The Trad Wife Epidemic Is Insane

  • Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
    My Clothing Line: OTTOBYKRIS.COM
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    Cut by Jason Christopher Mayer
    IG: @jayjaymay
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Комментарии • 9 тыс.

  • @med0747
    @med0747 10 месяцев назад +13034

    "They're selling you a life they don't even have." That sums up the entirity of social media.

  • @tmntaddict
    @tmntaddict 10 месяцев назад +6879

    "They gotta wait 3-4 business days to get a granola bar." 😆😆
    As a gal who lives alone and trying to get away from processed, I am my own trad wife.

    • @MrsLadyCath
      @MrsLadyCath 10 месяцев назад +62

      Haha me too, me too

    • @ireallyreallyhategoogle
      @ireallyreallyhategoogle 10 месяцев назад

      But were you a model before?

    • @TylerAlexis
      @TylerAlexis 10 месяцев назад +30

      🤣🤣 love this

    • @ireallyreallyhategoogle
      @ireallyreallyhategoogle 10 месяцев назад

      Where did my comment go?
      Did RUclips eat it?

    • @AlienAI-69
      @AlienAI-69 10 месяцев назад +83

      As a single male that lives alone, from what I've learned in life.....don't need any type of wife.

  • @thedarkempress8304
    @thedarkempress8304 10 месяцев назад +3091

    My therapist says “Comparison is the killer of joy” and I love that quote

    • @JAM661
      @JAM661 10 месяцев назад +42

      My favorite quote from whoever is you cannot control what people say, think or do. All you can decide is how you will respond to it. Worrying about things you have no control over is a waste of time and energy.

    • @krashd
      @krashd 10 месяцев назад +28

      @@JAM661 Mine is "Never try to prove anything to anyone, time will prove everything."

    • @JR-pf9in
      @JR-pf9in 10 месяцев назад +58

      They are actually misquoting Roosevelt. The quote is:'Comparison is the thief of joy.'

    • @TheLovelyMissBeans
      @TheLovelyMissBeans 10 месяцев назад +11

      Don't look into other people's windows. You will never truly know what it's like inside.

    • @agr0nianTV
      @agr0nianTV 10 месяцев назад +1

      Good qoute

  • @shinikinaver4969
    @shinikinaver4969 7 месяцев назад +582

    As a person from a household that cooked everything from scratch and had lived this way for years - this is NOT how you do it. You cook bread dough ahead of time if you want a warm bread for breakfast. You do jam in batches with fruit from your garden. You make pasta and it can be frozen / dried. You always have a jar of yogurt readying itself up.
    The first woman doesn't promote the lifestyle, she pretends that it's all about making at once something that is reasonable and completely achievable to make over the course of multiple hours, days, months, seasons.
    Why doesn't this woman have jam ready? Yogurt ready? Stash of handmade oatmeal? Cheese? Butter? I don't believe she cooks everything for her family, because she is doing it wrong.
    She makes this sound like something tremendous and heroic.
    It does not promote this way of living and scares people off.

    • @QuiddityJones
      @QuiddityJones 7 месяцев назад +112

      She's cosplaying that lifestyle, glamming it up. She's so rich she can cosplay homemaking. You know she has nannies preoccupying the toddlers while she makes content.

    • @lucielove7323
      @lucielove7323 7 месяцев назад +11

      Good point

    • @onyxtopaz2759
      @onyxtopaz2759 7 месяцев назад +19

      U really know what you're talking about 🌟 Yes, batches are efficient & ready for you later on

    • @Akeza71
      @Akeza71 7 месяцев назад +46

      I absolutely agree with you. What really irks me about Nara Smith is how unrealistic it is to prepare all those foods in the time frame she allude to: toddler wants PBJ or yogurt that morning so she starts a batch from scratch at that moment (as if a toddler would wait that long). I find it inspiring to want to make everything from scratch, but please at least make it realistic. Viewers who aspire to cook more or from scratch can be easily led to think it's that simple, and it can be discouraging. Not everyone had the chance or opportunity to be taught.

    • @lebowskisrug
      @lebowskisrug 6 месяцев назад +4

      she probably saves the rest of what the kids don’t eat and that’s leftovers… chill out.

  • @StrawberryPavlova1
    @StrawberryPavlova1 10 месяцев назад +2277

    "...and I'm gonna give my opinion on this because I find it fascinating and it's my channel so I do what I want." 😂

  • @mikhail5428
    @mikhail5428 10 месяцев назад +1429

    *I would parody her with the idea of: "Today my son ask me for a brother, so I started from scratch"*

    • @gabriellerussell8484
      @gabriellerussell8484 10 месяцев назад +41

      *grabs a shovel*
      *walks to historic graveyard*

    • @mikhail5428
      @mikhail5428 10 месяцев назад +30

      @@gabriellerussell8484 *Today my wife told me she wanted to see her deceased grandpa, so... (Proceeds to grab a shovel - Now the outcome can be 2)*

    • @isaacribeiro6823
      @isaacribeiro6823 9 месяцев назад +8

      i am dude who lives alone and i make stuff from scratch what is your point?

    • @mikhail5428
      @mikhail5428 9 месяцев назад +18

      @@isaacribeiro6823 *You should make yourself a friend*

    • @isaacribeiro6823
      @isaacribeiro6823 9 месяцев назад +3

      @@mikhail5428 or just maybe i like to cook and now a days even friendships is about how much can i get out of that person. so no

  • @Code1-f5u
    @Code1-f5u 10 месяцев назад +5447

    Tradwives on social media make me feel like a microwave chef surrounded by gourmet cooks, trying not to burn my dinner.

    • @QuayHollywood
      @QuayHollywood 10 месяцев назад +159

      I'm actually a chef, and we are trying not to burn that microwave dinner together😂.
      Edit for some grammar mistakes I didn't catch before...

    • @sunshine3914
      @sunshine3914 10 месяцев назад +25

      That means that their mission is nearly complete.

    • @incredulousdisbelief9841
      @incredulousdisbelief9841 10 месяцев назад +87

      Hey hey hey, I cook my frozen pizzas in the oven, like Jesus intended. Because my microwave is broken.

    • @ModernInka
      @ModernInka 10 месяцев назад +59

      See, im a chef, and I think this woman is ridiculous 🤷🏼‍♀️I make things from scratch too but im not so stupid that im going to start a 10hr process when my kids ask me for breakfast, why don’t we go out and find the brush bush and start brushing our teeth with that like they Had to back when we lived in caves, because it’s so cute and fun and trad wifey, yay! I don’t care what anyone says. I’ve worked Tom Douglas restaurants amongst others, I don’t see how get making basic things from scratch means she could work in a high level chef type environment 😂that’s a Hilarious comparison. “Gourmet cooks” LMAO
      That said, I think what they’re doing is fine, literally Who Cares but when it gets not ok is when they start with the (and many tik tok trad wives do) “I think it’s so wrong how other women don’t want to live like this” like it’s a travesty we get to be high level chefs in Michelin Star restaurants, doctors, lawyers, and not bound to the kitchen, poor us, Wah. I think promoting that is gross and wrong, I think shoving women into any box is gross and wrong; if there’s non of that, then Go Off, Trad Wife!! lol it’s simple, y’all

    • @kenbrown2808
      @kenbrown2808 10 месяцев назад +6

      @@ModernInka the clips reminded me of the "my toddler came in this morning and said, 'daddy, why is it that you feel the need to post comments I'm way too young to comprehend in order to pretend I'm unusually precocious?'" posts. they also remind me of the old "sylvia" newspaper comics which featured segments with "the woman who does everything more beautifully than you" - who was a joke about Martha Stewart.

  • @lindseysingleton9111
    @lindseysingleton9111 9 месяцев назад +176

    I have to point out that a tradwife that's an influencer is an oxymoron.

    • @rudestbeast4907
      @rudestbeast4907 8 месяцев назад

      Yra because the influencers only are influencing flocks of sheep

    • @nahanilukes5097
      @nahanilukes5097 Месяц назад

      A TradWife IS an influencer who promotes a traditional lifestyle. A traditional wife isn’t a traditional wife although name is inspired it’s its own thing now

  • @Karknakkers
    @Karknakkers 10 месяцев назад +1489

    Can we also remind ourselves that tradwife influencers are not even tradwives, they're influencers first. They have their career in making content, and they make money from that. In case of Nara Smith, likely even quite a bit. That's a whole lot different than just a stay at home mom who cooks, cleans and raises their kids.

