Introducing Tasha to Warhammer 40K: Pariah Nexus Episode 1 (Reaction)
- Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
- Introducing Tasha to Warhammer 40K: Chaos Demons & The Warp! | Bricky Factions Part 2 Reaction | TNT Podcast
The Warhammer 40K journey continues, and this time, Tasha gets her mind blown as we dive deep into the Chaos Demons and The Warp with Bricky’s Factions Part 2 video! 😈🔥
From the madness of the Chaos Gods to the twisted horrors of The Warp, this was one of the darkest and wildest Warhammer deep dives yet. Tasha was shocked, intrigued, and a little terrified by just how insane this universe gets!
Join us as we react to Bricky’s expert breakdown of Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, and the nightmares of The Warp, and discuss what makes Chaos such a terrifying force in the Warhammer universe.
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As to the Necrons and the human souls. Necrons generally have two interests in our souls.
1. Necrons can't repopulate, as they're not true robots but an extinct alien species that had their souls stripped and put into robot bodies (how rich/powerful before hand determining if they got free will afterwards). But if those with still the free will to do the experiments can strip humans of their souls and put them into new necron bodies, well their faction of Necrons now has Quadrillions of potential new Necrons.
2. The Necrons realized they lost something with their going robot, the desire to enjoy things. So they want to find a way to either get their souls back or get new bodies with souls.
Now as the the death mark assassin necron, his gun specifically dissentes Nerve and brain cells, so hit you in the left foot your brain still dissentigates. While regular necron guns dissente everything but only in that area. Ironically you feel nothing but simultaneously can sense your mind losing ability to think/sense as it happens. So both painless but simultaneously terrifying
The Deathmarks are no joke, they terrify me.
Yeah, most OP snipers in setting. Other factions have snipers that are insanely skilled...but Deathmarks are like cheaters in FPS games you just wont beat them in straight up fight.
And funny part of lore. All of them are little damaged as its stated if they are in fully operational state they would NEVER miss their target.
Aim bots in the most literal sense.
I think the reason why those soldiers were acting like zombies was probably due to neat little machines the necrons sometimes use called mindshackle scarabs. Szeras loves using those things as the name suggests they're kind of like mindcontrol nanomachines. You can see a cloud of them that assimilated all that particular imperial guardsman's memories come out at the 6:36 mark into the video
Yip, converted the “soul” in to usable energy and digitised it for absorption.
Mind controlled and spiritually scarred due to the Pariah Nexus' effect as well.
The Necrons have science so advanced they can use technology to achieve what other species use warp powers to do. The Necron leader was using nano-bots to experiment on, and control, the human soldiers ("possess"), when he extracted the nano-bots it looked like he pulled out a soul.
Necrons do not have souls and don't use the warp.
I believe this is taking place in an area (very large) of space where the Necrons have actually been able to block interaction between the warp and real-space, the titular 'Pariah Nexus'. This actually messes with species that have natural and latent interaction with the warp ("souls"), so could explain why the Sister of Battle feels like the basic human defenders did a bad job. The basic humans had no psychological defense to being subconsciously separated from the warp. Even with the mental armour that Sisters of Battle develop, this one is still showing signs of not being totally stable ...
People forget that the Necrons fought IN the War in Heaven ... the entire galaxy is lucky they all havet woken up and are still wracked with in fighting.
Yup, of which Cadia was a part of that nexus with the pylons on the planet. That was the reason Trazyn helped the imperium fight chaos so the pylons would be saved and help block the warp from that region of space.
*The Imperium's policy is the orphaned children of those citizens who serve in the Astra Militarum (aka. Imperial Guard) may be sent to the Schola Progenium. This is one part school, one part orphanage, one part indoctrination center, and one part boot camp rolled into one. There they are trained and evaluated as to how they may best serve in the Astra Militarum.*
*Though this may be considered cruel or - at the very least - indifferent by our standards, it's considered an honor and pathway to a better life compared to what an orphan would otherwise suffer if they weren't sent to the Schola Progenium.*
Yep, the Schola Progenium creates Imperial Guard officers, Commissars and the elite guard units like Tempestus Scions and Stormtroopers.
Also send kids to the inquisition to become inquisitors. I believe Eisenhorn was raised in one, though my memory may be mixing two characters
10:19 LIVING metal. They're just not organic.
Could it really be considered “living” though? The Necron mind is essentially a cpu with memories and thought patterns of their previous flesh lives.
@PerditioTempus2591 That's the mind. I'm referring to their physical bodies.
