13-03-2025, 08:59 PM
(This post was last modified: 14-03-2025, 06:32 AM by novelistcasanova. Edited 1 time in total. Edited 1 time in total.)
Date: 13 .03. 2025
Title: My Cousin Munna’s Daughter
Word Count: 8,579
Author: Novelist Casanova
An Auto Driver, when he takes his wife to Hospital to Visit his Cousin Munna’s newborn daughter, a Doctor sets his eyes on the Auto Driver’s wife, and somehow enjoys her.
"A cousin's daughter is a reminder of the beautiful connections that bind our family together." - Unknown
“Your Cousin Munna is blessed with a Baby Girl, Ram. Just now I got a call from Munna’s mom,” as my delighted mom exclaimed, “mom, Munna’s mom called yesterday night itself and informed me that Munna’s wife had given birth to a Baby Girl. It was around 10 PM, you were asleep and the kids were asleep as well, so my wife and I went to the Hospital and met Munna and congratulated him for having a Baby Girl, and met his wife along with his newborn Baby Girl, and came home,” I said. “Ram, I want to meet Munna’s daughter, please take me before his wife and his newborn Baby Girl get discharged from the Hospital,” as my mom asked, “Sure, mom, I will definitely take you to meet Munna’s Baby Girl,” I said.
“Where is your wife getting ready?” as my mom asked, “mom, my wife is attending an interview at Clinic as the Doctor’s helper, first let me take her there and then we both will go and meet Munna’s wife and his new born daughter at the Hospital,” as I said, my mom, who knew that the Auto Driver job which I was doing was not enough for the family and only if my wife got this job at the Clinic as the Doctor’s Assistant we could run the family smoothly and also take care of our Sons, agreed and let me take my wife for the interview at the Clinic.
As my wife got ready and came out wearing her White Saree and White Blouse, which the Doctor had instructed over the Phone to us to wear for the Interview, her Black Bra Strap was visible through her White Blouse, but ignoring it I took my wife to the Doctor’s Clinic.
My Wife, Indhu, was not about the Best looking ones, looked average, to be more precise my wife looked exactly like Tamil Junior Artist Chandrakala R (her Instagram is priyanka_actress). Though my wife was average looking, she is great in Bed. If you sleep with my wife once, you would want to sleep with her again and again, such would be the cooperation from my wife’s end. Once you arouse her, she will be totally in our Control and you can enjoy her as much as you want and she will make sure you have a lot of fun as well.
At around 9 AM, on a busy Monday, we somehow reached the Clinic, and parked my Auto at a corner and took my wife inside a small gully and found a small Clinic, which read “Hemalatha Clinic” and we confirmed that this was the exact Clinic. As we knocked on the Door, “Come in,” came the voice from the inside. As we opened the Glass Door and entered inside, there were empty Benches all over, and as I gently opened the curtain, the Doctor who we met yesterday was talking to a couple of Medical Representatives. “Ram, you came alone?” as the Doctor exclaimed, “no Sir, I brought my wife along,” as I said and showed my wife to him, his entire face brightened looking at my wife. “Very good, Indhu, you have come in Uniform already”, as he exclaimed, and my wife smiled at him, “just give me 5 minutes, I will finish the meeting,” as the doctor said, “sure Sir,” as we said and began going out, the Doctor’s eyes were all over my wife Ass over her White Saree.
As I came out and sat on the bench and my wife was about to sit next to me, “Indhu!?” the doctor called, “yes, Sir,” as my wife exclaimed and went inside, and I moved the curtain aside and looked inside, “Indhu, Coffee or Tea?”, as the Doctor asked, calling someone, “it's okay, Sir, I already had,” my wife said. “Your lips look dry, have some Tea, Coconut water and wet your lips, it's healthy,” as the Doctor said, “Mithun, bring two Tendernuts here for our Guest,” the doctor said over the phone, and hung up the call. “Just 2 minutes, Indhu, I will finish this meeting,” as the Doctor said, “Sure, Sir,” my wife said, and as she began coming out, the Doctor’s eyes were all over my Wife’s Ass over her White Saree.
Ever since the Doctor saw my wife at the Hospital last night, when we went to see my Cousin Munna’s Baby Girl, the Doctor has been Crazy about my wife. As my wife was talking to Munna’s mom, who was just outside the Maternity Ward, and I was drinking water in the Corner from a big Water Dispenser, “my God, what an Ass that Bitch has man,” I could hear one guy talk, standing on the other side of the big Water Dispenser. “Look at those thighs in the Red Leggings,” as I could hear another guy talk, that’s when I realised they were ogling at my wife, who was in her White Tops and Red Leggings.
Placing the glass at the Water Dispenser as I moved aside to see who they were, shockingly they were Doctors. “They guy who is married to this Bitch, must be enjoying that ass daily,” as one doctor said, “my God, feel like hugging her now, Man,” as the other doctor said, instead of getting angry at them, strangely and shamelessly I started feeling horny. “Doctor, it's an emergency,” as a Nurse exclaimed and took another doctor along with her, the other doctor began walking towards the Maternity Ward, where my wife and Munna’s Mom were standing outside and talking.
As my wife turned around towards me, and gestured for me to come, I went towards her going past the doctor who was ogling at my wife. “What happened, Indhu?” as I asked, looking at my wife and looking at Munna’s mom Kavitha, “the nurse says you can’t see Munna’s daughter without the Doctor’s Permission now, as it is not visiting hours,” as Munna’s mom Kavitha was saying, “what happened, why are you people standing here?” the Doctor asked Munna’s Mom Kavitha. As Munna’s Mom Kavitha was explaining to the Doctor, his eyes were all over my wife’s face, my wife’s lips, and and went down looking at my wife’s Boobs over her White Kurti Top, I started feeling horny and I started having a Boner inside my Lungi.
“Come I will tell the nurse,” as the doctor said and began taking us towards the Nurse, the moment the Nurse saw the Doctor, “Good Evening, Doctor,” she wished. “Good evening Nurse, where is Munna’s wife and his baby girl admitted? My wife wants to see their newborn Baby Girl,” as the Doctor said softly and winked at my wife and Munna’s Mom Kavitha, “yeah, they are husband and wife,” as Munna’s Mom Kavitha tried to overact, “you please stand aside, my wife and I will visit Munna’s wife and his Baby Girl and come,” as Doctor said softly and put his arm around my wife’s shoulder, I instantly started having a boner underneath my Lungi. “Sir, my husband also,” as my wife whispered, “you come along with us,” the doctor said and I went along with the Doctor.
As we met Munna’s Wife and Munna’s wife showed us Munna’s newborn Baby Girl, my wife was delighted. “Wow, Munna’s Baby Girl! Munna Baby Girl!,” as my wife began exclaiming softly bending down and playing with Munna’s Baby Girl, her Ass Cheeks in her Red Leggings began brushing against the Doctor’s Pants, and as the Doctor took one naughty step and began brushing his crotch against my wife’s Ass cheek, I started having a huge Boner underneath my Lungi. For a moment, realizing that her Ass was brushing against the Doctor who was standing behind, as my wife moved aside, the Doctor quickly grabbed my wife’s Ass Cheeks over her Red Leggings and her White Kurti Top, and pretended he was losing his balance. “Sorry, Sir,” as my wife exclaimed, “it's okay, it's okay,” the Doctor said.
As Munna came inside and I began hugging him and congratulating him on being blessed with a Baby Girl, and Munna began carrying his Baby Girl and began letting me hold his Baby Girl, my wife was delighted to see me holding Munna’s Baby Girl in my arms, the Doctor’s eyes were all over my wife, ogling at my wife from head to toe.
As the Nurse began coming towards us, “Doctor, can you leave now along with your wife? Dr. Yashodha will come now and she will yell at me,” as the Nurse said, “okay, Nurse,” the Doctor said and putting his right arm around my wife’s shoulder, he started taking my wife out. As I was giving Munna’s Baby Girl back to Munna and began congratulating Munna again for having a Baby Girl, and began to leave, the Doctor was discussing something serious to my wife. As the Nurse and went and joined the Doctor and my wife, he said something to the Nurse and smiled at the Nurse and as he smiled at my wife and my wife smiled back at him, all of a sudden at the same time casually saying something he began wrapping his arms around my wife’s waist and began taking my wife into his complete embrace. Though my wife was not expecting the hug and was not hugging him back fully, he took my wife completely into his embrace, and watching my wife into somebody’s arms, I started feeling horny and excited. By the time I reached my wife, he gave his Visiting Card and left the place.
As my wife and I congratulated Munna’s Mom Kavitha for becoming a Grandmother once again with another Granddaughter and began leaving the Hospital, my wife began showing the Doctor’s Visiting Card and began telling me that the Doctor’s has invited her to work with him in his Clinic as his helper, and he was willing to pay 25, 000 Per Month.
It has been 8 years since my wife and I got married, not once have I let my wife work for anyone, but after watching the Doctor hugging my wife and ogling at my wife, I started feeling horny and began calling the Doctor, but after the first ring I cut the call. As we reached home, and I was parking my Auto, and my wife went inside, my phone started ringing, and as I began answering the call, “hello,” as the voice on the phone spoke, I instantly recognized it was the Doctor.
“Sir, I am Ram, you gave your Card to my wife and asked her to call,” as I was saying, “Hello, Ram, you are Indhu’s husband, right?” as the doctor asked, “yes, Sir,” I said. “Ram, your wife told me about your financial situation, you are living in a Rent house and stuff, and you are not making enough driving Auto Rickshaw, but don’t worry, I will take care of everything, just let your wife work for me, and I will take good care of her,” as the Doctor was saying, I could feel how desperate he was to make my wife work for me. “Sir, my wife has studied only till 8th Standard, she won’t be able to work with you,” as I said, teasing him, making me beg me to let my wife work for him, “Ram, her educational qualification doesn’t matter to me. I like your wife, and something is telling me that your wife will be perfect for the job, just bring your wife to my Clinic at 9 AM tomorrow, we will discuss everything,” he said. Totally aware that he was crazy about my wife, as I tried to tease him more by telling him that I won’t let her work, and make him beg me to make my wife work for him, “Ram, bring your wife in White Saree and White Blouse, it's our Clinic Uniform, and of course your wife must wear her Bra and Panties underneath her Saree and Blouse,” as the Doctor began meaning about my wife’s Bra and Panties, I started feeling turned on completely.
