I'm a new RUclipsr and also flying to Barcelona next week for holidays and your channel was all I needed for that inspiration, you're so authentic and kind ❤❤❤
@@stylianakotsapa aww 🫂 i’m glad you resonated with my content 💕 hope barcelona welcomes you warmly and you have a wonderful sty here!! and good luck with your yt journey!!
Interesting perspective! Thanks for sharing ! But I don’t agree with your point that local people speak Spanish, most of the people are talking in Catalan. So if we as Expats really wanna integrate we should learn Catalan
hi! i agree with you, i should have said catalan however knowing spanish is better than nothing, even in catalonia 😅 but yes, i agree with you, that would have been the best advice
Good informative video beautiful vibe thanks for sharing.. unfortunately it's reportedly Barcelona locals are currently protesting against over-tourism..it that true?🎉
@@HappyGolfCart-uz3ft thank you so much for your kind words 🙏🏼💞 yes, some protests took place but that was back in august i think if not earlier. since then, nothing much in the news apart from the barcelonean gvmt lifting up many airbnb licenses starting from 2026 but it’s a very questionable solution to a problem… i just expect a spike in facebook groups and other platforms where people can basically sublease their apts without any docs/taxes…
Thank you sweetie for sharing your fruitful productive views.. been there a few times yrs ago... now i love the peaceful less crowded lesser known Langkawi island Malaysia..the 550 million years old geoforest Park.. accorded as the first UNESCO geopark in south East Asia ..❤🎉
Thank you sweetie...just sharing how I feel about the touristic nature ... of course depending on what you're looking for dear... Look forward to hearing ur views n watch more of your amazing vibrance travelling experience 🎉😅
@@fidelmartinezcolomer4095 yes you’re right! i’ve received a number of comments regarding this already but on the other hand, trust me, the majority of foreigners associate barcelona with spanish language only a lot of people still consider it just another dialect of spanish lol
@@ElizabethLip So lecture them about US as a Nationality ( as it appears in the spanish constitution) , our diferent culture and language! the deppest they learn about it, the more they'll enjoy Catalonia
@@fidelmartinezcolomer4095 i’m sorry but i have definitely other things to do! i trust that “them” whoever it might be will get educated on this subject themselves! 📚
Eixample no gràcies. Sous baixos, preus de vivenda altissims. Expats son un problema greu. La part nord (Sant Gervasi) es on viuen els locals. No hi volen expats i es caríssim
@@ElizabethLip as you say it's a very complex issue. But the massification we've got is not even normal. Well there are many ways to cut that off. One, a big important one, is repeating what Amsterdam is doing: You can only buy a property there and you have to live on it for 3 years. That would solve the issue of so many black stone and companyes like that that have so many apartments in the city out of use. Second one is, of course, rise up the salaries. The minimum salary in Spain 2 years ago was around 650€. Now it's 1100€. It needs to standardize at least as much as in France. What it can happen is that everything can rise as much as we will but salaries don't. After that, we need to care more about our compatriots and not only go for the money. If a particular is renting, it's important to know who are you renting to/selling to and will to not only go to the bigger offer. Look, we were, in Catalunya 6M people until 2 years ago. We are now 8M people. That is too many people. Why? Because the infraestructures (RENFE, speed ways) are always busy. This is not even normal. Also is not normal that even in Berga a rent of an apartment is 1200€. That happens because we have pushed people out of Barcelona. First to mainly Terrassa Sabadell and LH. But now, everywhere. That needs to stop immediately. It's so funny because here we had a law that helped prices to not rise until 3-4 years ago when the Spanish Gob decided to decline it and generate their own law. That law doesn't help. There are So many things that need to change. But not everyone can live in Our city. And yes, it belongs to the ones that have been born here before anybody else. That's true. It can not be that locals are pushed out not only of out neighborhoods but neither our city. Globalization is an issue. Also cheap flight companies that polute our city so hard. I would also cut off half of the flights in and out of the city even if that means paying more for a ticket. Of course I'd cut off the whole Cruise industry in our city as it polluted and overmassificates a city overnassificated and rubbed out of over tourism for decades. About massive inmigration, many things need to be done. But the most important