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'Sword Art Online: Progressive' Light Novel Gets Anime Project

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Sep 19, 2020 11:13 AM

May 2008
Cleostar said:
Haou-Judai said:

Asuna is the main character of this shit? I can be even worst then i image.

not necessarily the main character but the story mainly come from her POV
It's gonna be full RPG/adventure kind of story.

At least it's far better than seeing Harem shit that ruined the entire story.

Shitty harem MC hero or Shitty heroine. Both sounds like bad choice...
Sep 19, 2020 11:16 AM

Oct 2014
Orion_Gospel said:
Do I have to watch all the other seasons of SAO in order to watch this new one?

Not at all. It's just Aincrad arc, but more detailed.
Sep 19, 2020 11:19 AM

Oct 2018
Haou-Judai said:
Cleostar said:

not necessarily the main character but the story mainly come from her POV
It's gonna be full RPG/adventure kind of story.

At least it's far better than seeing Harem shit that ruined the entire story.

Shitty harem MC hero or Shitty heroine. Both sounds like bad choice...

they don't care about your opinions mate.

go to twitter.
I thought MAL is more classy community.
Sep 19, 2020 11:22 AM
Oct 2019
How can you get hyped for this? It's as if you forgot kirito being the mc isn't the only bad part about SAO
Sep 19, 2020 11:23 AM
Supreme Tsundere

Nov 2012
Predictable as fuck.

They had to keep adapting something, this will do while they wait for the writer to release more main series volumes.
Sep 19, 2020 11:24 AM

Jul 2015
xRhai said:
Orion_Gospel said:
Do I have to watch all the other seasons of SAO in order to watch this new one?

Not at all. It's just Aincrad arc, but more detailed.

Good to know, thanx!
Sep 19, 2020 11:25 AM

May 2008
Attackonfiller said:
Haou-Judai said:
Another trash for this series. I mean why they don't let this series die already?

They should adapt series that deserve it not trash like this one.

Huge success = just as huge a win for the franchise

Just like SAO, Aikatsu! was released in 2012. Why do you think it's not dead yet? lol

Aikatsu: It's a Great Series... it was a really good Merchandise and Marketing Anime. (One of the best)

SAO: Shitty harem anime with generic op MC, bad writed story and characters...
Sep 19, 2020 11:36 AM
Jan 2015
Haou-Judai said:
Nanaca said:
It took trash like GGO and... less trash like Alicization for them to get to adapting the only worthwhile part of SAO.

I don't know what are you talking abouth but the only watch able part of this trash is GGO. SAO first season a big piece of shit. Rest after GGO is also bad... so bad...

Dude if u hate SAO then dont watch, and dont come and send hate lol, u just being a trash human being.
If SAO organisation as money to pay for their anime its their money, u enjoy or u dont, u think they read your comments "SAO is shit" and they think like "oh true guess i give up".
Get a hold of your live dude, if u dont enjoy SAO then dont watch and go watch what u enjoy. u need to learn to respect others opinion its not about u. U love when randoms go into your fav anime and say its shit? prob not, but u r just one of them in the end.

But hey, is fun to see u guys all cry about SAO while they still move ahead, is fun to see haters nowadays :D
TopRomanceAnimeSep 19, 2020 11:41 AM
Sep 19, 2020 11:37 AM
May 2018
Haou-Judai said:
Attackonfiller said:

Huge success = just as huge a win for the franchise

Just like SAO, Aikatsu! was released in 2012. Why do you think it's not dead yet? lol

Aikatsu: It's a Great Series... it was a really good Merchandise and Marketing Anime. (One of the best)

SAO: Shitty harem anime with generic op MC, bad writed story and characters...