As I began getting inside my house, and went inside our Bedroom, my wife was removing her White Kurti Tops and was only in her White Bra and removing her Red Leggings, “was your wife wearing her Bra and Panties today, underneath her White Kurti Tops and Red Leggings?” as the Doctor whispered softly, I started feeling horny, “yes, Sir,” as I exclaimed, my wife began removing her Red Leggings, revealing her Brown Colour Panties. As my wife removed her Red Leggings and stood only in her White Bra and Brown Panties, and saw me talking to someone over her phone, my wife, who hates me talking over the phone at night time before we make love and went to bed, began hugging me only in her White Bra and White Panties. “Ram, can’ you tell me what colour Bra she was wearing underneath her White Kurti Tops and what Colour Panties your wife was wearing underneath her Red Leggings,” as the Doctor began asking me in a desperate tone, “mmmmmmm enough phone, come baby,” as my wife, who as horny began whispering near my ear, and began wrapping her left arm around my neck, and began lifting my Lungi from the front and began inserting her right hand inside my underwear and began pulling my cock out and began stroking my cock, “mmmmmmmm mmmmmmm,” she began moaning. “Mmmmmm.. Ram, enjoying making love to your Beautiful, wife?” as the doctor exclaimed, “who are you talking to at this time, come baby mmmmmmm….” as my wife moaned and began stroking my cock, “go Ram, get your wife naked, removed her Clothes off, removed her Bra and Panties,” as the desperate doctor was almost moaning, the moment my wife began stroking my wife and began kissing my lips passionately, I could not hold it any more, “mmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmm,” I moaned, and as I was about to cum, “mmmmmm no, Ram, come inside me,” my wife exclaimed and took her hand off my cock.
Hanging up on the call and placing my phone on the Chair, “sure my love,” I whispered and began hugging my wife only in her White Bra and Brown Panties. “Mmmmmmmm… you are feeling more horny today, what is the matter?”, as my wife whispered and began removing my Khaki Auto Driver uniform shirt buttons and removed my Khaki Shirt and my dirty cut banian I was wearing inside, “after watching the Doctor hugging your I started feeling horny, Indhu,” I almost said, but controlling my tongue, “nothing …” I casually said. “Nothing?!” as she whispered with a naughty smile on her face and pushed me on the bed, “yeah, nothing,” I whispered. “Nothing?!”, as my wife whispered looking into my eyes and began inserting her hands underneath my Lungi and began grabbing my underwear and began pulling my underwear down, “I saw you were having a Boner in her Lungi while the Doctor was hugging me. You got horny after watching him hug me?” as my wife whispered and began lifting my Lungi and began looking at my erect cock, “no,” as I whispered, “woooooo… look how erect your cock is now! I haven't seen your cock this erect since we got married,” as my wife whispered and began holding my cock and looking into my eyes, “now tell the truth; you liked the way the Doctor hugged me, didn’t you?” as my wife asked and began stroking my cock, “no,” I whispered.
“No?! Are you sure?”, as my wife whispered and began spreading my legs and slept between my legs and with her mouth close to my cock, “no,” I said. “Are you sure, Ram?” as my wife whispered and began kissing my cock, “mmmmmmm mmmmmmm mmmmm,” I began to moan. “I am sure, Indhu,” as I moaned, “I thought you liked the way the Doctor hugged me and got turned on watching him hug me, and was planning to take you to the Doctor tomorrow for the Interview and romance the doctor in front of you and make you enjoy watching us together. It's okay, then we should not meet that Doctor ever again,” as my wife whispered and began sucking the top of my cock, “alright, Indhu, I give up, I enjoyed watching the way the Doctor hugged you in her White Kurti Tops and Red Leggings, and ever since I saw him hugging you, I started feeling horny and so badly want to watch you with him,” as I exclaimed and began pulling my wife up and began hugging my wife only in her White Bra and Brown Panties and hugging hugging her tight and began removing her White Bra and Brown Colour Panties and began making love to her, the thought of the doctor hugging my wife in her White Kurti tops and Red Leggings at the Hospital began appearing in front of my eyes and fantasising about the Doctor making love my wife, as I began making love to my wife, I got too excited and began cumming a lot inside my wife’s Pussy, and my wife thoroughly enjoyed it.
After making love to each other, as my wife was sleeping on my chest, “tomorrow, take me to the Doctor, and I have a surprise for you. Trust me, I am doing this for you and our Sons,” as my wife whispered, I began telling my wife that we have to go to the Doctor’s Clinic at 9 AM tomorrow, and she must wear White Saree and White Blouse, and my wife agreed and went to bed.
The next day, earling in the morning, as my wife and I were getting ready to go to the Doctor, my mom came to me, “your Cousin Munna is blessed with a Baby Girl, Ram. Just now I got a call from Munna’s mom,” as my delighted mom exclaimed, “mom, Munna’s mom called yesterday night itself and informed me that Munna’s wife had given birth to a Baby Girl. It was around 10 PM, you were asleep and the kids were asleep as well, so my wife and I went to the Hospital and met Munna and congratulated him for having a Baby Girl, and met his wife along with his newborn Baby Girl, and came home,” I said. “Ram, I want to meet Munna’s daughter, please take me before his wife and his newborn Baby Girl get discharged from the Hospital,” as my mom asked, “Sure, mom, I will definitely take you to meet Munna’s Baby Girl,” I said.
“Where is your wife getting ready?” as my mom asked, “mom, my wife is attending an interview at Clinic as the Doctor’s helper, first let me take her there and then we both will go and meet Munna’s wife and his new born daughter at the Hospital,” as I said, my mom, who knew that the Auto Driver job which I was doing was not enough for the family and only if my wife got this job at the Clinic as the Doctor’s Assistant we could run the family smoothly and also take care of our Sons, agreed and let me take my wife for the interview at the Clinic.
As my wife got ready and came out wearing her White Saree and White Blouse, which the Doctor had instructed over the Phone to us to wear for the Interview, her Black Bra Strap was visible through her White Blouse, but ignoring it I took my wife to the Doctor’s Clinic.
At around 9:30 AM, as we were waiting for the Doctor to finish his meeting with the Medical Representatives, a guy entered inside and offered Coconut Water to me and my wife and left the place, and we began drinking the Coconut water, the Medical Representatives who were talking to the Doctor began leaving. That’s when the Doctor called us inside.
As soon as we entered inside what looked at Doctor’s Room, with all the Examination Table, Doctor’s Table and Chairs opposite to the Doctor’s table, Charts and diagrams of Human Body etc, “Sorry for keeping you waiting, Ram, I was having an important meeting,” as the Doctor said pointing his hand towards the seats opposite to him and gesturing us to take out seats, “it's okay Sir,” I said and my wife and I sat on the seat.
“It's an important meeting, Ram, I could not send them out immediately,” as he was saying, his eyes were all over my wife, who was looking around the Charts which were hung on the wall. “Ram, I am gonna pay her 25,000 Rs per month,” as the Doctor began saying, “my God, 25,000?! If my wife starts earling 25,000 Rs, I am gonna quit Driving Auto,” I began telling myself, and I began praying to God that my wife should get this job.
“Ram, first and foremost, discipline is important, it should be your duty to drop your wife here exactly at 10 AM in the morning,” as the Doctor said, “sure, Doctor,” I said. “And Indhu, you must always come neatly dressed is White Saree and White Blouse,” as the Doctor said looking at my wife, “Sure, Doctor,” my wife answered. “You must always wear Clean Bra and Panties underneath your White Saree and White Blouse,” as the Doctor began talking about my wife’s Bra and Panties, I started feeling horny. “Sure, Doctor,” as my wife said, she started blushing. “Feeling uncomfortable talking about your Wife’s Bra and Panties, Ram?” as the Doctor asked, “No Doctor, I am completely fine. Nobody asked about my wife’s Bra and Panties openly, that’s why she is feeling shy to answer,” I said. “Indhu, you should never feel shy when you are working with a Doctor, okay? Feeling shy is out of the Question,” as the Doctor said to my wife and looked at me, “you should always be open to the Doctor and the Lawyers, Ram,” as he said, “I understand, Sir,” I said.
“Indhu, I will be personally examining your Panties every now and then to see if you are wearing Clean Panties or not, do you get it?”, as the Doctor said, my wife looked at me, “it's fine,” as I said gently placing my left hand on my wife’s right hand and squeezed gently, she nodded yes, biting her lips. “Ram, you don’t mind me examining your wife’s Panties every now and then, do you?” as the Doctor asked looking at me, my wife looked at me curiously for my answer. “I don’t mind, Doctor,” as I said looking at my wife, “are you sure?” my wife asked through her eyes, “yes,” I nodded. “Indhu, your husband is fine with me examining your Panties every now and then, but what about you? Are you okay with me examining your Panties every now and then?”, as the Doctor asked looking at my wife, “if my husband is fine with it, I am fine with it, Doctor,” my wife whispered blushing, putting her head down.
“Indhu, are you wearing your Bra and Panties underneath this White Saree and White Blouse now?” as the Doctor asked, looking at my wife, “yeah, Sir,” as my wife whispered putting her head down out of shyness, “she is feeling shy, Sir,” I said looking at the Doctor. “Don’t worry Indhu, after you get used to me lifting your Saree along with your Petticoat and examining your Panties, you will no feel shy,” as the Doctor was saying, the thought of the Doctor lifting my wife’s Saree along with her Petticoat began making me horny, “okay, sir,” as my wife said softly, I started feeling more and more horny. “Indhu, I can slightly see that you are wearing a Black Colour Bra underneath your White Bra, am I right?”, as the Doctor asked looking at my wife’s right shoulder where her Black Bra Strap was see through over her White Blouse, “yes, Sir,” my wife said, I started feeling more and more horny. “What Colour Petticoat you are wearing underneath your White Saree, Indhu?”, as the Doctor asked, my wife looked at me, “White, Sir,” she said. “And, what Colour Panties are you wearing, Indhu?” as the Doctor asked softly, I started feeling horny. As my wife looked at me, “tell him, it's okay,” as I whispered, “Maroon Colour Panties,” as my wife hesitantly said, the Doctor began licking his lips and I began feeling more and more horny.
“Hope you like my Clinic, Indhu,” as the doctor exclaimed and stood up from his seat, “yeah, I like your Clinic,” my wife said and smiled at him. “Indhu, your job is simple, you have to assist me by passing me over the Injections, Bandages, Ointments whatever I ask for, while attending the Patients, and make Tea every now and then at the Small Pantry, come I will show you,” as the Doctor said and took my wife towards the corner and opened the small door and showed a small kitchen. “It's cute,” as my wife exclaimed looking at the Kitchen and turning around and looking at the Doctor with a smile on her face, “but not as cute as you, Indhu,” as the doctor exclaimed, my wife began to blush.
