Lady Gaga is a marketing machine that I hate but that has also fooled the public by brainwashing them with her music that gets stuck in their fucking head….while shoving bullshit about being a pop-artist, or being a performing artist, or having a purpose other than making a ton of money like the lesbian down the hall from me who used to invite strangers into her house to throw paint on her, something that would have been hotter if she wasn’t fat and didn’t have a hairy chest thanks to the hormone therapy she was on.
I can go on and on about how bad Gaga is for the world and how I don’t get why such an ugly thing with a horrible body would get such positive reception when ugly people are supposed to be too scared to talk and suicidal or how something like this even got on stage, but I can only assume it has something to do with the local government forcing the circus to ban freakshows to be politically correct, while the human need to laugh at freaks didnt end when the government decided it should….like racism, homophobia, and equal rights the governments think needs changing to make the world more fair, when humanity hasn’t really changed that much….and are still racist, homophones who love seeing others miserable, beneath them or failing….
I’ve made it clear that I don’t like, respect, or find her worth jerking off to because she is disgusting and bullshit, even when her genitals are exposed, but I do like posting pictures of her to remind you that she’s a fucking joke and to encourage you to try your best to boycot the shit. Call your radio station, start a petition, she’s the fucking devil and she needs to be stopped…

Pics via Fame
Posted in:Lady Gaga|Pantsless