one is to allow countries under development to grow in a way that their citizens don't need to fear for their life and that they could live a normal life and eat 3 times a day. Yes, that actually doesn't happen in many countries and lots of this people are just flying away (which is normal). If we can help them stay home, with a good life, that'd also help us in the way that space is not unlimited and we will not move out. And then, we see what to do next and how to continue. But in Europe we have the land that we have and not everyone should leave they own city/country in order to fulfill their wills. And for the expats, I am sorry but yes you are running many people's way of living. I'd put laws that would impede so many to come so easy. Or, at least, will put laws for you to accommodate to our way of living. Our language/s (learning them should be a must by law) and our culture. Because we do but need so many hyper overpriced coffee specialty shitty places but more Xarcuteries de Barri with a place we're to have a wonderful esmorzar. We should not be so of a sell outs and stop looking as much for the money rather than to whom. Yes it is complex. But we as society need to work on this right now before it's too late and our traditions and culture are being runned over and replaced. That is something we can not allow to happen, at all. And we have to prevent it from happening at all costs. And by having a replacement of population from locals to expats and foreigners in the city, it's starting to happen really big. That can't be, sorry. Yes, it's complex. Of course it is, and it's also urgent to change it.
@@ElizabethLipI don't like Eixample at all xD It's the highspeed avenue opened to reach the old towns of Sarrià, Gràcia and Horta for example. And it's full of expats and shops dedicated to expats 😅
@@danigonzalez4299 well first of all thank you for such an extended answer secondly i hope barcelona’s gvmt will find find a solution however it is definitely not a problem of tourists or expats that the local laws and economy operate as they do making it hard for the locals to live in here. so “go home guiris” protests is a bullshit solution cos it won’t change anything unless the gvmt finally pays attention to it and starts to intervene in a meaningful way
@@davidizquierdo5690 i don’t see many protests 🪧 in the streets and every local that i talk with they only say they want higher salaries but they honestly admit that they’re not willing to do much in order to change it meaning work more or making an action to really demand the gvmt or any other institutions responsible for such decision making. they just “want to prices to drop back”…
hahahahaha 3 years here and you don't even mention Catalans in your video, how lovely. Better that way right, if you had to say something about Catalans, probably harsh. At 07:50 you caught on video a man hiding something in the bushes hahahah Everything important in Sapin is in Madrid, the real parliament where laws are made, the lobbies, the banks, the finance world, where the important decisions are made and where the Spanish state concentrates their resources at. You and your expat mate should look into going there.
3 years? idk where you heard it! we've been only here for 1,5 😂 and thanks for your comment, we'll def think about our next moves somewhere else with my "expat mate" lol
I'm a new RUclipsr and also flying to Barcelona next week for holidays and your channel was all I needed for that inspiration, you're so authentic and kind ❤❤❤
@@stylianakotsapa aww 🫂 i’m glad you resonated with my content 💕 hope barcelona welcomes you warmly and you have a wonderful sty here!! and good luck with your yt journey!!
Who noticed the guy putting his bag into the bush at 07:51 😂
@@miriamkatze HAHAHAHA
i haven’t noticed whilst editing
typical barcelona 🥲😆
thank you for this informative video!! ♥✨ barcelona 🙌
@@richiethecat7596 ♥️🤍❤️ thank youuu
Great vídeo! 🥰
thank you so much! 💖
Ahhh so happy to have found your channel:))
thank you!! i'll keep posting more!!! ♥ enjoy
Interesting perspective! Thanks for sharing ! But I don’t agree with your point that local people speak Spanish, most of the people are talking in Catalan. So if we as Expats really wanna integrate we should learn Catalan
hi! i agree with you, i should have said catalan however knowing spanish is better than nothing, even in catalonia 😅 but yes, i agree with you, that would have been the best advice
Very nice review video
@@BeastClara248 thank you so much ♥️ i’m glad to hear you enjoyed watching it
@@BeastClara248 thank you so much for your comment ❤️
It was super interesting and informative!! I love Barcelona 😍
@@ZhannaKessel i’m glad you liked it!! hope you can come visit me soon here ♥️♥️♥️🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🥹🥹🥹
curious what provider for health insurance you have? I have adeslas.