@@kylebooker1987 The metal is not "living" as in the sense that it can be translated to skin or flesh(biological life), it just means that it can be manipulated in the same way as biologically based material(ie healing/reforming/repairing, but quicker than bio cells/organisms). Living as the T-1000 in terminator 2.
@@ImProperThought Good description. Couldn't have put it better.
The mechanicus are actually humans
...are they, though? Really? REALLY?
@@c99kfm I mean, are astartes human either?
Loved Pariah Nexus! Very good show! BTW, please ignore the spoilers posted here.
The reason Szera got touchy about the word souls is because the necrons view that as a dirty word. The C'tan ate the Necrontyrs souls in the promise of giving them immortality. They got immortality at the cost of their sentence and physical bodies. That was until they rebelled of course. But even after 60 million years they're still incredibly bidder about what the C'tan did to them.
Illuminor Szeras is the name of the necron he is a cryptek which are scientists and engineers for necrons who have different fields either chronomancer psychonancer plasmancer chronomancer they maintain and create technology for the necron dynasties illumenor specifically wants to become a god so he experiments on humans to find the secrets to life he the top scientists for the silent king some necrons don't want to return to a normal life some prefer their immortal life and metal bodies
I'm sure it's been mentioned many times, but Helsreach is an amazing watch as well. It's as long as a full length movie however so be prepared for that.
6:36 that wasn't a Soul, those were tiny nano machines inside that human.
Illuminor Szeras can control these nano machines and Illuminor Szeras is a scientist of the Necrons, he thinks the idea and concept of Souls and Spirits is dumb and thinks people are stupid for believing it.
Necrons don't even have souls anymore they got turned into robotic skeletons.
The zombies are actually ad-hoc shock troopers that the Necrons make out of their enemies with canoptic scarabs. Little scarab like robots that they use for all sorts of things like maintenance. And the reason that the officer gave her new tags was a kindness because her mother died in service of the emperor, she likely got obliterated on the battlefield.
Scent is the sense most closely tied to memory.
Not for a people equally.
@ImProperThought Yes, I'm sure there are exceptions, but for most people, it's the case. Why argue the exception is the rule when it's not?
@ I'm arguing that it's disputed.
@@ImProperThought Then you're arguing that you're an idiot and shouldn't be listened to because a quick search of "what sense is tied to memory", gives you pages of "scent". You want to argue againt evolution and gravity next?
@ For many types of information, especially more detailed or abstract ones, we tend to rely on vision or hearing.
In short Necrons are the angry old men of the galaxy in 40K. They’re all just waking up from 100,000 year old nap & are finding humans, Eldar, Orks etc. on the planets they were napping on. They want all those young whipper snappers off their lawn
60 million year old nap*
The thing to keep in mind with 40k is that there are no absolutes when it comes to baseline humans. Can there people who don't believe in the Emperor or just give lip service to the faith? Absolutely. Can those people be in power? Highly unlikely unless they are masterful decievers. Even with a Shrine world you're potentially talking about hundreds of millions who all have varying degrees of faith and who are more likely worrying where their next meal will come from.
hey,maybe someone told you already,but just to be sure,after Pariah Nexus check out The Tithes,3 episodes,same style as this one and another show Hammer and Bolter,15 episodes,more cartonish animation,but also good,each episoed stands on its own
The necrons are one of the scarier races in the 40k universe, mostly because of how impossibly old they are as a species, and how advanced their tech is as a result. Their original, organic form, a race called the Necrontyr, were already advanced when the Aeldari were young; thousands of years before humanity first crawled out of the proverbial soup, those two races (and a few other notables) had already fought in a galaxy-wide conflict known now as "The War in Heaven".
Necron tech is at a level where they have faster-than-light travel without ever touching the warp; they can open portals that can let you walk from one end of the galaxy to the other, as easily as walking between two rooms; and their scariest weapon is a map.
Yes, really. There is a necron world in-lore, that contains a real-time, super accurate holographic map of the galaxy. Every planet, every star, exactly as they are in that moment. And if you were to reach out, and snuff out one of those holographic stars like a candle, its real-world counterpart would explode, taking most of its planets with it. It's a weapon even the Necrons avoid using very often 😬
Well it wasn´t the soul Illuminor Szeras extracted from the poor Guardsman, it was probably something like an extremely advanced nano bot typa energy, that did all kinds of things inside the body of the human, while keeping him alive long enough. Afterall, Szeras has been task by the Silent King himself, to find a way for Necrons to become living beings again. They are the most advanced faction is 40k. They have found ways to travel, build and destroy that is simply unmatched. To most races, their technology is boarderline magic, not even the brightest scientist can understand.