    • @Hey_marshmallow
      @Hey_marshmallow 10 месяцев назад +35

      I think that the outrage is misplaced but I understand how some people may feel that even though they are technically not a traditional wife they are still using their platform to promote traditional patriarchal values. Personally I don’t see this as being any different than someone like the barefoot contessa with the exceptions that it’s not the cooking network and this woman is extremely young.

    • @slimthuggamothafucka2909
      @slimthuggamothafucka2909 10 месяцев назад +1

      Yeah I think people forget that she makes content for money, and she chose aesthetic cooking videos

    • @Geekabibble
      @Geekabibble 10 месяцев назад +86

      Yes, someone who dresses like her to make homemade food, who looks impeccable, she's got a crew helping her. Someone's watching the kids, someone's helping with the house, probably someone is buying and prepping the food she makes and there's a cameraperson/editor. She might even have someone doing her hair/makeup.
      If anyone has actually made any kind of food, especially with kids around, nothing ever looks like that. 🤣

    • @abbycrabbyy
      @abbycrabbyy 10 месяцев назад +20

      yeah, nara smith is on maternity leave bc she is a supermodel and she was pregnant so she started cooking from scratch more because she had the time 🤷🏽‍♀️

    • @MotherOfOwlbears
      @MotherOfOwlbears 10 месяцев назад +62

      That is my main beef. I see no need to hate on these women, but I don't like that they promote a role for women that they themselves don't see fit to stick to.

  • @rebekahtaylor9307
    @rebekahtaylor9307 10 месяцев назад +2136

    I just think it’s funny that people equate “farmer” with “poor”. I assumed she was rich because land and farms are crazy expensive. Maybe people who have only lived in big cities their whole life just have no concept of what country life is really like.

    • @pattyhansen7563
      @pattyhansen7563 10 месяцев назад +184

      City people 100% do NOT have any concept🤣 I grew up on a dairy farm & then went to college right outside of NYC. I moved back home after college & had a few old college friends come visit. The thing that folks don't understand is that 'farm' is vastly different from region to region. In MY upstate NY farming community, we are all broke ass poor😂. We are routinely holding any piece of equipment together with baling twine or old fencing LOL. And it is actually a very economically depressed rough area - not very beautiful or idyllic in many ways. My friends could not get over the soul crushing poverty that I am surrounded by (they thought only poor people & druggies lived in the hood) & had the impression that everyone in my area lived on small, cute, well-kept farms with little red barns & chickens running around. What they were not prepared for was the meth heads living down the road in a shitty trailer with no skirting & junk cars everywhere & CPS & the state police being a constant presence on our road, no running water, etc... LOL. But if you look at regions of USA with farms like Ballerina Farms, absolutely MUST be wealthy. With acreage going for $3,000+ PER ACRE. Yeah, $$$$$$$. And good for her. Wish it was me. my farm? baling twine & old fencing has to do for now.

    • @tarazieminek1947
      @tarazieminek1947 10 месяцев назад +76

      Farm people are sometimes cash poor (especially if they keep buying more farmland), but these dates farmers tend to be extremely wealthy asset-wise because of the extreme appreciation in farmland prices.

    • @pattyhansen7563
      @pattyhansen7563 10 месяцев назад +54

      @@tarazieminek1947 only out west, I think. No farm families around my area are land wealthy, asset wealthy or cash wealthy. What you are referring to are farms like ranches. & big agri-businesses that should not even consider themselves farms/farmers. Dairy farmers in my region make the same hundred weight milk check that they were making in the 1970s.

    • @JustFilmAlready
      @JustFilmAlready 10 месяцев назад +16

      Lol I live in like a country/beach area (small town) and I can confirm that all the farmers here are LOADED 😂 and if they’re struggling it’s either bad investments, kids are on drugs, or they’re not up-keeping their families farm.

    • @LdangerB
      @LdangerB 10 месяцев назад +16

      Exactly. I spent quite a bit of time in the Vancouver area a while ago, And the absolute hugest most over-the-top houses were on the farms! Just a big patch of farmland in a and a huge ass mansion 😂 No one there thinks farmers are poor.

  • @treepelt97
    @treepelt97 10 месяцев назад +1216

    Lol love the meme ability of this lady
    "My kids asked for Hambergers today, but we ran out of hamberger meat so I decided to make it all from scratch. So first I went to the farm and killed my own cow for the meat"

    • @TheCrazydude17
      @TheCrazydude17 10 месяцев назад +45

      That's how I cooked in Runescape. "Oop, I need a pizza, time to go kill a few cows, travel the land in search of wheat, cheese, tomato..."

    • @Jim87_36
      @Jim87_36 10 месяцев назад +4

      That’s pretty funny ngl and it feels mostly light hearted despite the violence

    • @TrumpCabbage798
      @TrumpCabbage798 10 месяцев назад +15

      Well I mean, that’s how hamburgers are made so hey it works 🤷‍♀️

    • @aeoligarlic4024
      @aeoligarlic4024 10 месяцев назад

      Went from tradwife to masculine hunting urge 😂

    • @homo.sapientissimus
      @homo.sapientissimus 10 месяцев назад +4

      Reminded me of a guy who started to eat exclusively raw meat so he would call a farmer and buy the full alive goat directly from them and then he would kill it and eat

  • @FlyAwayGarlic59
    @FlyAwayGarlic59 9 месяцев назад +79

    nara smith's kids' names sound like nicknames that people give themselves when they're trying to be different.

  • @hazzard_destroyer
    @hazzard_destroyer 10 месяцев назад +2376

    Not the kids being named like Disney princesses and villains

    • @plebiansociety
      @plebiansociety 10 месяцев назад +53

      for real, if I wasn't a middle-aged grandpa with like no hope of ever naming a child again, Whimsy just moved to the top of my girl's names list.

    • @Thejuicemerchant
      @Thejuicemerchant 10 месяцев назад +41

      Reminds me of kids that are named things like “hope” or “Justice”

    • @cheese-and-ricemooney7487
      @cheese-and-ricemooney7487 10 месяцев назад +22

      To be fair some Disney names are in my opinion good and if not too weird sounding there's nothing wrong, but if someone call their kid Simba then they should have someone else to change their name.

    • @Hazel_Levesque_Slays
      @Hazel_Levesque_Slays 10 месяцев назад

      @@cheese-and-ricemooney7487There is a girl named Simba on YT.

    • @AdamProws
      @AdamProws 10 месяцев назад +58

      I wonder if they're just code names so they don't give out their identity without consent

  • @chasesibley3331
    @chasesibley3331 9 месяцев назад +487

    "Oh yes I'm Lucky, this is Nara, and this is Gravity, Rumble, Whimsy, and Slim." 🙃 I would laugh in their face thinking that shits a JOKE

    • @valentinogal781
      @valentinogal781 7 месяцев назад +8

      You can laugh at there kids names but you can laugh at Elon Musk's kids' names? Or other names like Stormy or Blue Ivy?! Really?! You don't see the hypocrisy in that?😂😂

    • @Bundalaba
      @Bundalaba 7 месяцев назад +17

      Feminists: Women can be whatever they want! Woman: I want to cook and take care of my husband and our house and our kids Feminists: No not that!

    • @jenjonnybravo
      @jenjonnybravo 7 месяцев назад +4

      Then don't watch them or be their friends. Pretty easy. Move on.

    • @AndiOlopwi
      @AndiOlopwi 6 месяцев назад +1

      OK man, your name's chase as in?I chase the dog go chase A job.😅 Judge not yet ye be judged😅😅😅😅😅

    • @y-s-2o0o
      @y-s-2o0o 6 месяцев назад +11

      @@valentinogal781 stormy blue ivy and whatever hex elon musk has named his son are all insanely bad names as well🤣 but rumble and slim are diabolical names

  • @Finnyyyyy_yyyy
    @Finnyyyyy_yyyy 10 месяцев назад +5919

    The tall glass of sweet tea 💀💀💀 “I could just” glug glug glug💀💀

  • @ravanne3746
    @ravanne3746 8 месяцев назад +100

    The recent article about Ballerina Farm in the British Times newspaper is pretty eye opening. It's quite clear that Hannah is not as into the lifestyle as her husband is and that she has sacrificed all of her life aspirations for this life that he wanted. Even the question of having more children shows the cracks, where she expressed doubt toward the question of filling their 15 seater van, while her husband is all in on the idea. And that the one time she was able to get any kind of pain relief during childbirth was when her husband wasn't around. It's really sad. Yes, she's got a life that many would envy, but she is paying a huge price for it.

    • @cranburrey
      @cranburrey 7 месяцев назад +6

      @@Sara-gn6co Is this her husband on an alt account?