“My husband told me that you asked him to bring me wearing White Saree and White Blouse as it is the Uniform, but only I this old white Saree, hope it is okay with you,” as my wife whispered, the Doctor, who was already horny, “mmmmm… I love it, Indhu,” as he exclaimed and began taking my wife into his complete embrace, my wife began wrapping her arms around his neck and began hugging him back. “My God, you are so naughty, Sir, you even hugged me yesterday at the Hospital without my permission,” my wife whispered. “Mmmmmmmm… I love hugging you, Indhu,” as the Doctor whispered, closing his eyes and feeling up my wife’s Boobs against his chest.
“Mmmmmmmmm… okay, but if you want me to work for you, I have three conditions,” as my wife whispered holding his face and looking at his lips and looking back into his eyes, “my first condition: my salary should be at least 50 Thousand per month,” as my wife whispered, “mmmmm.. Sure, Indhu,” as he whispered and began kissing my wife’s lips, my wife began kissing his lips back passionately, making him go crazy. Breaking the kiss, “my second condition: my husband is not making enough to Auto, and I want you to buy a Car Taxi for him. Only if you do that I am gonna let you examine my Bra and Panties daily, or else I will not let you touch me ,” as my wife whispered, placing his hands over my wife’s Ass Cheeks over her White Saree, “mmmmmmm… for your Ass, I will do anything Sundha, I will buy your husband a Car, I promise,” as he whispered and began squeezing my wife’s Ass cheeks over her White Saree and began kissing my wife lips nicely, my wife began kissing his lips back Passionately, and I started having a huge boner inside my Lungi and I began inserting my hands inside my Lungi and began pulling my underwear down and removed my underwear completely and kept my underwear underneath my Chair and began jerking off watching the way the Doctor was enjoying himself kissing my wife’s lips.
“Mmmm… enough kissing my lips, Sir. You are kissing too much,” as my wife broke the kiss and blushed, and began wiping his saliva off her lips, “now I want to kiss your other lips,” as the Doctor exclaimed, “nooooooooo!” as my wife exclaimed and began running away from him laughing loud, he caught my wife’s White Saree Pallu and began pulling my wife words him, “no, Sir, please not the other lips,” as my wife begged blushing and holding on to her White Saree Pallu, he pulled my wife White Saree Pallu harder, and lost her balance and fell on top of him with her Boobs in her White Blouse against his chest, and he began hugging my wife, letting her pallu fall on the floor.
“Just one kiss on your other lips, Indhu, please,” as the Doctor begged, taking his right hand down and grabbed my wife’s White Saree Pleats which were tugged to her Petticoat just below her navel, and began pulling my wife’s White Saree Pleats off my Wife’s Petticoat, “Sir, no,” my wife exclaimed and began grabbing his hand, he did not listen to my wife and began pulling my Wife’s White Saree Pleats off my wife’s Petticoat. “Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!” as my wife exclaimed, he pulled the remaining of my wife’s White Saree that was clinging on to my wife Petticoat, making my wife stand only in her White Blouse and White Petticoat, and not just the Black Bra she was wearing underneath her White Blouse was visible, but also the Maroon Colour Panties which she was wearing underneath her White Petticoat was partially visible through her White Petticoat, but my wife’s Maroon Colour Panties elastic had cropped out of her White Petticoat around her waist and at the area where she had tied her Petticoat Nada there was a gap and her Maroon Colour Panties was clearly visible.
As my wife began running away from the Doctor, laughing loud, her Boobs in her White Blouse jiggle around and her Black Bra strap began coming out of her White Blouse, and as the Doctor began chasing my wife with his eyes all over my wife’s swaying Ass Cheeks over her White Petticoat and partially visible Maroon Colour Panties, watching the whole thing, I started feeling so horny. As my wife stopped around the Doctor’s Table, and as the Doctor began chasing my wife and they began circling around the Table.
As my wife stopped at opposite end of the Table bending down and placing her hands on her Table, her deep cleavage came to full view of the Doctor, and as a result of my wife running around, she started sweating a lot, wetting her White Blouse, her Black Bra could be seen clearly, and her cleavage were glittering with her Sweat. “Please, Indhu, come to me, don’t tease me like this,” as the Doctor exclaimed, feasting his eyes all over my wife, “then give me Saree Back, I will come,” my wife said, teasing him. “You don’t need Saree, Indhu, I just love you in your Blouse and Petticoat, wish you always be in your Blouse and Petticoat while you work for me,” as the Doctor exclaimed, “what? While working for you I should be only in my Blouse and Petticoat?! No way,” my wife exclaimed, teasing him. “You are naughty Doctor, first you will tell me to work only in my Blouse and Petticoat, and then you will tell me to work only in my Bra and Panties. Only my husband can see me in my Bra and Panties,” as my wife exclaimed and looked at me, she quickly noticed me having a Boner in my Lungi and realized that the way she was teasing the Doctor was making me horny, and she looked back into my eyes and winked at me.
“Indhu, if you work for me only in your Bra and Panties, I will do anything for you, I promise,” the Doctor said in a begging tone. “You will do anything for me if I work for you only in my Bra and Panties?”, as my wife asked, adjusting her blouse and teasing him, “are you sure you will do anything for me if you agree to work for you only in my Bra and Panties?” as my wife asked again, “yes, Indhu, I promise, just take your Blouse and Petticoat off and ask whatever you want and I will give you,” the Doctor said. As much as the Doctor I wanted to see my wife in her Bra and Panties now, “remove your Blouse and Petticoat for him, Indhu, don’t make him beg you,” I said without my control, my wife looked at the Doctor. “Okay, I am going to take my Blouse and Petticoat off, but you must kneel down first,” as my wife ordered, “sure.. Indhu… Sure…” the Doctor exclaimed and began kneeling on the floor, desperate to see my wife in her Bra and Panties.
“Ram, with your permission, can I remove my Blouse and Petticoat for Doctor?”, as my wife asked looking at me, “tell her, Ram, please,” the Doctor, who was desperate to see my wife in her Bra and Panties, almost begged me. “Indhu, please go ahead and remove your Blouse and Petticoat for Doctor,” as I said, “Hmmmm… Ram, you come here and remove my Blouse and Petticoat for Doctor,” my wife said and looking at the Doctor, “you stay right there,” she said.
As I began going near my wife, and began removing my wife’s White Blouse hooks, “Ram, tell me what do you want me to ask him?” as my wife whispered, “Indhu, I can’t think right now, I am so horny watching you tease him like this,” as I whispered and removed her White Blouse off her and she stood only in her Black Bra and White Petticoat, she inserted her right hand underneath my Lungi and caught my erect cock. Since I was not wearing my underwear underneath, my erect cock came in contact, “my God, you are so turned on Ram. You are loving this aren’t you?” as my wife giggled hornily stroking my cock, “I love you, Indhu,” I whispered and began wrapping my arms around my wife’s neck and began hugging her tight. Hugging me back with her left arm around me and stroking my cock with her right hand, “I love you too, Ram,” as my wife exclaimed, “Go, Ram, sit comfortably on the Chair and enjoy the Show,” as my wife whispered, taking her hand off my cock, that’s when I saw the Doctor had gotten up and began coming towards my wife.
As I sat on the Sofa, “just ask me what you want, Indhu, just ask,” as the Doctor whispered and began grabbing my wife’s Boobs over her Black Bra, and taking his hands off my wife’s Boobs over her Black Bra and hugging my wife only in her Black Bra and White Petticoat, and began kissing my wife’s lips, my wife began closing her eyes and began kissing his lips back passionately, and watching my wife and the Doctor enjoying themself kissing each other’s lips, I started enjoying myself jerking off.
Grabbing my wife’s waist, as the Doctor made my wife sit on his Table, and began pushing all the things that were on the Table and began taking his clothes off, he was having a huge boner in his underwear. As my wife was sitting on the edge of the Table, putting her hands behind adjusting her hair, his eyes went all over my wife’s clean shaved Armpits, and he went near my wife, she put her hands down on her lap.
Resting his hands on each side of my wife, and grabbing my wife’s left hand, “please, Indhu, let me kiss your other lips,” as he almost begged and began inserting my wife’s right hand inside his underwear and make my wife grab his cock, my wife pulled his cock out of his underwear. “Please, Indhu,” as he begged my wife again and began removing his underwear and stood naked, my wife caught his cock gently with her right hand and placing her left hand over his cock, as she looked him into his eyes, “please, Indhu, just once let me kiss your Pussy lips,” as the Doctor almost begged, “alright, just once, okay… just once,” as my wife said, he started having a huge smile on his face, “sure … sure… sure…” he said and began inserting his hands underneath my wife’s White Petticoat. As his hands began going about her knees, my wife caught his hands over her White Petticoat at her thighs, “just once, okay?”, as my wife whispered, and planted kiss on his lips, the Doctor began kissing her lips back passionately and at the same time began grabbing my wife’s Panties with his hands underneath her White Petticoat.
As the Doctor began pulling my wife’s Panties down, my wife broke the kiss and began adjusting her Ass cheeks so that he could pull her Panties down smoothly. As the Doctor removed my wife’s Maroon Colour Panties and began sniffing my wife’s Maroon Colour Panties looking into my wife’s eyes, my wife started feeling horny and began biting her lips.
Placing my wife’s Maroon Colour Panties on the table next to my wife, as the Doctor began spreading my wife’s legs apart and began going between my wife’s legs and began putting his arms behind and began removing my wife’s Black Bra hooks and began removing her Black Bra, looking into my wife’s eyes, my wife wife herself removed her Bra straps off her shoulders and let him remove her Black Bra smoothly.
Placing my wife’s Black Bra on top of my wife’s Maroon Colour Panties, and grabbing my half naked wife’s waist as he began sucking my wife’s right Boobs, “mmmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmm,” my wife began moaning holding his face. As the Doctor began sucking my wife’s right Boobs nicely, taking my wife’s boobs as much as he could inside his mouth, “mmmmmmm mmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmm,” my wife began to moan holding his face and looked at me, and notching me enjoying myself jerking off watching the Doctor sucking her boobs, she began focussing on the Doctor.
As the Doctor began sucking my wife’s left Boobs, “mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmmmm mmmmmmm” she began to moan, and as she planted a kiss on his forehead, “I love you, Indhu,” as the Doctor exclaimed, placing his hands on my wife’s spread thighs over my wife’s White Petticoat, my wife began wrapping her arms around the Doctor’s neck and began hugging the Doctor tight, crushing her naked boobs against the Doctor. As the Doctor began hugging my half naked wife back, and began roaming his hands all over my wife’s naked back, and began kissing her all over her neck, “mmmmmmmm mmmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmmmm,” my wife began to moan.
