alot of chess puzzel and play alot of online chess that i went from losing to almost winning every game

  • @raffa4456
    @raffa4456 Месяц назад

    I'm stuck at 150 because I don't wanna use my head in my free time 😂😂

  • @seanhein6599
    @seanhein6599 8 месяцев назад +1

    (Not referring to this video, this video is good.) Chess has become toxic with the hunger and arrogance for ratings. It should be a fun game. I think many people who mock ratings 300 to 800 players like they don't even know how to play are people who are naturally talented in chess and was rated higher at a young age. They are not players who don't know how to play, they lack consistency and are super careless. But I do feel people lower rated look down on each other too. They would always try to checkmate very early by getting their queen out so early. They also play very unreasonably aggressively. Yeah but they do know how pieces move.

  • @oscarmp80
    @oscarmp80 2 года назад

    I'm improving a lot, Anna. Thank you for all your tips. I got here after painfully learning to take things easy, develop pieces so I can castle, and defend my center pawns. Just by doing that, I'm able to consistently avoid losing too fast.
    By the way, do you have a preferred android app?

  • @JonathanFiller-j6g
    @JonathanFiller-j6g 11 месяцев назад

    I just want to say thank you. I learn a lot from your lessons.

  • @mjeffn2
    @mjeffn2 2 года назад

    Awesome lesson, Anna. 👍

  • @howardlam6181
    @howardlam6181 2 года назад

    when playing extremely low rated players you just wait until they blunder LOL

  • @gustafchurn8282
    @gustafchurn8282 2 года назад +6

    Yes Please Anna! I like this approach! you are an awesome coach 🙂🙃😊😘

  • @victorlam9856
    @victorlam9856 2 года назад

    I think she was abt to say bc you suck at this level, but held herself back.

  • @StringsTech-zv8zh
    @StringsTech-zv8zh 10 месяцев назад

    There is being a good player and then there is being a good teacher. Anna is both! :)

  • @cadeweston
    @cadeweston 2 года назад +1

    Thanks Anna!
    Your content is always so educational! 😊

  • @koopercupp523
    @koopercupp523 2 года назад +4

    I was 650 when i started watching this and now im 400, thank you!

  • @Eznid
    @Eznid 2 года назад +2

    Anna you are amazing: a great teacher and great chess player. I've never seen anybody which such skills in didactics. I love to watch your videos.

  • @nomprenom9337
    @nomprenom9337 Год назад

    I've been playing against the hardest 250 elo players can't seem to beat them unless they lose they're connexion lol

  • @Ironclad-21
    @Ironclad-21 Год назад

    I’ve gone from a 1200 player back to an 850 😭😂 I think I just play a lot of quick games that I just can’t finish because I am too busy

  • @mainuser98
    @mainuser98 2 года назад

    I at 550 elo, and i will say, people dont play that bad it seems.. yes sometimes I blunder and them aswell. But it seems like players know what they are doing for some reason

  • @spongetop2699
    @spongetop2699 2 года назад +10

    I'm 1700 and this is exactly what I'm looking for!! ty

  • @JimmyCMusic888
    @JimmyCMusic888 9 месяцев назад

    Thank you! You are a brilliant teacher.

  • @left99
    @left99 2 года назад

    Really helpful thank you!

  • @Jwcounseling
    @Jwcounseling Год назад

    I would have ran out of time and most in the time you talked about the first two moves

  • @philbach1
    @philbach1 2 года назад

    Very nice keep up the teaching. Thanks

  • @rhysreid1576
    @rhysreid1576 16 дней назад

    Возникли мысли о том, как важно следить за глобальными экономическими событиями для успешной торговли.

  • @DarkLess89X
    @DarkLess89X 2 года назад +1

    Yeah, step on me

  • @edelweiss-
    @edelweiss- Год назад +1

    how do you can see that the enemy is normally higher then his rating he is playing ? :)
    because iam 401 and last time i played against someone with 250 rating but he was the best player i ever met, better then 500 rated players i played against. he also had a vip membership and other symbols near his name!

  • @josephbazinet5356
    @josephbazinet5356 2 года назад +2

    I would love to see the Cramling sisters vs. the Botez sisters

    • @kenkur27
      @kenkur27 2 года назад

      I don't think Anna has any sisters or brothers.

    • @josephbazinet5356
      @josephbazinet5356 2 года назад

      @@kenkur27 Pia

    • @carlus6432
      @carlus6432 2 года назад

      @@josephbazinet5356 thats her mom

  • @donaldmarcato7003
    @donaldmarcato7003 9 месяцев назад +5

    I am in 200-300 range on blitz and everyone i play has real openings and defenses, plays quickly, and blunders don’t usually come until time pressure starts.
    I genuinely don’t understand how I’m stuck. Over 1200 on puzzles and understand all kinds of tactics and CCA, but still 50/50 W/L on blitz against 200s.
    I play like Anna describes 800s playing but it seems impossible to gain ELO above 300.

    • @
      @ 7 месяцев назад

      Same with me

    • @whyal5307
      @whyal5307 7 месяцев назад

      any update ?

  • @jessejames3149
    @jessejames3149 2 года назад +1

    I will say that you have some really great instruction videos on tips to playing better chess and you make them easy to understand. Thanks you, I lhave earned a lot from them!

  • @vnshngpnt
    @vnshngpnt Год назад

    I just played game after this video on my 500 rating and I got 85 accuracy clear win :D