That Cadian shock trooper was giving me Tyler Durden vibes, i think she's just a figment of the sister's imagination.
*ding* *ding* *ding* 😁
I'm pretty sure that cadian is her dead mother that she never got closure on.
Necrons are really fascinating you'll understand better when you revisit their lore. basically, there are a few factions within the Necrons some want to return to their fleshy past and experiment on humans and other races to try and restore their old bodies, some hate races with fleshy bodies and want them all dead, and some don't care either way and see the younger races as Usurpers to be removed. the zombie soldiers are part of the Head Necron's failed experiments so they just shamble around attacking everything in sight.
'The Enemy Without: A Deathwatch Vignette' is another short vid involving Necrons and Space Marines.
12:27 the adeptus mechanicus arent aliens theyre human, theyve just swapped a bunch of their parts for machine parts
28:01 necrons have these things called mind shackle scarabs. They can use them to basically mind control people
U should check out the angels of death series with the blood angels i think u would love it
Necrons are the true ultimate foe of the Galaxy, The Orks and ELdar were even created to fight them rumours are so were the Humans and many more races, all created by The Old Ones, to fight the Necrons and their gods. Chaos and the Terronids even struggle with Necrons. and the Necrons conquered their own gods and use their power for themselves.
They didn't just conqure their gods they shattered them into shards, enslaved them and use them to power super weapons in revenge. Thats boss level anger issues
Can’t wait for episode two
That line at the beginning about hate? There are a great many such lines, all of them labeled under the title of ++++++++Thought of the Day:...+++++++++
My favorite is: +++++Blessed is the Mind too Small for Doubt+++++ and also +++++A Closed Mind is a Safe Mind+++++
+++An open mind is like a fortress with its gates unbarred and unguarded+++
Or my 2 favorite contradicting quotes +++ only in death does duty end+++ and then you wake up as a dreadnought +++ even in death i still serve+++
There are lots of surprise twists to this. And the IG troops that you think are zombies, have been Mindshackle Scarbed by the Necrons. And yes, the Deathmarks are no joke, they are relentless after their "Mark" until either the "Mark" or they have been killed. The Mindshackle Scarabs are a way that Necrons use to take over the minds of weak minded foes. And the metal that the Necrons are made from is called a necrodermus, it is a living metal, it regenerates albeit slowly from all but the most grave of damage.
And without the war, you have no living, gaurdsman.
Through blackened space our fleets advance, the stars align for our timeless dance, with endless might we seal their fate, the Necron Empire shall dominate!... .
Yay! Salamader to the rescue.
The Guardsmen would never speak to a Sister of Battle like that.
The Guardsmen didn't have a weapon
And those zombies didn't even bother with her like she wasn't there.
Would love to see you guy's react to 'The Last Church' a short fan made film.....
Lmao...If you want a tale about a planet with 'Greenery' try 'Bricky's video on 'Catachan'! One of the key 'Imperial Guard' homeworld's......😉
Necrons were and are the most technologically advanced of the xenos species. They are so far advanced their technology is essentially magic.
He said to the death mark you'll run into the failures from my experimentation on the way to your targets, kill them or ignore em he doesn't care as he which.
To be honest, I didn't understand why you didn't look at the remaining races like Orcs, Necrons, and Tau and started watching the Pariah Nexus. Your wife doesn't know who the Necrons are..?))
Warhammer 9th edition cinematic is prologue to this.
In order to understand the "zombies" a little more, look up the Pariah Nexus and its effect on a soul's connection to the Warp. They aren't possessed, but almost the opposite.
That or mindshackle scarabs. They leave it a little unclear because it is told from the perspective of people who wouldn't know the reason, only the effect.
The deathmarks (the one eyed sniper) is able to jump into and out of pocket dimensions. The weapon they fire burns out the nervous system of biological beings. They can change out the energy to impact beings like daemons who don’t have a such systems
why didn't she help her, because she's not there, I think it's her conscience talking to her
You should watch the last church.
Honestly the Sister is letting the soldier slide over and over again. Normally she would have smoked her after the first blasphemes thing that left her lips, with no hesitation.
She has said a great many things that she should/would have died over. But for narrative purposes they didn't write it that way.
The female guardsman isn't actually there at all. No guardsman would say such heretical things at a battle sister. She's dead.
She represesents the battle sister's feeling of guilt. She's arguing with herself.