    • @uhura647
      @uhura647 7 месяцев назад +27

      @@Sara-gn6co If YOU read the article properly, you would have known that the husband never respects any of her wishes, she wanted to date for a year before marriage, she wanted a ballet studio etc but the husband always has his way.

    • @astilp_lbs2226
      @astilp_lbs2226 7 месяцев назад +12

      I was about to comment something along those lines. She is clearly not happy and her husband clearly doesnt respect her.

    • @magdlynstrouble2036
      @magdlynstrouble2036 7 месяцев назад

      The Mormon church supports the patriarchy. Women are not given a choice to stay sweet, get married very young, a virgins, and start popping out kids immediately! Do some research, people. This is all PR for the Mormon church, which has $25 billion, more than Disney, more than Pepsi.

    • @Dgnmuse
      @Dgnmuse 6 месяцев назад +1

      They both clapped back and said it was inaccurate and idk if she wanted out I feel like she could. She has more resources than majority of women.

  • @zainahobson4740
    @zainahobson4740 10 месяцев назад +782

    Kris is like a highlighter
    We grab a pencil
    Kris grabs a highlighter
    We plan out our day
    And she makes it brighter
    Love u kris x

  • @loganc6818
    @loganc6818 10 месяцев назад +1554

    Regarding the "thinking her videos are fake" thing, I don't think her videos are fake. I just think that her and her husband are famous, wealthy models, who can afford grocery deliveries, personal trainers, personal assistants, personal chefs for all the other food, nannies, housekeepers, etc etc etc... We all have 24 hours in a day, but as much as I love love love cooking and baking from scratch for my family, and cooking at all, my 24 hours include waiting for public transit, riding public transit, working for 40+ hours a week, doing my own shopping, cleaning, and laundry. So, not quite the same. I'm not angry at her or jealous of her, in fact I'm very happy for her that she gets to do this cooking she clearly enjoys and gets to dress up in her beautiful clothes, and take the time to make lovely videos. I just think it's worth pointing out.

    • @alandab
      @alandab 10 месяцев назад +9

      Sounds like a "YOU" problem. Buy a car, get a husband, and quit your job. You'll be amazed at how much more time you'll gain to do tradition things.

    • @AztecWarrior69_69
      @AztecWarrior69_69 10 месяцев назад +26

      Well the fact that had already stated that the video are things they do every once and awhile, do often but are NOT every day. They do not make homemade cereal every day. They have said that several times.

    • @a-sharp-like-note
      @a-sharp-like-note 10 месяцев назад +14

      After @alandab's comment, I just wanted to say that you're cool. I'm sure a good portion of tradwife haters are envious while doing nothing, but you're working hard and not being jealous. You're a great person and probably a good mom

    • @loganc6818
      @loganc6818 10 месяцев назад +46

      @@alandab I'm not sure where you see that I said any problems? I'm very happy with my life. My job at a hospital helping people doesn't let me park my car there, so I take public transit, and I love my wife, who also works very hard, very much. I do "traditional" as you call them things as a hobby when I do have time, and I love my hobbies all the more for it.

    • @loganc6818
      @loganc6818 10 месяцев назад

      @@a-sharp-like-note Thank you, not a mom yet, though we're talking about it! Just someone who loves her hobbies of gardening and cooking from scratch and textile arts while not trying to push myself to "standards" others sometimes perceive or show.

  • @annieb3883
    @annieb3883 10 месяцев назад +2983

    Here’s the thing I think people forget. feminism is about making the choices you want for yourself. If you want to be a stay at home and be a mom you stay home if you want to be a CEO you can be a CEO. It’s been about choices. I will never tell another woman what choices she should make for herself all i will say is please protect yourself in whatever relationship you choose ladies. ETA not too sure why I can’t respond to the oh but ReLiGoN comment but this conversation is about people who are changing the definition of feminism to fit their own narrative and agenda not religion so if you want to have a conversation about religion and its implications on women might I suggest making a stand alone comment because it would make more sense

    • @mamabridge4710
      @mamabridge4710 10 месяцев назад +95

      Amen!! Was scrolling through to see if anyone posted this yet!

    • @annieb3883
      @annieb3883 10 месяцев назад +169

      @@mamabridge4710 thank you I appreciate the support. I just don’t understand why people, especially women, are trying to police other women’s lives. If you don’t like the trad wife dynamic don’t be one it really is that simple. Our lives are hard enough without trying to police each other’s lifestyles

    • @felixsfreckles6822
      @felixsfreckles6822 10 месяцев назад

      ​@@annieb3883 The thing people hate most trad wives for is that they themselves are disingenuous internalized misogynists who shit on women who work and say that all a woman should ever do is stay home and care for a husband. Also, they don't believe in women going to college, having her own separate money or not being submissive to her husbands, which are all very obvious things that can prevent abusive relationships that most women cannot leave.

    • @user-gh3dg8gv7z
      @user-gh3dg8gv7z 10 месяцев назад +73

      The movie “Mona Lisa Smile” said it best for me. When Julia Styles character chooses to be a housewife, you get to choose what you want to be and not because you can’t.

    • @redsparrow3677
      @redsparrow3677 10 месяцев назад +13


  • @salem2543
    @salem2543 7 месяцев назад +9

    everyone’s forgetting about the current issue the also went viral with ballerina farm. she wanted tickets to greece for her birthday, he got her an APRON. if you watch the video you can see the disappointment in her eyes and you can also hear the aggression in his voice when he shouts, “you’re welcome” when he felt she wasn’t being appreciative. after he says that you can also see her eyes widen as she’s clearly uncomfortable.

  • @lat7324
    @lat7324 10 месяцев назад +431

    I can’t believe people actually think her content is real. Like she wakes up with a full face of makeup, prefect hair, a ball grown, excellent lighting and beautifully shot videos. The videos are cut for a reason. Social media is the new hollywood movies…. it’s not real and most people do not show up 100% authentic - they don’t have too. Pick what you want, throw away with you don’t and block what you hate.

    • @zombiedoggie2732
      @zombiedoggie2732 9 месяцев назад +16

      Yeah while cooking, mess happens. Mess on an evening gown could be a very expensive dry cleaning bill,

    • @SaraAshley116
      @SaraAshley116 9 месяцев назад +16

      Totally agree. I never assumed it was real. It was more entertaining and a little bit satirical.

    • @n0b0dyatall1
      @n0b0dyatall1 9 месяцев назад

      And this woman posting the response video is real? 😂 She's as fake as they come.

    • @meneldal
      @meneldal 6 месяцев назад +3

      I think making something fake af and pretending it is real creates a fucked up expectations for many people who watch this. This content is just harmful.

  • 10 месяцев назад +1662

    She really embracing the texan accent and life😂😂

  • @memequeen89040
    @memequeen89040 10 месяцев назад +338

    Can we take a second to appreciate Kris for literally putting so much work into these videos and still managing to post these EVERY 3 DAYS??!! You’re so talented keep doing what you’re doing!

    • @MoiMoi-x4s
      @MoiMoi-x4s 10 месяцев назад +3


    • @Mayhenfrenzy
      @Mayhenfrenzy 10 месяцев назад

      Infortunatelly people transformed something supposed to be fighting for equality over to hating men

    • @SpacyMidnight
      @SpacyMidnight 10 месяцев назад +9

      Her edit man is also pretty darn fantastic 😻 Great team 🙌🏻

    • @sunshine3914
      @sunshine3914 10 месяцев назад +2

      This was filmed in her Canada home. But she never ceases to amaze.

    • @odesseus
      @odesseus 10 месяцев назад

      I have said it before on her videos, Kris is amazing.

  • @tonikk097
    @tonikk097 3 месяца назад +6

    I told my single mom she raised me alone for 20 years about Nara, she said she is a good mom. My mom is making me everything home made. She is a single mom for 22 years

  • @xqelz
    @xqelz 10 месяцев назад +716

    the compliments are getting more and more creative😭

    • @mikehunt8170
      @mikehunt8170 10 месяцев назад +6

      More and more sus

    • @zaraiigacha
      @zaraiigacha 10 месяцев назад +2

      aren't you just a tall glass o' tea? i could just *GULP GULP GULP GULP*

  • @mariarivas8919
    @mariarivas8919 10 месяцев назад +1678

    Also one of the reasons Nara makes everything homemade is because she used to suffer from SEVERE eczema and removing most processed food from her diet healed her skin

    • @agneslawson9276
      @agneslawson9276 10 месяцев назад +148

      One of my friends had to do this. And can really only wear certain fabrics so her style is very specific because of it.