Resting his upper body completely on top of my wife, with her feet below her knees hanging on the edge of the table, “I love you, Indhu,” as the Doctor exclaimed and began kissing my wife’s lips, “Indhu, say, I love you too Muthu,” as the Doctor whispered, rubbing is erect cock over my wife’s crotch area over her White Petticoat, crushing his chest completely against my wife’s Boobs, and kissing my wife’s lips nicely, tempting her thoroughly this time, “I can’t, I love my husband,” my wife said.
“It's okay, Indhu,” as the Doctor whispered and getting up and began lifting my wife’s White Petticoat all the way above her waist and looked at my wife’s Pussy and looked at my wife, my wife who was lying flat on the table, out of shyness began closing her eyes and began covering her face with her hands.
“My God, look at your Pussy…… mmmmmmm… yummy,” as the Doctor exclaimed and began kneeling down right in front of my wife’s Pussy and kissing my wife’s inner thighs looking at my wife’s Pussy, which was just inches away from his mouth, “mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm,” my wife began to moan. As the Doctor began taking his lips up towards my wife’s Pussy, teasing my wife scratching her inner thighs, “mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm,” my wife began to moan. As her right hand was trying to reach for the Doctor’s head, he shifted his head towards her other inner thighs and began lickign my wife’s other leg inner thighs, “mmmmmmmmmmmm,” my wife began to moan, and I could see my wife’s Pussy totally wet and glittering, and my wife’s right hand was still trying to reach for his head, and the moment the doctor began kissing my wife’s pussy lips, “mmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmmm,” my wife to moan. Reaching for my wife’s boobs, as the Doctor began squeezing my wife’s boobs and began eating my wife’s pussy, “mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmmmm mmmmmm mmmmm,” my wife began to moan. Taking his mouth off my wife’s Pussy, and standing up, “I love you, Indhu,” as the doctor exclaimed, looking into my wife’s eyes and began hugging my wife’s naked upper body, she kissed him on his forehead. “Indhu, say, I love you too Muthu,” as the doctor whispered, “I can’t, I love my husband,” my wife said.
Kissing my wife’s cheek, as the Doctor got up and began rubbing his cock all over my wife’s Pussy, teasing my wife, “mmmmmmmm mmmmmmm mmmmmmm,” my wife began to moan. “Indhu, shall I fuck your Pussy, my cock is hungry,” as the Doctor said rubbing his cock all over my wife’s clit, teasing my wife, “mmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmm,” my wife began to moan. “Only if you give me permission, I can fuck you, Indhu….. Look how much my cock is begging to get inside you,” as the Doctor exclaimed, and began inserting his cock inside my wife’s wet Pussy and began pulling his cock out immediately, “mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm,” my wife began to moan.
Spreading my wife’s wet Pussy and inserting his erect cock inside my wife’s Pussy, as the began squeezing my wife’s Boobs, “mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm,” as my wife began to moan, “shall I pull my cock out, Indhu,” as the Doctor exclaimed teasing my wife, “no,” my wife almost shouted. Slowly as he began making love to my wife, “mmmmmmmmmmm mmmmm mmmmm mmmmm,” my wife began to moan. “Like my cock inside your pussy, Indhu?”, as the Doctor whispered and began enjoying himself making love to my wife's pussy, “mmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmm mmmmmm,” my wife began to moan. Resting his upper body completely upon my wife and hugging my wife tight and crushing her naked Boobs completely against his chest, as the Doctor began digging his cock deeper and deeper inside my wife’s Pussy, “mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmm mmmmmm mmmmm mmmmmm mmmmmmmm,” my wife began to moan, and from the way my wife was moaning, I could clearly feel that she was about to cum. “Mmmmmmmmm… I love you, Indhu….. Mmmmmm mmmmm,” as the Doctor began hugging my wife tight and began making love to my wife digging his cock deeper and deeper inside my wife’s Pussy, my horny wife began hugging him back and kissing him all over his neck and shoulder. “Mmmmmm mmmmmmmmm … Indhu… I can feel that you are going to cum … mmmmmm mmmmmmmm ……. are you cumming, Indhu…. Are you cumming?”, as the Doctor began moaning and began digging his cock deeper and deeper inside my wife’s Pussy, “yeah…… I am gonna cum mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmmm mmmmmmmmm,” my wife began to moan. “Ram, you have no idea how much I am enjoying your wife’s Pussy, man. Your wife is mine now …. She is mine … mmmm mmmmmmmmmmmm ….. Ram, I love your wife, man… I am going to marry her and make her mine …. Mmmmmmm mmmmmmmm….,” as the Doctor began moaning telling me that my wife belongs to him, I was shamelessly getting more and more turned on and began stroking my cock vigorously, “mmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm,” my wife was hugging the Doctor tight and began kissing him all over his cheeks. “Indhu…. Mmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmmmm I am gonna cum….. I am gonna cum…. I am gonna cum…… Tell me you love me,” as the Doctor began to moan, digging his cock deeper and deeper inside my wife’s pussy, the moment my wife exclaimed “I Love you, Muthu,” and began hugging him back tight and began kissing his lips passionately, he could not hold it anymore, “aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah,” as he moaned and began cumming deep inside my wife’s pussy, wrapping her arms around the Doctor neck and hugging him tight agonist her Pussy and wrapping her legs around the Doctor’s back against her Crotch right, and kissing his Doctor’s lips nicely, “aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,” my wife moaned and came all over the Doctor’s cock.
As my wife and the Doctor got off the Table, and the naked Doctor began hugging my wife who was only in her White Petticoat, and my wife began hugging the Doctor back with her arms around his neck, like a happy couple enjoying their First Night, I started jerking off and began cumming all over the floor.
Only after cumming watching the Doctor thoroughly enjoying himself fucking my wife, I snapped out of my fantasy and began to feel guilty. I could not believe that I just let a stranger Fuck my wife.
As the Doctor was helping my wife wearing her Black Bra by hooking her Black Bra hooks from behind, and she was laughing at him and thanking him softly, I started to feel more and more guilty. As my wife began wearing her White Blouse over her Black Bra, smiling at the Doctor and talking about something, he went to bring my wife’s White Saree and gave it to my wife. Thanking him, as my wife began collecting her Saree from the Doctor, smiling at him, “Indhu, can I keep your Panties with me as a Memory?” as the Doctor asked, holding my wife’s Maroon Colour Panties, “sure,” my wife said, smiling at him and began wearing her Saree.
After wearing her White Saree, as the Doctor and my wife were hugging each other and began kissing each other lips, I quickly went to them, “enough,” I said and broke their hug, and pulling my wife’s Maroon Colour Panties from the Doctor’s hand, I began taking her home. Not a word she spoke and neither did I.
As soon as I went home, my mom, who was waiting for me to take her to the Hospital to visit My Cousin Munna’s new born Baby Girl, readily got into my Auto and I took my mom to the Hospital where My Cousin Munna’s Wife and his new born Baby Girl was admitted. At the Hospital as my mom was congratulating Munna’s Mom for becoming a Grandmother of another Granddaughter, and congratulating Munna for becoming a Dad of a Baby Girl, and I began congratulating Munna for becoming a father of a daughter, my mind was feeling guilty for letting the Doctor enjoy my wife.
After dropping my mom home after visiting my cousin Munna’s Baby Girl, I went straight to the Bar and got drunk. When I went home after getting drunk, I apologized to my wife for becoming a victim of my stupid Fantasy and promised her that I would never let her sleep with Strangers again, and deciding that I should not send my wife to work, I went to bed.
The next day I got a call from my Cousin Munna that his wife and his newborn daughter were getting discharged, and as I took my wife to the Hospital and my wife was congratulating Munna’s Mom Kavitha on becoming Grandmother of another granddaughter, exactly where she was standing and talking to Munna’s Mom Kavitha, and I was drinking water standing at the Same water dispenser I stood the last time, “my God, my Whore is here,” as I heard the Doctor’s voice coming from other side of the Water Dispenser, and as I looked around, it was Dr. Muthukrishnan, who enjoyed my wife yesterday, and he was standing alone on the other side of the Water Dispenser telling himself about my wife who was in her White Tops of Yellow Leggings, and all of a sudden I forgot about all the guilt and started to get turned on.
“Indhu?!,” as the Doctor called, and my wife turned around and looked at the Doctor. “Hello Doctor,” as I said with a huge smile on my face, “Hello Ram?! Did you get hurt watching me make love to your wife last time?”, as the Doctor asked, casually, with a guilty tone, “not at all Doctor, I loved the way you enjoyed my wife, hoping to see more action from you,” as I was saying, I was feeling more and more horny. As my wife came towards, and looked at me, and looked at the Doctor, “Indhu, come with me, I want to show you something,” as the Doctor said and my wife looked at me. “Come,” as he exclaimed and began taking us to his Cabin. We began following him. “Ram, let's go home, you did not like what happened yesterday right?” as my wife whispered, “who said?! I loved the way he enjoyed you yesterday, and I am waiting for more and more action from you both,” as I said and winked at my wife, “but…. You were…..,” as my wife began to say, “I was drunk last night, but I am sober now, and I am telling you now, I just loved the way he enjoyed your yesterday, and I am waiting for more more and more acting from you both,” I said and took my wife inside his Cabin.
“Indhu, here is the Car Taxi, I promised to buy for your husband. In 1 week, they will delivery this Car, are you happy, Indhu?,” as the Doctor exclaimed and gave my wife the Receipt of the Car he purchased for me, “thank you so much, Sir,” as I exclaimed, the Doctor smiled at me and looked at my wife for her reaction. “Happy, Indhu?” as the Doctor asked my wife, “I am very happy, Muthu,” my wife exclaimed. “That’s because I love you, Indhu,” as the Doctor said and began hugging my wife in her Yellow Kurti Tops and Yellow Leggings, “I love you too, Muthu,” my wife whispered and began wrapping her arms around the Doctor’s neck, that’s when I got a call from my Cousin Munna.
By the time I went to the ward sent my Cousin Munna, his mom, his wife, and his newborn Baby Girl home and came back to the Doctor’s Cabin, the Doctor was in his underwear, and my wife was only in her White Bra and Pink Panties and enjoying themselves hugging each other and kissing each other’s lips, I instantly got horny and got naked and this time joined the Doctor and we both Enjoyed my wife’s Pussy.
After that threesome, we all went home happily; my wife started working for the Doctor in his Clinic, not only as his helper but also as his lover, and in exchange for letting him enjoy my wife, the Doctor began helping me financially and help us buy a new house of our own. Exactly a year later, my wife and I along with sons and my mother went in an expensive Car to attend the 1st Birthday of my Cousin Munna’s Daughter.