The Necrons are the oldest and most scientifically advanced race in 40K. The only reason they haven't exterminated all the other race is because most of their armies are still sleeping. After defeating the Old Ones and the Star Gods 65 million years ago they were to weak to fight against the Eldar and Korks. They decided to take a nap and wait for the other races to die out or destroy themselves. The Eldar were very good at killing Necrons but they are to weak now to do much now with such a low population.
The imperial guard guys acting like zombies. Such a shame thous were controlled by mindshackles. Those bugs normally can perfectly control figures so well they fully infiltrate planets/ships etc sometimes for hundreds of years.
That gaurdsman is a heretic
Technically almost no positions in the imperium are gender locked, if anything there are more female only positions than male ones. Only men can be space marines and only women can be sisters of battle, sisters of silence and maybe possibly callidus assassins?
It used to be custodes were all dudes as well but they changed that controversially. For the guard it depends on the planet, some do mixed regiments, some do separated male and female regiments and some only send one gender at all, with one planet from some old lore only sending woman soldiers.
how do you milk 2 parts into 20
Lol, Adeptus Mexhanicus are not an "alien race" ❤❤
I mean, they aren't exactly human either.
Considering they are born and raised underground in Mars, I mean. They kinda are though.
@ Technically they are. They're transhumanists. Definitely not aliens.
Humans born on other planets are still humans. Aliens have different DNA - they're different species alltogether.
1.)The reason the lady doesn't help is because she's theorised to be a figment of her imagination and is sort of her subconscious thoughts manifest,but we don't know that for sure. She also might be the manifestation of her reason and logic speaking back to her and it seems she does it as a way to stay sane because of the mental effects being inside of the Pariah Nexus does to people.
2.) What Illuminor Szeras took out of that guy's body wasn't his soul. Necron technology is insane and those were nanomachines that he pulled out his body. Same with the "zombie" humans walking around. They're people he experimented on and then discarded,there's no Chaos shenanigans happening inside the area of the Pariah Nexus, its purely the Illuminor and him having fun
This is a spoiler dude
@xy4175 But how? It's never confirmed, you gotta come to the conclusion by yourself
At this moment she would be executed.
Games Workshop breaking their own lore 😂
Nothing new, for some years.
Sooo....judging by this you didnt watch this serie yet... it doesnt break any lore.
This whole episode does it manybtimes
@@TheYgeth go to watch 3 episode and it's all explained...
@Mastercio you didn't understand anything
@@TheYgeth ehh you do not understand anything...that "person" is dead and it's just sister Imagination...
Jeez people immidiately jump to "weeeh they broke the lore"....
And so you wonder why humanity in the 40K universe are so xenophobic 😂
The soldier is a figment of the battle sister pshyche. She is shell shocked and she is doubting her faith. Its a hallucination. No one talks like that to a sister of battle and lives. Pay attention the sister is the only one who sees her
did not want to soil it for them, theyll figure it out in next episode.
Don't spoil it for them!
Delete your comment now!
em you do know the imp women is a "memory" of sorts tahts becaus she has no weapon dosnt help just talks or teh morelikeley "unasked question and answers" tipe :D (ups spilers)
*Early in the video the Sister of Battle - during her prayer - places her hand on her head. On withdrawing her hand, she sees blood. The Sister has suffered a head wound, leading to a mild concussion. The Imperial Guardswoman she converses with is a figment of her imagination, a hallucination due to the concussion. She personifies the Sister's internal struggle with her own doubts and slipping faith in witnessing the destruction of this world.*
Don't spoil the series dude xd
Yeah wtf, delete this!
Spoiler. Do not read the thread comment.
It is still my personal belief that the Guardswoman that the Sister is talking too is a fragment or illusion created by the Emperor. No real soldier of the Imperium would ever say such heretical things, especially in front of a Sister of Battle. The Emperor, however, was agnostic. He never believed in faith or religion and actively stamped it out. I think he is trying to understand the mind of a Zealot like her and trying to make her understand. The Emperor is, afterall, the only human being with the psychic power capable of saving someone's soul. I think he's trying to make the Sister see reason. The Emperor wants to save her life and the lives of others. He wants to save Humanity.
The Guardsmen you see talking crazy to her isn't "real" its a figment of her imagination or her thoughts, something like that, trust me if she was real she would be dead by now lmao
Why don't you tell them the ending to the sixth sense while you're at it.
@xxchaos315xx6 sure, Dr. Crowe was dead the entire time, was shot by one of his patients at the beginning of the movie and was a ghost the whole time