Aikatsu: unknown trashy idol series really bad merchandise and marketing (one of the worst)

SAO: Its an amazing series it has really good merchandise with lots to choose from and is loved by many, story has some flaws but what story doesn't? great characters :3
Sep 19, 2020 11:44 AM

Aug 2012
Ah, this is like a reboot.
Sep 19, 2020 12:13 PM

Dec 2016
Will watch to see the difference in this and the first season of SAO.
Sep 19, 2020 12:18 PM
May 2016
Great news more SAO.
Sep 19, 2020 12:19 PM
Jul 2018
potatoes gonna potate
Sep 19, 2020 12:22 PM

Jul 2019
I waited so long for this announcement, I am exuding happiness.
Apaixonado por jogos e animes.
Sep 19, 2020 12:33 PM

Mar 2012
Say what you want about SAO the very fact is, it is a popular show regardless of what you feel.

Heck the very fact that so many people voice they hate it is a simple answer as all these haters had to seen it at some point so you people are still contributing to its popularity.

SAO may not have started out as the best written show, but people can't deny its influence within anime fandom in general, heck it practically inspired an entire generation of shows from the 10s till now and even in the real world to a point. Its largely thanks to it video games got more invested in vr gaming as well.

It was one of my first anime i ever watched so regardless even if it has its faults i still stick around with it and the later arcs as well as progressive writing have definitely gotten better than how it has started.

So hate or love it, it does not matter, it is the Dragon ball of Light novel adaptations and it is here to stay for a long while longer. ;-)
Sep 19, 2020 12:34 PM
Apr 2016
So basically Sword Art Online Brotherhood remake?
Sep 19, 2020 12:47 PM

Sep 2016
Heck yes!
I hope this adaptation will convert more people to the good side.

Ataraxya said:
Finally, but where is the Moon Cradle Arc?

They will never stop adapting SAO. It's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when.

Give it some time and we will get the announcement.
It will probably be a movie, and after that they will announce the Unital Ring adaptation, hopefully in not more than 3 years (assuming it will finish in a couple of volumes, if it's as long as Alicization then it will finish around 2022, and I'm not sure they would want to adapt it so soon after...)

Dragevard said:
I heard great things about Alicization and it ended up to be a rushed pile of garbage like the rest of the series.

This comment is a rushed pile of garbage. No, it's not even a pile, it's a line. Lol.
We get it, you don't like SAO, but this is an announcement of a spin-off made after the end of the third anime season. You really shouldn't be here in the first place.

PraiseTheSun123 said:
Good for the fans, but I doubt I will even watch it since I didn't like Aincrad at any point.

Since a lot of people complain the change of pace after Aincrad, you could be the opposite and like the story from ALO onwards. I would give it a try :P

Piromysl said:
It's kinda understandable, because SAO has such a huge fanbase just because Aincard arc

Oh boy how wrong you are. If that was the case, they wouldn't have adapted so quickly all the following arcs.
ALL SAO S1 was well received, including the non Aincrad part, and they made S2.
If S2 wasn't well received (and there's no Aincrad there), they wouldn't have adapted Alicization.
You're seeing this only from a limited perspective, that is a small part of the western audience.

The edit button exists for a reason.

(Aikatsu LOL)

HectorBlaze said:
Asuna and Kirito will be together in the adventure. The manga is told from her point of view but the novels are still told from Kirito’s point of view.
The anime adaptation will adapt novels, I hope!

I hope they will show both points of view, honestly.

-ShadowClaw- said:
Say what you want about SAO the very fact is, it is a popular show regardless of what you feel.

Heck the very fact that so many people voice they hate it is a simple answer as all these haters had to seen it at some point so you people are still contributing to its popularity.

SAO may not have started out as the best written show, but people can't deny its influence within anime fandom in general, heck it practically inspired an entire generation of shows from the 10s till now and even in the real world to a point. Its largely thanks to it video games got more invested in vr gaming as well.

It was one of my first anime i ever watched so regardless even if it has its faults i still stick around with it and the later arcs as well as progressive writing have definitely gotten better than how it has started.