Novelist Casanova
Title: My Cousin Munna’s Daughter
Word Count: 8,579
Author: Novelist Casanova
An Auto Driver, when he takes his wife to Hospital to Visit his Cousin Munna’s newborn daughter, a Doctor sets his eyes on the Auto Driver’s wife, and somehow enjoys her.
My Cousin Munna’s Daughter
"A cousin's daughter is a reminder of the beautiful connections that bind our family together." - Unknown
“Your Cousin Munna is blessed with a Baby Girl, Ram. Just now I got a call from Munna’s mom,” as my delighted mom exclaimed, “mom, Munna’s mom called yesterday night itself and informed me that Munna’s wife had given birth to a Baby Girl. It was around 10 PM, you were asleep and the kids were asleep as well, so my wife and I went to the Hospital and met Munna and congratulated him for having a Baby Girl, and met his wife along with his newborn Baby Girl, and came home,” I said. “Ram, I want to meet Munna’s daughter, please take me before his wife and his newborn Baby Girl get discharged from the Hospital,” as my mom asked, “Sure, mom, I will definitely take you to meet Munna’s Baby Girl,” I said.
“Where is your wife getting ready?” as my mom asked, “mom, my wife is attending an interview at Clinic as the Doctor’s helper, first let me take her there and then we both will go and meet Munna’s wife and his new born daughter at the Hospital,” as I said, my mom, who knew that the Auto Driver job which I was doing was not enough for the family and only if my wife got this job at the Clinic as the Doctor’s Assistant we could run the family smoothly and also take care of our Sons, agreed and let me take my wife for the interview at the Clinic.
As my wife got ready and came out wearing her White Saree and White Blouse, which the Doctor had instructed over the Phone to us to wear for the Interview, her Black Bra Strap was visible through her White Blouse, but ignoring it I took my wife to the Doctor’s Clinic.
My Wife, Indhu, was not about the Best looking ones, looked average, to be more precise my wife looked exactly like Tamil Junior Artist Chandrakala R (her Instagram is priyanka_actress). Though my wife was average looking, she is great in Bed. If you sleep with my wife once, you would want to sleep with her again and again, such would be the cooperation from my wife’s end. Once you arouse her, she will be totally in our Control and you can enjoy her as much as you want and she will make sure you have a lot of fun as well.
At around 9 AM, on a busy Monday, we somehow reached the Clinic, and parked my Auto at a corner and took my wife inside a small gully and found a small Clinic, which read “Hemalatha Clinic” and we confirmed that this was the exact Clinic. As we knocked on the Door, “Come in,” came the voice from the inside. As we opened the Glass Door and entered inside, there were empty Benches all over, and as I gently opened the curtain, the Doctor who we met yesterday was talking to a couple of Medical Representatives. “Ram, you came alone?” as the Doctor exclaimed, “no Sir, I brought my wife along,” as I said and showed my wife to him, his entire face brightened looking at my wife. “Very good, Indhu, you have come in Uniform already”, as he exclaimed, and my wife smiled at him, “just give me 5 minutes, I will finish the meeting,” as the doctor said, “sure Sir,” as we said and began going out, the Doctor’s eyes were all over my wife Ass over her White Saree.
As I came out and sat on the bench and my wife was about to sit next to me, “Indhu!?” the doctor called, “yes, Sir,” as my wife exclaimed and went inside, and I moved the curtain aside and looked inside, “Indhu, Coffee or Tea?”, as the Doctor asked, calling someone, “it's okay, Sir, I already had,” my wife said. “Your lips look dry, have some Tea, Coconut water and wet your lips, it's healthy,” as the Doctor said, “Mithun, bring two Tendernuts here for our Guest,” the doctor said over the phone, and hung up the call. “Just 2 minutes, Indhu, I will finish this meeting,” as the Doctor said, “Sure, Sir,” my wife said, and as she began coming out, the Doctor’s eyes were all over my Wife’s Ass over her White Saree.
Ever since the Doctor saw my wife at the Hospital last night, when we went to see my Cousin Munna’s Baby Girl, the Doctor has been Crazy about my wife. As my wife was talking to Munna’s mom, who was just outside the Maternity Ward, and I was drinking water in the Corner from a big Water Dispenser, “my God, what an Ass that Bitch has man,” I could hear one guy talk, standing on the other side of the big Water Dispenser. “Look at those thighs in the Red Leggings,” as I could hear another guy talk, that’s when I realised they were ogling at my wife, who was in her White Tops and Red Leggings.
Placing the glass at the Water Dispenser as I moved aside to see who they were, shockingly they were Doctors. “They guy who is married to this Bitch, must be enjoying that ass daily,” as one doctor said, “my God, feel like hugging her now, Man,” as the other doctor said, instead of getting angry at them, strangely and shamelessly I started feeling horny. “Doctor, it's an emergency,” as a Nurse exclaimed and took another doctor along with her, the other doctor began walking towards the Maternity Ward, where my wife and Munna’s Mom were standing outside and talking.
As my wife turned around towards me, and gestured for me to come, I went towards her going past the doctor who was ogling at my wife. “What happened, Indhu?” as I asked, looking at my wife and looking at Munna’s mom Kavitha, “the nurse says you can’t see Munna’s daughter without the Doctor’s Permission now, as it is not visiting hours,” as Munna’s mom Kavitha was saying, “what happened, why are you people standing here?” the Doctor asked Munna’s Mom Kavitha. As Munna’s Mom Kavitha was explaining to the Doctor, his eyes were all over my wife’s face, my wife’s lips, and and went down looking at my wife’s Boobs over her White Kurti Top, I started feeling horny and I started having a Boner inside my Lungi.
“Come I will tell the nurse,” as the doctor said and began taking us towards the Nurse, the moment the Nurse saw the Doctor, “Good Evening, Doctor,” she wished. “Good evening Nurse, where is Munna’s wife and his baby girl admitted? My wife wants to see their newborn Baby Girl,” as the Doctor said softly and winked at my wife and Munna’s Mom Kavitha, “yeah, they are husband and wife,” as Munna’s Mom Kavitha tried to overact, “you please stand aside, my wife and I will visit Munna’s wife and his Baby Girl and come,” as Doctor said softly and put his arm around my wife’s shoulder, I instantly started having a boner underneath my Lungi. “Sir, my husband also,” as my wife whispered, “you come along with us,” the doctor said and I went along with the Doctor.
As we met Munna’s Wife and Munna’s wife showed us Munna’s newborn Baby Girl, my wife was delighted. “Wow, Munna’s Baby Girl! Munna Baby Girl!,” as my wife began exclaiming softly bending down and playing with Munna’s Baby Girl, her Ass Cheeks in her Red Leggings began brushing against the Doctor’s Pants, and as the Doctor took one naughty step and began brushing his crotch against my wife’s Ass cheek, I started having a huge Boner underneath my Lungi. For a moment, realizing that her Ass was brushing against the Doctor who was standing behind, as my wife moved aside, the Doctor quickly grabbed my wife’s Ass Cheeks over her Red Leggings and her White Kurti Top, and pretended he was losing his balance. “Sorry, Sir,” as my wife exclaimed, “it's okay, it's okay,” the Doctor said.
As Munna came inside and I began hugging him and congratulating him on being blessed with a Baby Girl, and Munna began carrying his Baby Girl and began letting me hold his Baby Girl, my wife was delighted to see me holding Munna’s Baby Girl in my arms, the Doctor’s eyes were all over my wife, ogling at my wife from head to toe.
As the Nurse began coming towards us, “Doctor, can you leave now along with your wife? Dr. Yashodha will come now and she will yell at me,” as the Nurse said, “okay, Nurse,” the Doctor said and putting his right arm around my wife’s shoulder, he started taking my wife out. As I was giving Munna’s Baby Girl back to Munna and began congratulating Munna again for having a Baby Girl, and began to leave, the Doctor was discussing something serious to my wife. As the Nurse and went and joined the Doctor and my wife, he said something to the Nurse and smiled at the Nurse and as he smiled at my wife and my wife smiled back at him, all of a sudden at the same time casually saying something he began wrapping his arms around my wife’s waist and began taking my wife into his complete embrace. Though my wife was not expecting the hug and was not hugging him back fully, he took my wife completely into his embrace, and watching my wife into somebody’s arms, I started feeling horny and excited. By the time I reached my wife, he gave his Visiting Card and left the place.
As my wife and I congratulated Munna’s Mom Kavitha for becoming a Grandmother once again with another Granddaughter and began leaving the Hospital, my wife began showing the Doctor’s Visiting Card and began telling me that the Doctor’s has invited her to work with him in his Clinic as his helper, and he was willing to pay 25, 000 Per Month.
It has been 8 years since my wife and I got married, not once have I let my wife work for anyone, but after watching the Doctor hugging my wife and ogling at my wife, I started feeling horny and began calling the Doctor, but after the first ring I cut the call. As we reached home, and I was parking my Auto, and my wife went inside, my phone started ringing, and as I began answering the call, “hello,” as the voice on the phone spoke, I instantly recognized it was the Doctor.
“Sir, I am Ram, you gave your Card to my wife and asked her to call,” as I was saying, “Hello, Ram, you are Indhu’s husband, right?” as the doctor asked, “yes, Sir,” I said. “Ram, your wife told me about your financial situation, you are living in a Rent house and stuff, and you are not making enough driving Auto Rickshaw, but don’t worry, I will take care of everything, just let your wife work for me, and I will take good care of her,” as the Doctor was saying, I could feel how desperate he was to make my wife work for me. “Sir, my wife has studied only till 8th Standard, she won’t be able to work with you,” as I said, teasing him, making me beg me to let my wife work for him, “Ram, her educational qualification doesn’t matter to me. I like your wife, and something is telling me that your wife will be perfect for the job, just bring your wife to my Clinic at 9 AM tomorrow, we will discuss everything,” he said. Totally aware that he was crazy about my wife, as I tried to tease him more by telling him that I won’t let her work, and make him beg me to make my wife work for him, “Ram, bring your wife in White Saree and White Blouse, it's our Clinic Uniform, and of course your wife must wear her Bra and Panties underneath her Saree and Blouse,” as the Doctor began meaning about my wife’s Bra and Panties, I started feeling turned on completely.