@@gra795 mapfre!
Good informative video beautiful vibe thanks for sharing.. unfortunately it's reportedly Barcelona locals are currently protesting against over-tourism..it that true?🎉
@@HappyGolfCart-uz3ft thank you so much for your kind words 🙏🏼💞 yes, some protests took place but that was back in august i think if not earlier. since then, nothing much in the news apart from the barcelonean gvmt lifting up many airbnb licenses starting from 2026 but it’s a very questionable solution to a problem… i just expect a spike in facebook groups and other platforms where people can basically sublease their apts without any docs/taxes…
Thank you sweetie for sharing your fruitful productive views.. been there a few times yrs ago... now i love the peaceful less crowded lesser known Langkawi island Malaysia..the 550 million years old geoforest Park.. accorded as the first UNESCO geopark in south East Asia ..❤🎉
@@HappyGolfCart-uz3ft wow!! island life sounds very dreamy.. wow! happy for you! 💖
Thank you sweetie...just sharing how I feel about the touristic nature ...
of course depending on what you're looking for dear... Look forward to hearing ur views n watch more of your amazing vibrance travelling experience 🎉😅
@ absolutely! thank you so much and stay tuned for more videos 😉
salaries are crazy low and rents are high. so yea.
@@gra795 unfortunately yes…. that’s the way it is. at least now
Yeah. And expats with bigger incomes. Nothing about the city government.
Moving to bcn next week! This is really helpful.
oh hey new neighbour! 😄 welcome!!
Great video, BUT, not a mention of CATALAN in CATALONIA in your language subject??
@@fidelmartinezcolomer4095 yes you’re right! i’ve received a number of comments regarding this already but on the other hand, trust me, the majority of foreigners associate barcelona with spanish language only
a lot of people still consider it just another dialect of spanish lol
@@ElizabethLip So lecture them about US as a Nationality ( as it appears in the spanish constitution) , our diferent culture and language! the deppest they learn about it, the more they'll enjoy Catalonia
@@fidelmartinezcolomer4095 i’m sorry but i have definitely other things to do! i trust that “them” whoever it might be will get educated on this subject themselves! 📚
Where from East Europe is the accent? Russia or Poland?
@@ElizabethLip nice!!
I've been here for 20 years and I still can't pronounce Ametller
hahahahah 🤣🤣🤣 thank you for your honesty tho!!
Fot el camp.
Eixample no gràcies.
Sous baixos, preus de vivenda altissims. Expats son un problema greu.
La part nord (Sant Gervasi) es on viuen els locals. No hi volen expats i es caríssim
so what's your conclusion? you're saying globalization should miraculously avoid affecting specifically barcelona city center?
i love sant gervasi as much as i love l'eixample. both great districts to live in but moderately expensive
@@ElizabethLip as you say it's a very complex issue. But the massification we've got is not even normal.
Well there are many ways to cut that off. One, a big important one, is repeating what Amsterdam is doing: You can only buy a property there and you have to live on it for 3 years. That would solve the issue of so many black stone and companyes like that that have so many apartments in the city out of use.
Second one is, of course, rise up the salaries. The minimum salary in Spain 2 years ago was around 650€. Now it's 1100€. It needs to standardize at least as much as in France. What it can happen is that everything can rise as much as we will but salaries don't.