So hate or love it, it does not matter, it is the Dragon ball of Light novel adaptations and it is here to stay for a long while longer. ;-)

Sep 19, 2020 1:03 PM

Dec 2015
AntwanMantilla said:
I'm just hoping A-1 continues to handle animating the series in the future. I know Studio 3hz did the spinoff with P90 loli Llenn but as long as A-1 is still involved, regardless if it's for this or for the mainline series, then I'll be happy.

2 years may be quite awhile but man I'm pretty excited for this.

Pretty sure it wont air in 2022, that was when it all started in the story in first place...also I think I havent seen you for like 5 years, how ya been :)
Sep 19, 2020 1:14 PM

Jul 2015
the Aincard arc could be amazing without the Deus ex Machina and the harem subplot
still loved that arc somehow
Sep 19, 2020 1:26 PM

Oct 2014
Holy shit, THANK YOU! I never expected Progressive. We're finally going to get Aincrad floor-by-floor, this is literally the best SAO new we could've got! So excited! (Not to mention, we'll get Unital Ring at some point too, amazing!)
Sep 19, 2020 1:27 PM

Nov 2014
Sounds good. First arc had a lot of problems, but thematically it was the best one imo.
Sep 19, 2020 1:35 PM

Feb 2013
Piromysl said:
NG_Chloe said:

It's only a floor by floor of the Aincrad arc

It's kinda understandable, because SAO has such a huge fanbase just because Aincard arc, which was the first arc, was phenomenal, but after that everything was awful with the exception of first half of Alicization.

Retelling everything step by step and filling all plot holes that were present in the adaptation will definitely be beneficial.
The worst one was probably the timeskip after ep 4, if I remember correctly, when Kirito and Asuna suddenly went from borderline strangers to perfect lovey-dovey couple in like one episode and we didn't even see this relationship develop.
I hope this reboot will fix that because this ship is definetely the worst written I have ever seen in any anime ever as it is.

Except that's not how it works and you're clearly talking about the perspective of an anime fan on an adaptation. lol Alicization is much better in its novel form than the trash adaptation it got.
Sep 19, 2020 1:37 PM

Feb 2013
Haou-Judai said:
Another trash for this series. I mean why they don't let this series die already?

They should adapt series that deserve it not trash like this one.

Nanaca said:
It took trash like GGO and... less trash like Alicization for them to get to adapting the only worthwhile part of SAO.

I don't know what are you talking abouth but the only watch able part of this trash is GGO. SAO first season a big piece of shit. Rest after GGO is also bad... so bad...

Cleostar said:
hell yes! I'm so hype for this!!!

As Asuna is the main character in this
For sure it will be far better than the current series.

Asuna is the main character of this shit? It can be even worst then i image.

Mod Edit: Merged duplicated posts; please use the edit button.

Because, surprise, SAO is extremely popular and entertainment is made to get money, including anime adaptations. And, SAO is a LN that still continues to this day, have spin-offs and also a separate series like Progressive.
Sep 19, 2020 1:37 PM

Apr 2009
Haou-Judai said:

Nanaca said:
It took trash like GGO and... less trash like Alicization for them to get to adapting the only worthwhile part of SAO.

I don't know what are you talking abouth but the only watch able part of this trash is GGO. SAO first season a big piece of shit. Rest after GGO is also bad... so bad...

GGO is that part of SAO secretly created to make Kawahara's scribbles look good in comparison, and its anime adaptation sure does the original justice. It's watchable, true, but that's about the most flattering description it commands.
Sep 19, 2020 1:42 PM
Ero Ojisan

Jun 2019
I always loved the Aincrad arc of SAO, so I'm looking forward to how Progressive fills in the gaps from the original Aincrad arc.
Sep 19, 2020 2:05 PM
May 2018
I swear, I LITERALLY guessed this was the next SAO anime project this morning. It was probably not that hard to guess, but it still feels weird to bet something the morning and see the official announcement the very same day, lol.