As I began getting inside my house, and went inside our Bedroom, my wife was removing her White Kurti Tops and was only in her White Bra and removing her Red Leggings, “was your wife wearing her Bra and Panties today, underneath her White Kurti Tops and Red Leggings?” as the Doctor whispered softly, I started feeling horny, “yes, Sir,” as I exclaimed, my wife began removing her Red Leggings, revealing her Brown Colour Panties. As my wife removed her Red Leggings and stood only in her White Bra and Brown Panties, and saw me talking to someone over her phone, my wife, who hates me talking over the phone at night time before we make love and went to bed, began hugging me only in her White Bra and White Panties. “Ram, can’ you tell me what colour Bra she was wearing underneath her White Kurti Tops and what Colour Panties your wife was wearing underneath her Red Leggings,” as the Doctor began asking me in a desperate tone, “mmmmmmm enough phone, come baby,” as my wife, who as horny began whispering near my ear, and began wrapping her left arm around my neck, and began lifting my Lungi from the front and began inserting her right hand inside my underwear and began pulling my cock out and began stroking my cock, “mmmmmmmm mmmmmmm,” she began moaning. “Mmmmmm.. Ram, enjoying making love to your Beautiful, wife?” as the doctor exclaimed, “who are you talking to at this time, come baby mmmmmmm….” as my wife moaned and began stroking my cock, “go Ram, get your wife naked, removed her Clothes off, removed her Bra and Panties,” as the desperate doctor was almost moaning, the moment my wife began stroking my wife and began kissing my lips passionately, I could not hold it any more, “mmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmm,” I moaned, and as I was about to cum, “mmmmmm no, Ram, come inside me,” my wife exclaimed and took her hand off my cock.
Hanging up on the call and placing my phone on the Chair, “sure my love,” I whispered and began hugging my wife only in her White Bra and Brown Panties. “Mmmmmmmm… you are feeling more horny today, what is the matter?”, as my wife whispered and began removing my Khaki Auto Driver uniform shirt buttons and removed my Khaki Shirt and my dirty cut banian I was wearing inside, “after watching the Doctor hugging your I started feeling horny, Indhu,” I almost said, but controlling my tongue, “nothing …” I casually said. “Nothing?!” as she whispered with a naughty smile on her face and pushed me on the bed, “yeah, nothing,” I whispered. “Nothing?!”, as my wife whispered looking into my eyes and began inserting her hands underneath my Lungi and began grabbing my underwear and began pulling my underwear down, “I saw you were having a Boner in her Lungi while the Doctor was hugging me. You got horny after watching him hug me?” as my wife whispered and began lifting my Lungi and began looking at my erect cock, “no,” as I whispered, “woooooo… look how erect your cock is now! I haven't seen your cock this erect since we got married,” as my wife whispered and began holding my cock and looking into my eyes, “now tell the truth; you liked the way the Doctor hugged me, didn’t you?” as my wife asked and began stroking my cock, “no,” I whispered.
“No?! Are you sure?”, as my wife whispered and began spreading my legs and slept between my legs and with her mouth close to my cock, “no,” I said. “Are you sure, Ram?” as my wife whispered and began kissing my cock, “mmmmmmm mmmmmmm mmmmm,” I began to moan. “I am sure, Indhu,” as I moaned, “I thought you liked the way the Doctor hugged me and got turned on watching him hug me, and was planning to take you to the Doctor tomorrow for the Interview and romance the doctor in front of you and make you enjoy watching us together. It's okay, then we should not meet that Doctor ever again,” as my wife whispered and began sucking the top of my cock, “alright, Indhu, I give up, I enjoyed watching the way the Doctor hugged you in her White Kurti Tops and Red Leggings, and ever since I saw him hugging you, I started feeling horny and so badly want to watch you with him,” as I exclaimed and began pulling my wife up and began hugging my wife only in her White Bra and Brown Panties and hugging hugging her tight and began removing her White Bra and Brown Colour Panties and began making love to her, the thought of the doctor hugging my wife in her White Kurti tops and Red Leggings at the Hospital began appearing in front of my eyes and fantasising about the Doctor making love my wife, as I began making love to my wife, I got too excited and began cumming a lot inside my wife’s Pussy, and my wife thoroughly enjoyed it.
After making love to each other, as my wife was sleeping on my chest, “tomorrow, take me to the Doctor, and I have a surprise for you. Trust me, I am doing this for you and our Sons,” as my wife whispered, I began telling my wife that we have to go to the Doctor’s Clinic at 9 AM tomorrow, and she must wear White Saree and White Blouse, and my wife agreed and went to bed.
The next day, earling in the morning, as my wife and I were getting ready to go to the Doctor, my mom came to me, “your Cousin Munna is blessed with a Baby Girl, Ram. Just now I got a call from Munna’s mom,” as my delighted mom exclaimed, “mom, Munna’s mom called yesterday night itself and informed me that Munna’s wife had given birth to a Baby Girl. It was around 10 PM, you were asleep and the kids were asleep as well, so my wife and I went to the Hospital and met Munna and congratulated him for having a Baby Girl, and met his wife along with his newborn Baby Girl, and came home,” I said. “Ram, I want to meet Munna’s daughter, please take me before his wife and his newborn Baby Girl get discharged from the Hospital,” as my mom asked, “Sure, mom, I will definitely take you to meet Munna’s Baby Girl,” I said.
“Where is your wife getting ready?” as my mom asked, “mom, my wife is attending an interview at Clinic as the Doctor’s helper, first let me take her there and then we both will go and meet Munna’s wife and his new born daughter at the Hospital,” as I said, my mom, who knew that the Auto Driver job which I was doing was not enough for the family and only if my wife got this job at the Clinic as the Doctor’s Assistant we could run the family smoothly and also take care of our Sons, agreed and let me take my wife for the interview at the Clinic.
As my wife got ready and came out wearing her White Saree and White Blouse, which the Doctor had instructed over the Phone to us to wear for the Interview, her Black Bra Strap was visible through her White Blouse, but ignoring it I took my wife to the Doctor’s Clinic.
At around 9:30 AM, as we were waiting for the Doctor to finish his meeting with the Medical Representatives, a guy entered inside and offered Coconut Water to me and my wife and left the place, and we began drinking the Coconut water, the Medical Representatives who were talking to the Doctor began leaving. That’s when the Doctor called us inside.
As soon as we entered inside what looked at Doctor’s Room, with all the Examination Table, Doctor’s Table and Chairs opposite to the Doctor’s table, Charts and diagrams of Human Body etc, “Sorry for keeping you waiting, Ram, I was having an important meeting,” as the Doctor said pointing his hand towards the seats opposite to him and gesturing us to take out seats, “it's okay Sir,” I said and my wife and I sat on the seat.
“It's an important meeting, Ram, I could not send them out immediately,” as he was saying, his eyes were all over my wife, who was looking around the Charts which were hung on the wall. “Ram, I am gonna pay her 25,000 Rs per month,” as the Doctor began saying, “my God, 25,000?! If my wife starts earling 25,000 Rs, I am gonna quit Driving Auto,” I began telling myself, and I began praying to God that my wife should get this job.
“Ram, first and foremost, discipline is important, it should be your duty to drop your wife here exactly at 10 AM in the morning,” as the Doctor said, “sure, Doctor,” I said. “And Indhu, you must always come neatly dressed is White Saree and White Blouse,” as the Doctor said looking at my wife, “Sure, Doctor,” my wife answered. “You must always wear Clean Bra and Panties underneath your White Saree and White Blouse,” as the Doctor began talking about my wife’s Bra and Panties, I started feeling horny. “Sure, Doctor,” as my wife said, she started blushing. “Feeling uncomfortable talking about your Wife’s Bra and Panties, Ram?” as the Doctor asked, “No Doctor, I am completely fine. Nobody asked about my wife’s Bra and Panties openly, that’s why she is feeling shy to answer,” I said. “Indhu, you should never feel shy when you are working with a Doctor, okay? Feeling shy is out of the Question,” as the Doctor said to my wife and looked at me, “you should always be open to the Doctor and the Lawyers, Ram,” as he said, “I understand, Sir,” I said.
“Indhu, I will be personally examining your Panties every now and then to see if you are wearing Clean Panties or not, do you get it?”, as the Doctor said, my wife looked at me, “it's fine,” as I said gently placing my left hand on my wife’s right hand and squeezed gently, she nodded yes, biting her lips. “Ram, you don’t mind me examining your wife’s Panties every now and then, do you?” as the Doctor asked looking at me, my wife looked at me curiously for my answer. “I don’t mind, Doctor,” as I said looking at my wife, “are you sure?” my wife asked through her eyes, “yes,” I nodded. “Indhu, your husband is fine with me examining your Panties every now and then, but what about you? Are you okay with me examining your Panties every now and then?”, as the Doctor asked looking at my wife, “if my husband is fine with it, I am fine with it, Doctor,” my wife whispered blushing, putting her head down.
“Indhu, are you wearing your Bra and Panties underneath this White Saree and White Blouse now?” as the Doctor asked, looking at my wife, “yeah, Sir,” as my wife whispered putting her head down out of shyness, “she is feeling shy, Sir,” I said looking at the Doctor. “Don’t worry Indhu, after you get used to me lifting your Saree along with your Petticoat and examining your Panties, you will no feel shy,” as the Doctor was saying, the thought of the Doctor lifting my wife’s Saree along with her Petticoat began making me horny, “okay, sir,” as my wife said softly, I started feeling more and more horny. “Indhu, I can slightly see that you are wearing a Black Colour Bra underneath your White Bra, am I right?”, as the Doctor asked looking at my wife’s right shoulder where her Black Bra Strap was see through over her White Blouse, “yes, Sir,” my wife said, I started feeling more and more horny. “What Colour Petticoat you are wearing underneath your White Saree, Indhu?”, as the Doctor asked, my wife looked at me, “White, Sir,” she said. “And, what Colour Panties are you wearing, Indhu?” as the Doctor asked softly, I started feeling horny. As my wife looked at me, “tell him, it's okay,” as I whispered, “Maroon Colour Panties,” as my wife hesitantly said, the Doctor began licking his lips and I began feeling more and more horny.
“Hope you like my Clinic, Indhu,” as the doctor exclaimed and stood up from his seat, “yeah, I like your Clinic,” my wife said and smiled at him. “Indhu, your job is simple, you have to assist me by passing me over the Injections, Bandages, Ointments whatever I ask for, while attending the Patients, and make Tea every now and then at the Small Pantry, come I will show you,” as the Doctor said and took my wife towards the corner and opened the small door and showed a small kitchen. “It's cute,” as my wife exclaimed looking at the Kitchen and turning around and looking at the Doctor with a smile on her face, “but not as cute as you, Indhu,” as the doctor exclaimed, my wife began to blush.