After that, we need to care more about our compatriots and not only go for the money. If a particular is renting, it's important to know who are you renting to/selling to and will to not only go to the bigger offer.
Look, we were, in Catalunya 6M people until 2 years ago. We are now 8M people. That is too many people. Why? Because the infraestructures (RENFE, speed ways) are always busy. This is not even normal. Also is not normal that even in Berga a rent of an apartment is 1200€. That happens because we have pushed people out of Barcelona. First to mainly Terrassa Sabadell and LH. But now, everywhere. That needs to stop immediately.
It's so funny because here we had a law that helped prices to not rise until 3-4 years ago when the Spanish Gob decided to decline it and generate their own law. That law doesn't help.
There are So many things that need to change. But not everyone can live in Our city. And yes, it belongs to the ones that have been born here before anybody else. That's true. It can not be that locals are pushed out not only of out neighborhoods but neither our city. Globalization is an issue. Also cheap flight companies that polute our city so hard. I would also cut off half of the flights in and out of the city even if that means paying more for a ticket. Of course I'd cut off the whole Cruise industry in our city as it polluted and overmassificates a city overnassificated and rubbed out of over tourism for decades.
About massive inmigration, many things need to be done. But the most important one is to allow countries under development to grow in a way that their citizens don't need to fear for their life and that they could live a normal life and eat 3 times a day. Yes, that actually doesn't happen in many countries and lots of this people are just flying away (which is normal). If we can help them stay home, with a good life, that'd also help us in the way that space is not unlimited and we will not move out.
And then, we see what to do next and how to continue. But in Europe we have the land that we have and not everyone should leave they own city/country in order to fulfill their wills.
And for the expats, I am sorry but yes you are running many people's way of living. I'd put laws that would impede so many to come so easy. Or, at least, will put laws for you to accommodate to our way of living. Our language/s (learning them should be a must by law) and our culture. Because we do but need so many hyper overpriced coffee specialty shitty places but more Xarcuteries de Barri with a place we're to have a wonderful esmorzar. We should not be so of a sell outs and stop looking as much for the money rather than to whom.
Yes it is complex. But we as society need to work on this right now before it's too late and our traditions and culture are being runned over and replaced. That is something we can not allow to happen, at all. And we have to prevent it from happening at all costs. And by having a replacement of population from locals to expats and foreigners in the city, it's starting to happen really big. That can't be, sorry.
Yes, it's complex. Of course it is, and it's also urgent to change it.
@@ElizabethLipI don't like Eixample at all xD
It's the highspeed avenue opened to reach the old towns of Sarrià, Gràcia and Horta for example. And it's full of expats and shops dedicated to expats 😅
@@danigonzalez4299 well first of all thank you for such an extended answer
secondly i hope barcelona’s gvmt will find find a solution however it is definitely not a problem of tourists or expats that the local laws and economy operate as they do making it hard for the locals to live in here. so “go home guiris” protests is a bullshit solution cos it won’t change anything unless the gvmt finally pays attention to it and starts to intervene in a meaningful way
we're not interested in asking governments to raise our salaries?wtf u talking about?
@@davidizquierdo5690 i don’t see many protests 🪧 in the streets and every local that i talk with they only say they want higher salaries but they honestly admit that they’re not willing to do much in order to change it meaning work more or making an action to really demand the gvmt or any other institutions responsible for such decision making. they just “want to prices to drop back”…
hahahahaha 3 years here and you don't even mention Catalans in your video, how lovely. Better that way right, if you had to say something about Catalans, probably harsh.
At 07:50 you caught on video a man hiding something in the bushes hahahah
Everything important in Sapin is in Madrid, the real parliament where laws are made, the lobbies, the banks, the finance world, where the important decisions are made and where the Spanish state concentrates their resources at. You and your expat mate should look into going there.
3 years? idk where you heard it! we've been only here for 1,5 😂
and thanks for your comment, we'll def think about our next moves somewhere else with my "expat mate" lol