    • @Kasia237
      @Kasia237 10 месяцев назад +112

      I have to make a lot of things from scratch at home due to allergy to onions. So many day to day foods have onion or onion powder or onion salt I can’t eat. I’m not glamorous when I cook and I cook in bulk and freeze it, but it’s still my reality not being able to buy shop bought food.

    • @deleted_acoount_0530
      @deleted_acoount_0530 10 месяцев назад +48

      I just like natural fibers and unprocessed foods as much as possible, so I started taking inspiration from them.

    • @JasonWh
      @JasonWh 10 месяцев назад +19

      I believe she was brought up with her mother preparing food this way.

    • @SigynRegn
      @SigynRegn 10 месяцев назад +5

      She is beautiful so this was absolutely a good choice.

  • @reneenevermore2771
    @reneenevermore2771 10 месяцев назад +247

    The hair is giving Kirsten Dunst as Mary Jane vibes. I love it.

    • @WilliamLucas-hy8mx
      @WilliamLucas-hy8mx 10 месяцев назад +3

      Or Selphie from final fantasy 8.

    • @corrinemeshelski1101
      @corrinemeshelski1101 10 месяцев назад +6

      I honestly think Kris has the ability to pull off most hair colors. Maybe it's her skin tone. Or maybe I just think she is so cool and pretty she can do no wrong! 😆
      I am, however, very partial to this shade of red and I love the bangs with the hair up. I used to try to do this with my hair but it never came out right.

    • @petrastein2531
      @petrastein2531 10 месяцев назад

      Or Clary Fairchild. :)

  • @felix_a_fiend
    @felix_a_fiend 9 месяцев назад +34

    Obviously she gives her kids other food lmao. It’s clearly a hobby of hers to make food from scratch for her babies, and I would never knock someone down for a delicious hobby.

  • @NoSubtext
    @NoSubtext 10 месяцев назад +971

    I love Nara. She's so unserious too! Like "my sister ran out of bubblegum" of COURSE she knows we will find it absolutely absurd.

    • @mannatsharma4536
      @mannatsharma4536 10 месяцев назад +97

      Babe it wasn't even "my sister ran out" it was "my sister craved some gum" 😭😭like who even craves gum!?!!

    • @ColFlustered
      @ColFlustered 10 месяцев назад +22

      ​@@mannatsharma4536it was both. 🤷‍♀️

    • @Rugmunchersauce3
      @Rugmunchersauce3 10 месяцев назад

      ​@@mannatsharma4536. Rich kids who want for nothing.

    • @jmhaugen4757
      @jmhaugen4757 10 месяцев назад +66

      Of course she's not serious. It's fake, and she knows it. What 23 year old, in the history of EVER, can make modern processed foods FROM SCRATCH while wearing a SPOTLESS outfit and then turn the experience into a professionally edited video for social media, while also maintaining an absurdly clean house and raising three children?
      Nara Smith is a model. She knows, just like the rest of us, that her career imposes a shelf life on its participants. So she's cashing in on a current trend to make her money while she still can. The fact that people take her seriously is a failing of our educational systems, not the fault of some Mormon model.

    • @KandyKoRnKorpse2
      @KandyKoRnKorpse2 10 месяцев назад +22

      ​@@jmhaugen4757I'm confused... So then, who's nice, clean house is it that she is always standing in? Do you think a wealthy millionaire doesn't have a super-nice, clean home that gets professionally cleaned? Tell me you have never been in a mansion without telling me you have never been in a mansion. They are always clean like that because money. She is making the food from scratch on camera, so obviously she knows how to make it. It isn't just springing into existence on its own. She is probably following recipes. I don't understand how that is unbelievable? She is obviously wearing nice, clean clothes. When they get dirty you just change them.... What part is it that she is faking exactly? I have heard of the wealthy becoming disconnected from the lives of the poor people, but it looks like the same thing happens to the poor people, they can't even fathom how different the wealthy people's lives are compared to theirs.

  • @brandiwelch727
    @brandiwelch727 10 месяцев назад +477

    People think Nara does this for every meal and snack and its definitely not, she posted a grocery haul the other day and the amount of frozen and prepackaged food they bought was crazy. So they are still a very normal family she just highlights the stuff that she does make

    • @Robynhoodlum
      @Robynhoodlum 10 месяцев назад +78

      This! It’s crazy people assume “kiddo walked into room and asked for X so I made it then and there” is real. Let’s be honest, even if she wasn’t grocery shopping, people seem to forget meal prepping and video editing exist.

    • @Krydolph
      @Krydolph 10 месяцев назад +24

      I bet she would get so many followers by unpacking a frozen dinner and putting it in the oven!
      Ofc people want to see stuff get made, not what they do themself everyday!

    • @000KRISTEN000
      @000KRISTEN000 10 месяцев назад +29

      Its just a spin on a cooking channel. It has a storyline. That's all.

    • @YueDreaming
      @YueDreaming 10 месяцев назад +7

      Well that doesn’t quite fit with her narrative of eating clean bc of her eczema then 😂😂😂

    • @MissSchnickfitzel
      @MissSchnickfitzel 10 месяцев назад +1

      "normal" ? Thats actually pathetic shes so rich and buying so much trash food. No wonder she looks like that

  • @uafgames9061
    @uafgames9061 10 месяцев назад +296

    I'm pretty certain Nara already has a lot of this stuff premade for her family when they want/need it (especially the stuff that takes 3-5 business days to make), and the videos are literally just her showing the process of how she made it as well as making the next batch in case they're running low on it. I am honestly really jealous of her, I wish I had the time and energy to make food from scratch, it's just so much more satisfying that way.

    • @rosericmercedes2460
      @rosericmercedes2460 10 месяцев назад +23

      And the money...

    • @jessicab7059
      @jessicab7059 10 месяцев назад +21

      My thought exactly, she's not showing later in the week when she's making sandwiches out of the leftover bread she made earlier. She's also not presenting it as "make my weekly loaf of bread with me" but that doesn't mean that those things aren't reality. I had a neighbor man growing up who was in his 90s and every week he still made his loaf of bread for that week. It's not like she's making every single thing every single day.

    • @kittimcconnell2633
      @kittimcconnell2633 10 месяцев назад +15

      It's fairly easy to be energetic when you're under the age of 25 and don't have a commute.

    • @angelaarmstrong4941
      @angelaarmstrong4941 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@rosericmercedes2460it’s way cheaper to make food yourself.

  • @Aylin_Wild
    @Aylin_Wild 16 дней назад +1

    Everytime I watch Kris I get all giddy when she compliments us in the beginning! Love ya, Kris!

  • @liloleist5133
    @liloleist5133 10 месяцев назад +620

    Yogurt takes 5 - 12 hours to ferment from milk, it can't be "made" on demand in the morning.

    • @ai965
      @ai965 10 месяцев назад +83

      It's just a set up for the video, I'm sure in real life she just knows her kids want some yogurt and makes it without waiting for them to ask.

    • @Hannah_The_Elon_Jew
      @Hannah_The_Elon_Jew 10 месяцев назад +1

      Home Made

    • @Hannah_The_Elon_Jew
      @Hannah_The_Elon_Jew 10 месяцев назад

      @@ai965kidnapping CHILD 44

    • @Hannah_The_Elon_Jew
      @Hannah_The_Elon_Jew 10 месяцев назад

      @@ai965My KJE

    • @Hannah_The_Elon_Jew
      @Hannah_The_Elon_Jew 10 месяцев назад +1


  • @Thamires.Stengler
    @Thamires.Stengler 9 месяцев назад +652

    As a Brazilian, I grew up eating homemade food, my mother always prepared everything for us, and sometimes it takes a while to be ready, like ice cream, for example, she makes it from scratch, but we were already familiar with this wait and it even created a certain excitement. So when I watched her videos I wasn't surprised, I remembered the food my mother used to make for me, cakes, breads, pasta ❤️

    • @cyndirankin
      @cyndirankin 9 месяцев назад +28

      American here, had the same and so did my kids.

    • @beatrizhonorato6266
      @beatrizhonorato6266 9 месяцев назад +3

      Mesma coisa por aqui! problema é que nem sempre a gente pode reproduzir as mesmas coisas kkk

    • @MistedForest
      @MistedForest 9 месяцев назад +35

      I think many Americans grew up with microwave food and wished our parents had that kind of time. In lies the jealousy.

    • @josepheridu3322
      @josepheridu3322 9 месяцев назад


    • @joylindadichamounix
      @joylindadichamounix 9 месяцев назад +1

      I think that sounds great!