“My husband told me that you asked him to bring me wearing White Saree and White Blouse as it is the Uniform, but only I this old white Saree, hope it is okay with you,” as my wife whispered, the Doctor, who was already horny, “mmmmm… I love it, Indhu,” as he exclaimed and began taking my wife into his complete embrace, my wife began wrapping her arms around his neck and began hugging him back. “My God, you are so naughty, Sir, you even hugged me yesterday at the Hospital without my permission,” my wife whispered. “Mmmmmmmm… I love hugging you, Indhu,” as the Doctor whispered, closing his eyes and feeling up my wife’s Boobs against his chest.
“Mmmmmmmmm… okay, but if you want me to work for you, I have three conditions,” as my wife whispered holding his face and looking at his lips and looking back into his eyes, “my first condition: my salary should be at least 50 Thousand per month,” as my wife whispered, “mmmmm.. Sure, Indhu,” as he whispered and began kissing my wife’s lips, my wife began kissing his lips back passionately, making him go crazy. Breaking the kiss, “my second condition: my husband is not making enough to Auto, and I want you to buy a Car Taxi for him. Only if you do that I am gonna let you examine my Bra and Panties daily, or else I will not let you touch me ,” as my wife whispered, placing his hands over my wife’s Ass Cheeks over her White Saree, “mmmmmmm… for your Ass, I will do anything Sundha, I will buy your husband a Car, I promise,” as he whispered and began squeezing my wife’s Ass cheeks over her White Saree and began kissing my wife lips nicely, my wife began kissing his lips back Passionately, and I started having a huge boner inside my Lungi and I began inserting my hands inside my Lungi and began pulling my underwear down and removed my underwear completely and kept my underwear underneath my Chair and began jerking off watching the way the Doctor was enjoying himself kissing my wife’s lips.
“Mmmm… enough kissing my lips, Sir. You are kissing too much,” as my wife broke the kiss and blushed, and began wiping his saliva off her lips, “now I want to kiss your other lips,” as the Doctor exclaimed, “nooooooooo!” as my wife exclaimed and began running away from him laughing loud, he caught my wife’s White Saree Pallu and began pulling my wife words him, “no, Sir, please not the other lips,” as my wife begged blushing and holding on to her White Saree Pallu, he pulled my wife White Saree Pallu harder, and lost her balance and fell on top of him with her Boobs in her White Blouse against his chest, and he began hugging my wife, letting her pallu fall on the floor.
“Just one kiss on your other lips, Indhu, please,” as the Doctor begged, taking his right hand down and grabbed my wife’s White Saree Pleats which were tugged to her Petticoat just below her navel, and began pulling my wife’s White Saree Pleats off my Wife’s Petticoat, “Sir, no,” my wife exclaimed and began grabbing his hand, he did not listen to my wife and began pulling my Wife’s White Saree Pleats off my wife’s Petticoat. “Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!” as my wife exclaimed, he pulled the remaining of my wife’s White Saree that was clinging on to my wife Petticoat, making my wife stand only in her White Blouse and White Petticoat, and not just the Black Bra she was wearing underneath her White Blouse was visible, but also the Maroon Colour Panties which she was wearing underneath her White Petticoat was partially visible through her White Petticoat, but my wife’s Maroon Colour Panties elastic had cropped out of her White Petticoat around her waist and at the area where she had tied her Petticoat Nada there was a gap and her Maroon Colour Panties was clearly visible.
As my wife began running away from the Doctor, laughing loud, her Boobs in her White Blouse jiggle around and her Black Bra strap began coming out of her White Blouse, and as the Doctor began chasing my wife with his eyes all over my wife’s swaying Ass Cheeks over her White Petticoat and partially visible Maroon Colour Panties, watching the whole thing, I started feeling so horny. As my wife stopped around the Doctor’s Table, and as the Doctor began chasing my wife and they began circling around the Table.
As my wife stopped at opposite end of the Table bending down and placing her hands on her Table, her deep cleavage came to full view of the Doctor, and as a result of my wife running around, she started sweating a lot, wetting her White Blouse, her Black Bra could be seen clearly, and her cleavage were glittering with her Sweat. “Please, Indhu, come to me, don’t tease me like this,” as the Doctor exclaimed, feasting his eyes all over my wife, “then give me Saree Back, I will come,” my wife said, teasing him. “You don’t need Saree, Indhu, I just love you in your Blouse and Petticoat, wish you always be in your Blouse and Petticoat while you work for me,” as the Doctor exclaimed, “what? While working for you I should be only in my Blouse and Petticoat?! No way,” my wife exclaimed, teasing him. “You are naughty Doctor, first you will tell me to work only in my Blouse and Petticoat, and then you will tell me to work only in my Bra and Panties. Only my husband can see me in my Bra and Panties,” as my wife exclaimed and looked at me, she quickly noticed me having a Boner in my Lungi and realized that the way she was teasing the Doctor was making me horny, and she looked back into my eyes and winked at me.
“Indhu, if you work for me only in your Bra and Panties, I will do anything for you, I promise,” the Doctor said in a begging tone. “You will do anything for me if I work for you only in my Bra and Panties?”, as my wife asked, adjusting her blouse and teasing him, “are you sure you will do anything for me if you agree to work for you only in my Bra and Panties?” as my wife asked again, “yes, Indhu, I promise, just take your Blouse and Petticoat off and ask whatever you want and I will give you,” the Doctor said. As much as the Doctor I wanted to see my wife in her Bra and Panties now, “remove your Blouse and Petticoat for him, Indhu, don’t make him beg you,” I said without my control, my wife looked at the Doctor. “Okay, I am going to take my Blouse and Petticoat off, but you must kneel down first,” as my wife ordered, “sure.. Indhu… Sure…” the Doctor exclaimed and began kneeling on the floor, desperate to see my wife in her Bra and Panties.
“Ram, with your permission, can I remove my Blouse and Petticoat for Doctor?”, as my wife asked looking at me, “tell her, Ram, please,” the Doctor, who was desperate to see my wife in her Bra and Panties, almost begged me. “Indhu, please go ahead and remove your Blouse and Petticoat for Doctor,” as I said, “Hmmmm… Ram, you come here and remove my Blouse and Petticoat for Doctor,” my wife said and looking at the Doctor, “you stay right there,” she said.
As I began going near my wife, and began removing my wife’s White Blouse hooks, “Ram, tell me what do you want me to ask him?” as my wife whispered, “Indhu, I can’t think right now, I am so horny watching you tease him like this,” as I whispered and removed her White Blouse off her and she stood only in her Black Bra and White Petticoat, she inserted her right hand underneath my Lungi and caught my erect cock. Since I was not wearing my underwear underneath, my erect cock came in contact, “my God, you are so turned on Ram. You are loving this aren’t you?” as my wife giggled hornily stroking my cock, “I love you, Indhu,” I whispered and began wrapping my arms around my wife’s neck and began hugging her tight. Hugging me back with her left arm around me and stroking my cock with her right hand, “I love you too, Ram,” as my wife exclaimed, “Go, Ram, sit comfortably on the Chair and enjoy the Show,” as my wife whispered, taking her hand off my cock, that’s when I saw the Doctor had gotten up and began coming towards my wife.
As I sat on the Sofa, “just ask me what you want, Indhu, just ask,” as the Doctor whispered and began grabbing my wife’s Boobs over her Black Bra, and taking his hands off my wife’s Boobs over her Black Bra and hugging my wife only in her Black Bra and White Petticoat, and began kissing my wife’s lips, my wife began closing her eyes and began kissing his lips back passionately, and watching my wife and the Doctor enjoying themself kissing each other’s lips, I started enjoying myself jerking off.
Grabbing my wife’s waist, as the Doctor made my wife sit on his Table, and began pushing all the things that were on the Table and began taking his clothes off, he was having a huge boner in his underwear. As my wife was sitting on the edge of the Table, putting her hands behind adjusting her hair, his eyes went all over my wife’s clean shaved Armpits, and he went near my wife, she put her hands down on her lap.
Resting his hands on each side of my wife, and grabbing my wife’s left hand, “please, Indhu, let me kiss your other lips,” as he almost begged and began inserting my wife’s right hand inside his underwear and make my wife grab his cock, my wife pulled his cock out of his underwear. “Please, Indhu,” as he begged my wife again and began removing his underwear and stood naked, my wife caught his cock gently with her right hand and placing her left hand over his cock, as she looked him into his eyes, “please, Indhu, just once let me kiss your Pussy lips,” as the Doctor almost begged, “alright, just once, okay… just once,” as my wife said, he started having a huge smile on his face, “sure … sure… sure…” he said and began inserting his hands underneath my wife’s White Petticoat. As his hands began going about her knees, my wife caught his hands over her White Petticoat at her thighs, “just once, okay?”, as my wife whispered, and planted kiss on his lips, the Doctor began kissing her lips back passionately and at the same time began grabbing my wife’s Panties with his hands underneath her White Petticoat.
As the Doctor began pulling my wife’s Panties down, my wife broke the kiss and began adjusting her Ass cheeks so that he could pull her Panties down smoothly. As the Doctor removed my wife’s Maroon Colour Panties and began sniffing my wife’s Maroon Colour Panties looking into my wife’s eyes, my wife started feeling horny and began biting her lips.
Placing my wife’s Maroon Colour Panties on the table next to my wife, as the Doctor began spreading my wife’s legs apart and began going between my wife’s legs and began putting his arms behind and began removing my wife’s Black Bra hooks and began removing her Black Bra, looking into my wife’s eyes, my wife wife herself removed her Bra straps off her shoulders and let him remove her Black Bra smoothly.
Placing my wife’s Black Bra on top of my wife’s Maroon Colour Panties, and grabbing my half naked wife’s waist as he began sucking my wife’s right Boobs, “mmmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmm,” my wife began moaning holding his face. As the Doctor began sucking my wife’s right Boobs nicely, taking my wife’s boobs as much as he could inside his mouth, “mmmmmmm mmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmm,” my wife began to moan holding his face and looked at me, and notching me enjoying myself jerking off watching the Doctor sucking her boobs, she began focussing on the Doctor.
As the Doctor began sucking my wife’s left Boobs, “mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmmmm mmmmmmm” she began to moan, and as she planted a kiss on his forehead, “I love you, Indhu,” as the Doctor exclaimed, placing his hands on my wife’s spread thighs over my wife’s White Petticoat, my wife began wrapping her arms around the Doctor’s neck and began hugging the Doctor tight, crushing her naked boobs against the Doctor. As the Doctor began hugging my half naked wife back, and began roaming his hands all over my wife’s naked back, and began kissing her all over her neck, “mmmmmmmm mmmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmmmm,” my wife began to moan.