The story of Progressive hasn't moved that much though, so I don't know if I should be hyped for this project. I guess I'll check it out, it will be interesting to come back to Aincrad.
Everything changes. Even the happy and funny things eventually disappear. How can I still enjoy this place then?
- Furukawa Nagisa (Clannad)

You have to make a choice. Either you give up on your soul for the sake of science, or you give up on science to save your soul. In my case, the soul was already in pieces.
- Lloyd Asplund (Code Geass)

Do you understand the meaning behind Nunnaly's smile? She can't see or walk. So there are things in this world that she knows she can't do alone. Her smile... is her only way to show gratitude.
- Lelouch Vi Britannia (Code Geass)

Death is part of Life.
- ... Me.
Sep 19, 2020 2:21 PM

Oct 2018
ok who is the next victim for the rape scene from this arc?
Sep 19, 2020 2:50 PM

Jul 2015
FullyCharged said:
Piromysl said:
It's kinda understandable, because SAO has such a huge fanbase just because Aincard arc

Oh boy how wrong you are. If that was the case, they wouldn't have adapted so quickly all the following arcs.
ALL SAO S1 was well received, including the non Aincrad part, and they made S2.
If S2 wasn't well received (and there's no Aincrad there), they wouldn't have adapted Alicization.
You're seeing this only from a limited perspective, that is a small part of the western audience.

Because no anime ever has received a sequel quite fast despite having subpar predecessor.

Sep 19, 2020 4:14 PM

Jan 2020
ma4ete said:
I wanted GGO S2, not this.

wait' theres no LN after ggo finished
Sep 19, 2020 4:16 PM

Jan 2020
Haou-Judai said:
Cleostar said:

not necessarily the main character but the story mainly come from her POV
It's gonna be full RPG/adventure kind of story.

At least it's far better than seeing Harem shit that ruined the entire story.

Shitty harem MC hero or Shitty heroine. Both sounds like bad choice...

Have you read the light novel...its pretty good.So if you could just fuck off from this forum becuz you don't know shit.
Sep 19, 2020 4:37 PM
May 2020
Can someone please explain how this new version will be different from the original Aincrad Arc?
Sep 19, 2020 5:08 PM
May 2016
JG24 said:
Can someone please explain how this new version will be different from the original Aincrad Arc?

floor by floor instead of skipping around
Sep 19, 2020 6:58 PM

Oct 2013
@Haou-Judai, harsh words, though I can't say I don't partially agree with them; however, apparently SAO is still popular enough to have a lot of anime continuations. If it was not a profitable franchise, then it wouldn't get next anime adaptations of Visual Novels.

AdrianRubinsky said:
Back to when SAO was interesting. I might be able to watch it.

I think the opposite: Aincrad arc from the first SAO was the moment in which it stopped being interesting for me and slowly became more and more painful to watch. ;p
Sep 19, 2020 7:12 PM
Jul 2018
Can anyone tell me which seasons I need to watch to watch this? I have not watched anything SAO related yet.
Sep 19, 2020 7:33 PM
Jul 2020
Orion_Gospel said:
Do I have to watch all the other seasons of SAO in order to watch this new one?

No this is a floor by floor reboot of the Aincrad arc so as long as you saw the first half of season 1 I think you should be fine.
Sep 19, 2020 7:37 PM
Jul 2020
I liked Alicization a lot overall. I don’t read LN or manga so I can’t relate to the people saying it was rushed, but I enjoyed it.

I was super hyped when they announced this but I feel that the good animation that will come with it won’t give it the same old nostalgic SAO S1 vibe. Still super excited for it.
Sep 19, 2020 8:36 PM
Apr 2020
Not completely surprised by this, but nonetheless still excited for it. Its always been a shame that Aincrad only appeared for around half a season.
Sep 19, 2020 9:29 PM
Oct 2014
Zexus95 said:
Can anyone tell me which seasons I need to watch to watch this? I have not watched anything SAO related yet.