  • @kontrapandao.o8291
    @kontrapandao.o8291 10 месяцев назад +479

    Chef here. Most of these trad"wives" aren't making even mediocre food. They make the effort and time in preparation blown out of proportion. It is a flex that they have the time, money, and means to make stuff we all yearn to do on the daily - live a silent, cozy, and safe life

    • @chaoleo
      @chaoleo 10 месяцев назад +23

      Regardless, they aren't affecting me or my choices in life, so.....

    • @MBJean
      @MBJean 10 месяцев назад +1

      Well said

    • @Outnumberedbykidsandcats
      @Outnumberedbykidsandcats 10 месяцев назад +2

      But why do any of you care what others do in their relationship? If you don’t like it then don’t watch.

    • @kontrapandao.o8291
      @kontrapandao.o8291 10 месяцев назад +4

      @@Outnumberedbykidsandcats if they put it in public, it's free to be judged. They can keep it to themselves if they want no opinions

    • @Outnumberedbykidsandcats
      @Outnumberedbykidsandcats 10 месяцев назад +4

      @@kontrapandao.o8291 oh absolutely that’s the case. I am also allowed to express my opinion that I can’t understand why anyone cares so much.

  • @AlysaAlysaBolissaBananaFannaFe
    @AlysaAlysaBolissaBananaFannaFe 9 месяцев назад +6

    My favorite is when Nara is running low on something but not all the ingredients to make that thing. Cough Drops? Don't have them. Cough drop silicone molds? Have it. lol

  • @S3L4HJ
    @S3L4HJ 10 месяцев назад +333

    "You think I'm actually real? No, Im actually an adorable tiny alien piloting a human vehicle vessel made of silicone fiber" 🤣💀💀

    • @sarahbaker9066
      @sarahbaker9066 10 месяцев назад +2

      So happy she did the Men in Black Reference

  • @badgergearcompound7667
    @badgergearcompound7667 10 месяцев назад +310

    “FFS Mom, how long does it take to make me a bloody PB&J?!!” Ralphie’s mom has one whipped up in like 5 minutes. 😂😂😂

    • @badgergearcompound7667
      @badgergearcompound7667 10 месяцев назад +1

      Canadian. Cheers

    • @Confused_Moth
      @Confused_Moth 10 месяцев назад +6

      @@badgergearcompound7667 I want you to know that us Australians think of Canadians as the favourite uncles :)

  • @Andreamom001
    @Andreamom001 10 месяцев назад +183

    I love making things from scratch, being a mom, caring for kids, decorating my house, taking care of people…I hate cleaning and doing dishes, though.
    If women want a career, go for it. If women want to be wives and mothers, go for it. Women should be respected and supported for whatever positive choices they make.
    If I could afford to stay at home and be a full-time mom, it would be my dream life.

    • @fluff_m0th
      @fluff_m0th 10 месяцев назад +16

      I am wondering... why so many people see only two ways? Tradwife or a girlboss. There are so many other ways to live once life. You can have both if you want, you can have neighter if you want too. To each their own.

    • @charitylboisseau7526
      @charitylboisseau7526 10 месяцев назад +4

      I had two blessed years of being a stay at home mom. Then I had to send my son to preschool, because I had to work part-time to support the family.

  • @HoneyBadger938
    @HoneyBadger938 9 месяцев назад +14

    We aren't Cookie cutter robots. What ever makes you happy, do it. That's all that matters. We're ALL different, that's what makes us beautiful. If anyone is judging, they have something to heal within themself.

  • @sharonguerra7440
    @sharonguerra7440 10 месяцев назад +647

    We grew up dirt poor in the 60s in the rural PNW. My mom lived the "tradwife" life, not out of choice but because we were too poor for anything else. She was exhausted all the time, and certainly not a fashion icon. It was a hella hard life, and not the least bit glamorous. I get that we all need to see through the theater of social media, but it would also be nice to see something a little more realistic, and I can understand why people get upset about it. Sure, live your best life, but recognize that it's not realistic for most people.

    • @laceandribbonsviolin
      @laceandribbonsviolin 10 месяцев назад +34

      Maybe I should start a tradwife account with my 1980s wood cabinet microwave-cooking-for-one kitchen in which I’m forced to make meals from scratch because of food allergies

    • @HateBear-real
      @HateBear-real 10 месяцев назад +14

      Women that do lots of stuff for their families and make sacrifices for them are the best women though, and they will be taken care of when they are older and have grandchildren. I would tear up even the extended family if any of them went against either of my grandmothers, and I normally never go against the clan.

    • @AW-uv3cb
      @AW-uv3cb 10 месяцев назад +44

      I think Nara would be fine if her channel was all about: "I love baking and the way I'll do it will be in an empty kitchen, dressed up in ball gowns, and with a calm voice like I'm on valium, and this will be my thing to set me apart, and yeah, incidentally my family will benefit later from having something tasty to eat" - cool, I'd watch it! It's the fact that she presents it as "this is how I actually live, this is how my kitchen actually looks, this is how I actually feed my family at all times". I mean... WHERE are those children (bored and starving) when she's dressing up and spending hours baking bread?

    • @xiqueira
      @xiqueira 10 месяцев назад +16

      Some people who are poor don't have the choice to stay home. Rich and poor come in many flavors.

    • @hayleyferguson5284
      @hayleyferguson5284 10 месяцев назад +10

      Being a CEO of a Fortune 500 company is not realistic for most people but it happens and is respected and promoted. I’m sure the CEO realises their life is not realistic for most.

  • @DreamieQueen
    @DreamieQueen 10 месяцев назад +771

    They are not trad wives, they are just rich lmao

    • @cassandro9445
      @cassandro9445 10 месяцев назад +24

      This 🏆

    • @soulserenade.kcn1992
      @soulserenade.kcn1992 9 месяцев назад +8

      Yes these ones on social media are, but please know there are many trad wives who can be poor and struggle with finances because childcare is still too expensive out there.

    • @elliemac306
      @elliemac306 9 месяцев назад +25

      @@soulserenade.kcn1992 That's not a 'tradwife' that's economic necessity. Tradwife IS being rich enough to do this. It's out of choice.

    • @Elennar29
      @Elennar29 9 месяцев назад +20

      You kinda have to be upper middle class to be a trad wife now

    • @fitz1722
      @fitz1722 9 месяцев назад +24

      Legit! Tradwives are just rich women cosplaying as homesteaders. It's wild.

  • @steve-and-bucky
    @steve-and-bucky 3 месяца назад +6

    0:13 reminds of that line Sebastian Stan said “it goes down just as easy as you did” 😅

  • @pzycho_reclas1794
    @pzycho_reclas1794 10 месяцев назад +291

    While I don't live that lifestyle, I'm not going to judge someone who does as long as that they are doing it willingly, it makes them happy, and they aren't trying to make others live the same way. We all have things that we enjoy. I love to crochet. Am I supporting the patriarchy by making animals, blankets, clothing, from yarn? Love this reaction Kris!

    • @brendatomlinson
      @brendatomlinson 10 месяцев назад +5

      Somewhere (Etsy?) I saw adorable tiny animals, hearts, butterflies and such made as refrigerator magnets! OT, yes, but you reminded me of that lol

    • @recalcitrantamiga
      @recalcitrantamiga 10 месяцев назад

      I think the point is that it's harmful to women's lib. We have tried for so long to be equals to men and not be seen as submissive, baby factories. Most women these days do not want that lifestyle and seeing it pop up everywhere is trying to force women back in the kitchen barefoot and pregnant. Look at the US with the Christofascism that's going on. They're trying to turn back the clock and take away a women's right to choose their lifestyle. I think it's harmful to women who just want to live their lives and not be forced into something they don't want. Men will probably stumble across these videos and go "see this is what women really do want!" I would bet that most tradwives are being forced into the role because they got stuck and/or brainwashed into thinking that's what their whole life should be. Maybe not these tiktockers but they're certainly not helping matters by saying "Oooh look at me all perfect and pristine while I make my family a 5 course meal from scratch." They're fueling the fire. It's the Donna Reed ideology. Gotta be perfect for the husband. Gotta have dinner on the table at a certain time. Gotta clean house while looking voluptuous in case the man shows up while she's scrubbing the toilet. It's freakin' fairy tale.

    • @strnvii
      @strnvii 10 месяцев назад +7

      Fr why are people judging clearly all of this is just for views.

    • @terrabyte5847
      @terrabyte5847 10 месяцев назад +3

      Completely agree. The only problem is that there are soooo many people who do it unwillingly and are trapped because of it. 💔

    • @pzycho_reclas1794
      @pzycho_reclas1794 10 месяцев назад

      @@terrabyte5847 yes i know several people who have gotten forced into this type of lifestyle and are completely miserable but are so brainwashed that they think that they just mist be doing something wrong as a wife and mother to make things bad. It's so sad and many will spend their entire lives like this.