Resting his upper body completely on top of my wife, with her feet below her knees hanging on the edge of the table, “I love you, Indhu,” as the Doctor exclaimed and began kissing my wife’s lips, “Indhu, say, I love you too Muthu,” as the Doctor whispered, rubbing is erect cock over my wife’s crotch area over her White Petticoat, crushing his chest completely against my wife’s Boobs, and kissing my wife’s lips nicely, tempting her thoroughly this time, “I can’t, I love my husband,” my wife said.
“It's okay, Indhu,” as the Doctor whispered and getting up and began lifting my wife’s White Petticoat all the way above her waist and looked at my wife’s Pussy and looked at my wife, my wife who was lying flat on the table, out of shyness began closing her eyes and began covering her face with her hands.
“My God, look at your Pussy…… mmmmmmm… yummy,” as the Doctor exclaimed and began kneeling down right in front of my wife’s Pussy and kissing my wife’s inner thighs looking at my wife’s Pussy, which was just inches away from his mouth, “mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm,” my wife began to moan. As the Doctor began taking his lips up towards my wife’s Pussy, teasing my wife scratching her inner thighs, “mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm,” my wife began to moan. As her right hand was trying to reach for the Doctor’s head, he shifted his head towards her other inner thighs and began lickign my wife’s other leg inner thighs, “mmmmmmmmmmmm,” my wife began to moan, and I could see my wife’s Pussy totally wet and glittering, and my wife’s right hand was still trying to reach for his head, and the moment the doctor began kissing my wife’s pussy lips, “mmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmmm,” my wife to moan. Reaching for my wife’s boobs, as the Doctor began squeezing my wife’s boobs and began eating my wife’s pussy, “mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmmmm mmmmmm mmmmm,” my wife began to moan. Taking his mouth off my wife’s Pussy, and standing up, “I love you, Indhu,” as the doctor exclaimed, looking into my wife’s eyes and began hugging my wife’s naked upper body, she kissed him on his forehead. “Indhu, say, I love you too Muthu,” as the doctor whispered, “I can’t, I love my husband,” my wife said.
Kissing my wife’s cheek, as the Doctor got up and began rubbing his cock all over my wife’s Pussy, teasing my wife, “mmmmmmmm mmmmmmm mmmmmmm,” my wife began to moan. “Indhu, shall I fuck your Pussy, my cock is hungry,” as the Doctor said rubbing his cock all over my wife’s clit, teasing my wife, “mmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmm,” my wife began to moan. “Only if you give me permission, I can fuck you, Indhu….. Look how much my cock is begging to get inside you,” as the Doctor exclaimed, and began inserting his cock inside my wife’s wet Pussy and began pulling his cock out immediately, “mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm,” my wife began to moan.
Spreading my wife’s wet Pussy and inserting his erect cock inside my wife’s Pussy, as the began squeezing my wife’s Boobs, “mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm,” as my wife began to moan, “shall I pull my cock out, Indhu,” as the Doctor exclaimed teasing my wife, “no,” my wife almost shouted. Slowly as he began making love to my wife, “mmmmmmmmmmm mmmmm mmmmm mmmmm,” my wife began to moan. “Like my cock inside your pussy, Indhu?”, as the Doctor whispered and began enjoying himself making love to my wife's pussy, “mmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmm mmmmmm,” my wife began to moan. Resting his upper body completely upon my wife and hugging my wife tight and crushing her naked Boobs completely against his chest, as the Doctor began digging his cock deeper and deeper inside my wife’s Pussy, “mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmm mmmmmm mmmmm mmmmmm mmmmmmmm,” my wife began to moan, and from the way my wife was moaning, I could clearly feel that she was about to cum. “Mmmmmmmmm… I love you, Indhu….. Mmmmmm mmmmm,” as the Doctor began hugging my wife tight and began making love to my wife digging his cock deeper and deeper inside my wife’s Pussy, my horny wife began hugging him back and kissing him all over his neck and shoulder. “Mmmmmm mmmmmmmmm … Indhu… I can feel that you are going to cum … mmmmmm mmmmmmmm ……. are you cumming, Indhu…. Are you cumming?”, as the Doctor began moaning and began digging his cock deeper and deeper inside my wife’s Pussy, “yeah…… I am gonna cum mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmmm mmmmmmmmm,” my wife began to moan. “Ram, you have no idea how much I am enjoying your wife’s Pussy, man. Your wife is mine now …. She is mine … mmmm mmmmmmmmmmmm ….. Ram, I love your wife, man… I am going to marry her and make her mine …. Mmmmmmm mmmmmmmm….,” as the Doctor began moaning telling me that my wife belongs to him, I was shamelessly getting more and more turned on and began stroking my cock vigorously, “mmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm,” my wife was hugging the Doctor tight and began kissing him all over his cheeks. “Indhu…. Mmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmmmm I am gonna cum….. I am gonna cum…. I am gonna cum…… Tell me you love me,” as the Doctor began to moan, digging his cock deeper and deeper inside my wife’s pussy, the moment my wife exclaimed “I Love you, Muthu,” and began hugging him back tight and began kissing his lips passionately, he could not hold it anymore, “aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah,” as he moaned and began cumming deep inside my wife’s pussy, wrapping her arms around the Doctor neck and hugging him tight agonist her Pussy and wrapping her legs around the Doctor’s back against her Crotch right, and kissing his Doctor’s lips nicely, “aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,” my wife moaned and came all over the Doctor’s cock.
As my wife and the Doctor got off the Table, and the naked Doctor began hugging my wife who was only in her White Petticoat, and my wife began hugging the Doctor back with her arms around his neck, like a happy couple enjoying their First Night, I started jerking off and began cumming all over the floor.
Only after cumming watching the Doctor thoroughly enjoying himself fucking my wife, I snapped out of my fantasy and began to feel guilty. I could not believe that I just let a stranger Fuck my wife.
As the Doctor was helping my wife wearing her Black Bra by hooking her Black Bra hooks from behind, and she was laughing at him and thanking him softly, I started to feel more and more guilty. As my wife began wearing her White Blouse over her Black Bra, smiling at the Doctor and talking about something, he went to bring my wife’s White Saree and gave it to my wife. Thanking him, as my wife began collecting her Saree from the Doctor, smiling at him, “Indhu, can I keep your Panties with me as a Memory?” as the Doctor asked, holding my wife’s Maroon Colour Panties, “sure,” my wife said, smiling at him and began wearing her Saree.
After wearing her White Saree, as the Doctor and my wife were hugging each other and began kissing each other lips, I quickly went to them, “enough,” I said and broke their hug, and pulling my wife’s Maroon Colour Panties from the Doctor’s hand, I began taking her home. Not a word she spoke and neither did I.
As soon as I went home, my mom, who was waiting for me to take her to the Hospital to visit My Cousin Munna’s new born Baby Girl, readily got into my Auto and I took my mom to the Hospital where My Cousin Munna’s Wife and his new born Baby Girl was admitted. At the Hospital as my mom was congratulating Munna’s Mom for becoming a Grandmother of another Granddaughter, and congratulating Munna for becoming a Dad of a Baby Girl, and I began congratulating Munna for becoming a father of a daughter, my mind was feeling guilty for letting the Doctor enjoy my wife.
After dropping my mom home after visiting my cousin Munna’s Baby Girl, I went straight to the Bar and got drunk. When I went home after getting drunk, I apologized to my wife for becoming a victim of my stupid Fantasy and promised her that I would never let her sleep with Strangers again, and deciding that I should not send my wife to work, I went to bed.
The next day I got a call from my Cousin Munna that his wife and his newborn daughter were getting discharged, and as I took my wife to the Hospital and my wife was congratulating Munna’s Mom Kavitha on becoming Grandmother of another granddaughter, exactly where she was standing and talking to Munna’s Mom Kavitha, and I was drinking water standing at the Same water dispenser I stood the last time, “my God, my Whore is here,” as I heard the Doctor’s voice coming from other side of the Water Dispenser, and as I looked around, it was Dr. Muthukrishnan, who enjoyed my wife yesterday, and he was standing alone on the other side of the Water Dispenser telling himself about my wife who was in her White Tops of Yellow Leggings, and all of a sudden I forgot about all the guilt and started to get turned on.
“Indhu?!,” as the Doctor called, and my wife turned around and looked at the Doctor. “Hello Doctor,” as I said with a huge smile on my face, “Hello Ram?! Did you get hurt watching me make love to your wife last time?”, as the Doctor asked, casually, with a guilty tone, “not at all Doctor, I loved the way you enjoyed my wife, hoping to see more action from you,” as I was saying, I was feeling more and more horny. As my wife came towards, and looked at me, and looked at the Doctor, “Indhu, come with me, I want to show you something,” as the Doctor said and my wife looked at me. “Come,” as he exclaimed and began taking us to his Cabin. We began following him. “Ram, let's go home, you did not like what happened yesterday right?” as my wife whispered, “who said?! I loved the way he enjoyed you yesterday, and I am waiting for more and more action from you both,” as I said and winked at my wife, “but…. You were…..,” as my wife began to say, “I was drunk last night, but I am sober now, and I am telling you now, I just loved the way he enjoyed your yesterday, and I am waiting for more more and more acting from you both,” I said and took my wife inside his Cabin.
“Indhu, here is the Car Taxi, I promised to buy for your husband. In 1 week, they will delivery this Car, are you happy, Indhu?,” as the Doctor exclaimed and gave my wife the Receipt of the Car he purchased for me, “thank you so much, Sir,” as I exclaimed, the Doctor smiled at me and looked at my wife for her reaction. “Happy, Indhu?” as the Doctor asked my wife, “I am very happy, Muthu,” my wife exclaimed. “That’s because I love you, Indhu,” as the Doctor said and began hugging my wife in her Yellow Kurti Tops and Yellow Leggings, “I love you too, Muthu,” my wife whispered and began wrapping her arms around the Doctor’s neck, that’s when I got a call from my Cousin Munna.
By the time I went to the ward sent my Cousin Munna, his mom, his wife, and his newborn Baby Girl home and came back to the Doctor’s Cabin, the Doctor was in his underwear, and my wife was only in her White Bra and Pink Panties and enjoying themselves hugging each other and kissing each other’s lips, I instantly got horny and got naked and this time joined the Doctor and we both Enjoyed my wife’s Pussy.
After that threesome, we all went home happily; my wife started working for the Doctor in his Clinic, not only as his helper but also as his lover, and in exchange for letting him enjoy my wife, the Doctor began helping me financially and help us buy a new house of our own. Exactly a year later, my wife and I along with sons and my mother went in an expensive Car to attend the 1st Birthday of my Cousin Munna’s Daughter.
The End
Novelist Casanova