None. This will start from the beginning.
Sep 19, 2020 9:38 PM

Jun 2019
The writer said that he will keep writing Progressive until he dies, so we will be "blessed" with a long-running shounen worse than One Piece. What is even the point when we know how it ends? The journey you say? Playing a hundred of levels of a video game sounds very repetitive; I cannot see the story not becoming bland at some point.
Sep 19, 2020 11:33 PM

Jan 2010
I´m gonna be honest, i´m super excited for this.
I knew that they would ,eventually, adapt it, but i wasn´t expecting it would be so soon.
My obvious concern, not only with this, but with every novel adaptation of ones that i read is how chopped it will be.
If we go by rule of thumb and say that a vol should be 3~4 ep (for a good adaptation), but let´s say it´s 3, that would give what, 4 floors in 12 ep.
I know that there aren´t many vol now to begin with. If they did 24 ep they would probably adapt everything there is atm.

Overall, excited, but cautious.

Nier and MGS fan.
Sep 19, 2020 11:38 PM

Jun 2020
I'm pretty excited! I actually enjoyed the aincrad arc, SAO just went downhill after that damn Alfheim arc
Sep 19, 2020 11:44 PM
Jul 2019
A-1 Pictures farming that SAO money. Aincrad is the best thing the series has to offer. So I'm looking forward to it returning better than ever. Well there's still that BS during the Kayaba Akihiko fight so...

Now you can feel what it's like to be stuck in the game for two years.
SomeGuyWithHairSep 19, 2020 11:51 PM
Sep 20, 2020 12:12 AM
Dec 2016
WKSJDJFJF OH MY GOD, YAAAAAAYYY!!!! I hope this anime adaption does well in serving Progressive justice 🥺🥺💞
Sep 20, 2020 12:30 AM
May 2018
Well, we might finally be getting that expanded time in SAO that I always felt we were cheated out of with that rushed mid-season finale. 🙏🏻 Really looking forward to this.
Sep 20, 2020 1:37 AM
Sep 2019
This is so cool. I always loved Sword Art Online Anime. I am grateful That it is getting another sequel. : )
Sep 20, 2020 1:58 AM

Jun 2015
Excellent news.

Though given that the arc itself isn't finished yet i doubt it will be anytime soon.
Still after seeing how much Reki has grown as an author via the Alicization arc it will be nice to see him bring his skills to expanding upon the arc that started the franchise off.
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Sep 20, 2020 2:02 AM

Jul 2016
These days I avoid light novels like the plague, because they're written just as poorly as a wattpad fan fiction. However, the anime adaptations are usually pretty decent, because the story itself, for the most part, isn't that bad.

Now, I haven't read SAO progressive and I don't plan to but I absolutely loved the first part of the first season, I actually enjoyed the other arc as well but it didn't feel to me like the same show. Words cannot describe how happy I am to dive back into Aincard, the world that first got me hooked on anime! I feel like a kid again ^^
Sep 20, 2020 2:10 AM
Dec 2019
Finally! I’ve been reading the light novels and this series is quite great. Finally getting what we deserved from the Aincrad arc. Gonna be a long ride for this series though it’s going to take years before the author finishes the whole 75 floors or so.
Sep 20, 2020 2:20 AM

Jul 2015
PraizOP said:
Orion_Gospel said:
Do I have to watch all the other seasons of SAO in order to watch this new one?

No this is a floor by floor reboot of the Aincrad arc so as long as you saw the first half of season 1 I think you should be fine.

That's the problem, I've never watched SAO before. But from what I've read and what others have told me, it looks like I'm good and I can watch it without any problem
Sep 20, 2020 2:51 AM
Mar 2018
I can not wait for this, but I wonder how long will it go and how many episodes can they get out of 6 books, either way will be fun just wish I knew when it is coming.
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