  • @biblebasher9364
    @biblebasher9364 10 месяцев назад +364

    My grandma used to Love to cook for her family and friends.
    I never saw her happier when she'd be slaving over the stove to provide fresh home grown, homemade food for people that Loved it and she Loved.
    When I was caregiving for her, I learned how to make some of the favorites like corn dogs, biscuits and gravy, macaroni salad, and turkey salad...
    It made her soooo happy and hard work is very rewarding.
    Something this country has a hard time comprehending

    • @TriSci42
      @TriSci42 10 месяцев назад +8

      wanna share that corn dog recipe? :)

    • @biblebasher9364
      @biblebasher9364 10 месяцев назад +16

      @@TriSci42 I'll have to locate it, but it might have been an old old Betty Crocker recipe that was simply cornmeal, self rising flour, some sugar and know, the basics.
      But she preferred foster farms chicken franks, unpackaged, laid out on paper towels, covered in paper towels, and allowed to warm up to room temperature to discourage any condensation or sweating from the weiners.
      That was very important to her recipe, using those franks and getting them warmed up.
      We bought wooden dowels from the hardware store and cut them to length and even used clothespins screwed to a piece of wood to hang the dogs into the hot oil.

    • @biblebasher9364
      @biblebasher9364 10 месяцев назад +7

      @@TriSci42 oooo can't forget the powdered mustard mixed into the batter either

    • @JS-dv9ji
      @JS-dv9ji 10 месяцев назад +21

      Your perspective is that she loved it. Most of our grandmothers had no choice so they had to act like they loved doing all that shit, when really they were dying on the inside. Not saying this was how your grandma truly felt, just saying it's easy for you to say that what she projected on the outside was the absolute truth.

    • @biblebasher9364
      @biblebasher9364 10 месяцев назад +6

      @@JS-dv9ji well then...who is really dying on the inside right now???

  • @Cassidy.talkin_here
    @Cassidy.talkin_here 10 месяцев назад +72

    0:07 You're so sweet, kris, and you have helped me through my depression and anxiety, so thank you, kris. I hope you're doing well today, and I wish you the best for you and Caleb ❤❤❤❤❤ also your hair looks so pretty!!!

  • @jasonclement5846
    @jasonclement5846 Месяц назад +4

    18:29 maybe...even with the money she just enjoys living like that. Just cause you have money doesn't mean you need to live like a Rockefeller

  • @carolion8496
    @carolion8496 10 месяцев назад +539

    THANK YOU! This is the most balanced and level headed take I've seen. My mom was 19 when she got married (my dad was 21) and she had two kids before 25 and by her 30s had five of us 😂 but it's what SHE wanted. My dad never forced anything on her, he loved having kids, but it was my mom who wanted a ton of kids. It was my mom who made the choice to homeschool us and threw my dad for a loop. Husbands can be controlling, but acting like any woman who chooses that lifestyle is being controlled by a man and has no brains is incredibly insulting. Women fought for the ability to choose what to do with our lives and now any woman who makes the CHOICE to stay home is immediately vilified as an enemy of women and it shouldn't be that way.

    • @carolion8496
      @carolion8496 10 месяцев назад +31

      Also to clarify, I am in no way mormon. 👀

    • @sunshine3914
      @sunshine3914 10 месяцев назад +4

      No doubt that dad did his own thing too.

    • @Unfortunately_Mickey
      @Unfortunately_Mickey 10 месяцев назад +38

      My sister accidentally had her first at 16, but discovered that being a mom is her absolute passion. I've had to beg her to stop having kids 😂

    • @bt4953
      @bt4953 10 месяцев назад +3

      I agree with everything you said except controlling can be on both sides

    • @cheese-and-ricemooney7487
      @cheese-and-ricemooney7487 10 месяцев назад +26

      ​@@bt4953Controlling CAN be on both sides you know?
      It is more common between men that they are controlling but if you believe a woman can't be controlling (coming from a woman) you need a reality check if you genuinely believe a woman can't be controlling.

  • @kathyf.2002
    @kathyf.2002 10 месяцев назад +461

    I was thrilled, when at age thirty, I got to be a stay-at-home mom. It was the toughest job I ever loved. And yes, I guess you could call me a tradwife. When the school years came around, I was free to work, volunteer and have more time for myself. I am now retired. My life has been wonderful and continues to be so.

    • @scan606
      @scan606 10 месяцев назад +95

      That is not what being a trad wife is. I'm also a stay at home mom, also the happiest i've ever been, i consider it an incredible privilege to be able to stay with my son, and i love to keep a clean and beautiful home for my family. But i am not a tradwife, BECAUSE i don't think it is my role to do so. It's what i chose to do, and every woman has the right to chose to do what make them happy. Stay at home and nurse your baby until 3 ? Awesome ! Go back to work as soon as you can because you need to have a life outside the house ? Perfect ! As long as it is the right choice for you, do whatever you want !
      A tradwife will tell you it is your role, your mission in life, that a woman is born to serve their family. That's where the toxicity lies.

    • @luizadacosta5521
      @luizadacosta5521 10 месяцев назад +21

      ​@@scan606 well said. Above totally missed the point. 🙄

    • @brennapetersen8522
      @brennapetersen8522 10 месяцев назад +2

      whatever babe. you do you

    • @Senza_1
      @Senza_1 10 месяцев назад +1

      @Selfcarestars123 Is that the definition you placed on it? Because it seems the overwhelming majority have basically manipulated the term to fit their own negative bias hahahaha.

    • @aoifecorbett-yx9jx
      @aoifecorbett-yx9jx 10 месяцев назад

      I think the trad wife lifestyle only worked for wealthy or well off women. Lower class women always worked

  • @HB-wl3nv
    @HB-wl3nv 10 месяцев назад +138

    The kids have to wait 3 to 4 business days for a homemade meal.

  • @hayley10510
    @hayley10510 4 месяца назад +5

    I think a main issue people have with Nara Smith is that she obviously has a nanny or someone taking care of her kids while she cooks. Having a nanny isn’t a problem, but I can see how presenting unrealistic expectations for being a stay at home wife of three kids can rub parents the wrong way.

    • @Hecatate
      @Hecatate 4 месяца назад

      As a Mom of 2 boys...It was hard to cook anything without one of them up in my hair the whole time.

  • @veratrickster6075
    @veratrickster6075 10 месяцев назад +143

    Kris does have a talent with explaining things and talking about topics that tend to have controversy with them. She is able to have a voice that puts her comedic vibe into topics. But at the same time have a serious note as well. Very talented and always a good day to have a new video.

  • @cassandrastone7297
    @cassandrastone7297 10 месяцев назад +351

    My grandmother used to make everything from scratch for us. She was always baking, cooking, making crafts. I absolutely loved being around her and learned so much from her. I think it’s a beautiful, healthy atmosphere to be in a loving home that caters to everyone’s needs.
    Growing up with my grandmother was some of the best times of my life.
    I think some people just feel inadequate compared to her and that’s where their hate stems from.
    We should support each other and not bring each other down.
    Get it together people. ❤each other.

    • @Mrs.Adventure
      @Mrs.Adventure 10 месяцев назад +10

      💯 facts ❤

    • @elizmaoosthuizen3201
      @elizmaoosthuizen3201 10 месяцев назад +26

      Agree we have so many childhood memories of stealing cookie dough out the mixer or your mom or grandmother allowing you to lick out the icing down of brownies of cakes 😂 as a South African it is sooooooooo normal to make everything from scratch.

    • @ASW-kk7yz
      @ASW-kk7yz 10 месяцев назад +10

      Yeah but, it's not the 1950's! 🙄

    • @elizmaoosthuizen3201
      @elizmaoosthuizen3201 10 месяцев назад +28

      @@ASW-kk7yz she can however live her life how she wants, that's the beauty of living in 2024

    • @SigynRegn
      @SigynRegn 10 месяцев назад +5

      Well said ❤

  • @marydoogan2486
    @marydoogan2486 10 месяцев назад +593

    Great job presenting a common sense way to look at these women. They're living their lives the way they want to, and if you don't like it, don't watch. I will never understand the desire to attack someone who isn't causing harm.

    • @arthuriglesias13
      @arthuriglesias13 10 месяцев назад +45

      Its so sad... I think its people who feel like a failure when they see somebody else win big living their best life...

    • @dietotaku
      @dietotaku 10 месяцев назад

      well the issue is that they could very well be causing harm. like one person said, they're selling you propaganda and the illusion of a life that they themselves don't even live. it's a very far-right "women belong in the kitchen barefoot and pregnant" ideology that in turn attacks feminists and the very idea of gender equality. i don't think it's harmless to promote an ideology that demands women accept subjugation and subservience in their marriage.

    • @gamespc-zi6zo
      @gamespc-zi6zo 10 месяцев назад +19

      the only problem i have is that it took 2 hours to make jelly for a pb&j for her kids and thats just crazy to me

    • @marydoogan2486
      @marydoogan2486 10 месяцев назад +17

      @@gamespc-zi6zo Yeah, it takes hours to make some stuff, and can't be made spur of the moment. Preparing/making generally needs to be planned ahead. I love making things from scratch, but the time involved does put a damper on it at times. 🤷🏻‍♀️

    • @melodyknoxyt
      @melodyknoxyt 10 месяцев назад

      If they are members of the LDS church ( or Mormon), then they are causing harm. To be a member, you have to pay tithes which the LDS church then uses to cause harm to others. Same with other tradwives who are religious and attend churches that cause harm. Like Estee, the blonde woman with curls shown in the intro. She is extremely transphobic and homophobic.

  • @KatharineAtkins-my3jz
    @KatharineAtkins-my3jz 6 месяцев назад +2

    I made a birthday cake, from scratch, plus a from scratch icing, while my mother was in the hospital. I was 13 and did my best. Mom had turned blue and when I called my father that she was turning blue, he told me who to call, guess the emergency service. Don’t remember anything about that whole episode. So when he came home post the work day, we went to the hospital to see mom. She recognized my deep cut to my thumb and asked someone to send to a nurse to stitch up my wound. My mother noticed everything, even in her state of difficult breathing. Back home to my father , wish him a HB and he doesn’t want any of the BC I had baked. Learned many valuable lessons that day

  • @d.c.2991
    @d.c.2991 10 месяцев назад +135

    Every trad wife with a social media presence likely has her own financial independence from being an influencer, which is the main and not enough highlighted difference from having that lifestyle without a side hustle.

    • @1920WasAMistake
      @1920WasAMistake 10 месяцев назад +2

      That side hustle is called having a provider man. Just like my wife. Stays at home with our kids on our land in our house. Makes bread and cooks everyday. There’s a lot of trad wives that have cracked the code to a good life that aren’t on social media. And by cracked the code I mean being a woman that a good man would want to provide for so she can be a good woman/mother/wife.

    • @sutenjarl1162
      @sutenjarl1162 10 месяцев назад +2

      @@1920WasAMistake bro living the dream 😎

    • @1920WasAMistake
      @1920WasAMistake 10 месяцев назад

      @@sutenjarl1162 True. 😎

    • @emilyb.8219
      @emilyb.8219 9 месяцев назад +9

      @@1920WasAMistake yes I'm sure "leftycrusher9000" has the most rational views on women's roles in society 🙄

  • @LorettaBangBang
    @LorettaBangBang 10 месяцев назад +186

    The "from scratch" thing is definitely performative, and successfully generates engagement

    • @hopperskid381
      @hopperskid381 10 месяцев назад +12

      she has SEVERE eczema so she has to make things from scratch. But yeah, some things may be a lil troll

    • @lucygoosie7726
      @lucygoosie7726 10 месяцев назад +4

      I have multiple food allergies so I have to make everything from scratch but I don’t post it online. I just run our household while my husband works outside the home. It’s just a normal traditional set up and I’m very happy not needing to juggle work with housework and hiring someone else to raise my kids.
      Why do some people think that you’re being lazy to raise your own kids, then they hire a nanny to do it for them? A nanny does less around the home than a wife does, yet she gets paid for it and the wife has to work full time in order to afford it? Makes no sense. It’s just propaganda so that more people are working and the government gets paid more taxes.

    • @n.g.l.
      @n.g.l. 10 месяцев назад +3

      I come from a diff culture, we make things from scratch. In fact, if you don't live in the west you make or some parts of Asia you have to make things from scratch. My relatives grow theirs and make it. It's a norm to spend hours cooking our food which is inconvenient but not done all the time. I have a relative that has to eat majority gluten free and everything has to be made from scratch.

  • @Aiodiam
    @Aiodiam 10 месяцев назад +99

    'acts of service' is a way that some people show as their love language. Getting dressed up every day like that can also show a lot of self love. It always makes me feel great when I get to see myself dressed up. Everyone has different stress and tolerance levels. Shes remarkable to me, and I am happy for her!

  • @arcoiris890
    @arcoiris890 9 месяцев назад +9

    Nothing wrong with wanting to be a stay at home wive, especially for your kids and husband. I have a bachelor & master’s, recently married, but I wouldn’t mind to stay at home once I have kids. I rather do that than sending them to daycare, where who knows if they’re treated right. I would feel very lucky to not have to work, stress, etc. Actually, it is my desire to stay home when and if I give birth.
    And I would love to learn to do things from scratch. I mean, it sounds like a vacation while not being broke.. that is a good deal!

  • @Matt_Fields_29
    @Matt_Fields_29 10 месяцев назад +284

    In the 1930s, rich people prevented this kind of backlash by not publicly flaunting their wealth during a time when so many people are struggling.

    • @BoliceOccifer
      @BoliceOccifer 10 месяцев назад +16

      I love living in the second gilded age

    • @cassandro9445
      @cassandro9445 10 месяцев назад +1


    • @CasualNotice
      @CasualNotice 9 месяцев назад +7

      No, they didn't. There's lifestyle porn all over the old newsreels.

    • @Matt_Fields_29
      @Matt_Fields_29 9 месяцев назад +3

      @@CasualNotice Really then tell me the title of the 1930s version of Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous or Cribs.

    • @CasualNotice
      @CasualNotice 9 месяцев назад +9

      @@Matt_Fields_29 I mean, lacking cable television (or any broadcast TV at all), they were mostly limited to newsreel coverage of wealthy people's special events and the "Lifestyle" and Gossip sections of the local and national newspapers.

  • @MizGizma
    @MizGizma 10 месяцев назад +732

    Here's the thing about this woman being a "trad wife" ... that's her job. Her literal pays the bills every month job. Those meals she makes everyday ... she is filming it. She is being paid to make those meals. Every single one of her critics would GLADLY make meals for their own family this way if they didn't have to go work 8 hour shifts someplace in order to make someone else rich.

    • @kimhaas7586
      @kimhaas7586 10 месяцев назад +73

      This is absolutely not true. There are plenty of women who would rather do anything but be strapped to the kitchen for their entire adult lives cooking and serving other human beings who are perfectly capable of helping out or even doing the meals themselves. Plenty of men cook and like to do it. Let’s let them do it.

    • @HalfB
      @HalfB 10 месяцев назад +61

      The point is…. It’s her job and she’s choosing to make money doing the work most do for no money. I’m 53, and look at the younger generations arguing about all these things that have already been established…. Do what you will and do what makes you happy and to the haters… just ignore them. Ffs… these are fake made up battles…. Do your thing and who cares about comments on social media 🤦‍♀️

    • @kimhaas7586
      @kimhaas7586 10 месяцев назад +38

      @@HalfB The problem is our culture only seems to value women who sacrifice themselves. If you stay at home, you’re considered more virtuous but economically vulnerable. If you work outside the home, in the US, you are made to understand in no uncertain terms that any maternity leave or child care is a favor that your employer and our society does not need to provide (because if you stayed at home, it wouldn’t be anyone’s problem). But our nation can’t just have all the women go home and give up their jobs. We also went through that period of time when women were expected to stay home and take care of the kids 24/7 and many women are just not cut out for that. So it is unrealistic and cruel to balance the world’s economy on the backs of women in perpetuity. One of these days women are going to get angry and realize the incredible power they have to remake our nation in a way that works for the biggest majority. That day will be November 5, 2024. If you’re a SAHM, remember that it may be a temporary position. Look out for yourself as if you had to earn a paycheck and vote accordingly for the people who will have your back.

    • @cyanidestrawberry
      @cyanidestrawberry 10 месяцев назад +38

      It’s her job but where did the stability to even pursue that come from? Not everyone that just films their life or makes a job of being a SAHM is successful and you have to have some space to fail and still be secure at the end of the day. These are people backed by rich and or successful spouses, families, etc. and they are literally selling an illusion that’s detrimental to everyday moms and young women in general.

    • @BroncoJoeAK
      @BroncoJoeAK 10 месяцев назад

      Hah! You apparently have no idea how many men work all day just to come home, cook dinner, vacuum, mop, and do dishes while their wives sit around on the couch complaining about how “I’m depressed, you never do enough for me, if you did maybe you’d get lucky once a year.” It’s crazy how when you raise a generation of women to be irresponsible, then you have a generation of literal sl*ts (their brag not my insult), who want to spend their 20’s sucking every man in town then expect some nice guy to marry them before their ovaries dry up and they become unmarriable, almost like they deserve it or something. Then they expect their husband to be okay with a dead bedroom. No, there are plenty of men who do everything for a wife who complains that he’s not doing enough, and quite honestly women are far happier when they don’t get anything they haven’t directly earned. Men don’t like handouts, women don’t like handouts. Granted if you both work the same field, same job, same hours and bring home the same amount of money, chores can be split 50/50 and that’s fair. But that shouldn’t be a lifelong goal either. Eventually the man is going to have to be a man, get a harder job and work more so the woman can work less and spend more time being a mother. That’s how you get rid of misandry, reduce promiscuity and really how you build long lasting relationships. Men and women have their roles. You can’t swap them. You cannot abuse men for the sake of women. Anything but and society collapses as we’re currently seeing right now.
      Edit: I have a family and a successful relationship because I earn the money, I manage the money and thus I am solely responsible for the finances. My wife manages the house, cares for me and mine, and in return she is responsible for the state of the house. I do my job so that she can do hers. And because of that, we have a functioning household on one income. Most households are run by selfish women who expect their man to be a slave, and anything less than slavery is “I feel like a slave to you.” The problem is that women do not know happiness because they think happiness is getting stuff they want. And in reality just a small part of happiness is earning things that are more valuable than the stuff you want. Do your part, accomplish your part no matter how hard it is, you feel fulfilled. Get what you want without earning it responsibly, don’t hold yourself accountable for your actions, you become a depressed feminist cat mom.

  • @dylnpickl846
    @dylnpickl846 10 месяцев назад +243

    I come from a background where a tradwife is someone devoutly religious and genuinely oppressed, and I think some of the backlash towards the internet version of tradwives is the potential erasure of the real abuses many irl tradwife communities face.
    That being said, I think you did a great job covering the two women you chose to focus on. Neither seem to be oppressed within their relationships or communities, and they seem to simply have enough privilege to live the life they want. The hate they are getting is largely unwarranted.

    • @killer_queen4062
      @killer_queen4062 10 месяцев назад +50

      ​@@elizabeth.601 this person: i have witnessed cases where traditional lifestyles were used to opress women
      you: but i am not oppressed!! it did not happen to me personally so it can't be real!! women can only be submissive there is no other way of life!!!
      (p.s. you can work a job that satisfies you, abusive workplace environments are not the norm. i bet you would have gotten real mad if someone said all husbands are abusive 🤭)

    • @lucaleone4331
      @lucaleone4331 10 месяцев назад +25

      ​@killer_queen4062 yeah what a weird take. Either submissive to work or submissive to my husband? Like neither is an option?
      It's just easier to replace a job than a husband.
      Also you have no where to escape to if all the BS is at home with your husband lol

    • @dylnpickl846
      @dylnpickl846 10 месяцев назад +29

      @@elizabeth.601 I am sorry you felt attacked, but I did NOT say all religious housewives are oppressed. And I agree with you, what you describe is NOT oppression. The oppression I am referring to includes physical violence perpetrated by the head of the family towards his wife and children. The oppression I am referring to includes condoning this violence through religious texts. You don't have to believe me. I lived it so I don't get the option of ignorance in this particular matter.

    • @undefinederror40404
      @undefinederror40404 10 месяцев назад


    • @scsextra
      @scsextra 10 месяцев назад

      @@elizabeth.601religion = oppression. Period.

  • @Jewelbell2024
    @Jewelbell2024 9 месяцев назад +5

    At first, I was scared of what might be said (like I have once before), but you continue to surprise me with how relatable your opinion is. I actually agree with you on this and honestly saw one video of the second lady you mentioned and loved it because that kind of farm life is ideal for me and I know others also find it to be ideal.

  • @brondroid
    @brondroid 10 месяцев назад +158

    I respect and appreciate the hell out of how balanced this take is...
    'TradWife' - like anything else - is just a social construct, and one we're very much viewing through rose-colored glasses...easy to do, 70+ years later!
    The most important thing to be is happy, and that looks different for everyone.

    • @autophobiac.
      @autophobiac. 10 месяцев назад +12

      I very much want to be something similar to a tradwife in the future. I want to take care of my beloved but in no way do i think other women can’t do what they want with their lives.
      I dont get why people are so mad at a tradwife for doing what she wants when they’re happy.

    • @brondroid
      @brondroid 10 месяцев назад

      Thank you for responding, it made me realize that I should definitely have expressed something more clearly: by no means am I criticizing or judging TradWife life! It's obviously not for everyone, but it's very clearly 'for' a whole bunch of people!
      Personally, I feel much the same as you...while not a TradWife, I am a homemaker, and I take a lot of pride in my home, in how much money my work at home saves us, and how happy my husband is when I present him with a home-cooked meal!
      Especially nowadays, 'TradWife' can be a challenging lifestyle to live, and I have a lot of respect for anyone passionate and committed enough to pursue it so wholeheartedly.
      Nobody should be criticized for living the life that makes them happy, as long as they're safe! (....unless they're criminals.)
      Much love, all the best!

  • @sabrinadavis8355
    @sabrinadavis8355 10 месяцев назад +285

    I used to be this mom... dressed up and would make everything from scratch until I landed myself crying in therapy. The psychologist posed one question to me--"what's so wrong with store bought?" LMAOOOOO and honestly it's helped. I still make pizza dough from scratch and insist on making fresh tatziki weekly but I've learned I don't need to prove anything to anyone, even my family.

    • @Li_Tobler
      @Li_Tobler 10 месяцев назад +10

      Yes! You are good enough. And honestly that goopy store-bought tzatziki is inedible after you tasted homemade 😂

    • @tikifreaky5204
      @tikifreaky5204 10 месяцев назад +40

      “What’s wrong with store bought?” ~ It’s typically over processed & overpriced

    • @BunnyFoooFoo
      @BunnyFoooFoo 10 месяцев назад +15

      Store bought is fine but in my case I have allergies to preservatives and food colorants so I have to cook everything from scratch. Still in my culture is common at least

    • @rinwesley3092
      @rinwesley3092 9 месяцев назад +12

      Some things are fine store bought (and sometimes necessary), but in general it sucks.

    • @ChaosSolak
      @ChaosSolak 9 месяцев назад +12

      @@tikifreaky5204 Don't forget the added sugar in everything. Even in freaking milk...

  • @slubert
    @slubert 10 месяцев назад +347

    People forget that farming is a business. Most farmers are running a farming business and have a couple of employees.

    • @jennabanana932
      @jennabanana932 10 месяцев назад +8

      Definitely not all farmers

    • @JaceyCarr
      @JaceyCarr 10 месяцев назад +6

      Most farmers have normal Monday-Friday jobs and do all their farm work on weekends or whenever they have time and they do most of it themselves. No they don't usually have employees. And what does farming have to do with being a tradwife?

    • @JaceyCarr
      @JaceyCarr 10 месяцев назад +5

      Tell me you've lived in the city your whole life without telling me...

    • @slubert
      @slubert 10 месяцев назад +18

      @@JaceyCarr well im not american so maybe it's different there.

    • @justsomenobody889
      @justsomenobody889 10 месяцев назад +4

      @@slubert yeah farming is the states is either (1) you're a mechanized, corporate monstrosity or (2) you do it as a hobby. Very few these days are able to make it work in between those two extremes

  • @kannibalkandy410
    @kannibalkandy410 4 месяца назад +1

    The only frustration I have towards Ballerina is that I want THAT to be my life! 😩
    I just want to be a fairy princess living in the woods with a cabin, my dog and cat there with other animals, and grow my own stuff.
    Also, her kids are going to have such an enriching childhood. Learning compassion and patience with animals, and what hard work does look like on a farm. ❤️

  • @CoffeeCup1346
    @CoffeeCup1346 9 месяцев назад +51

    *Three hours later* “Moooommmuhhh, I’m starving! Why can’t we just BUY bread like Taylor’s parents!”

  • @GordonSeal
    @GordonSeal 10 месяцев назад +207

    Influencers are selling you an idea, not a possibility.

    • @rubyrizen3115
      @rubyrizen3115 8 месяцев назад

      GordonSeal finding their ideal life HD

  • @Savvy_Fandoms
    @Savvy_Fandoms 10 месяцев назад +173

    I recently learned I'm autistic. A modern life in a city is filled with LOTS of overwhelming stimulation, and I am constantly burned out and having meltdowns, and feel guilty for skill regression.
    But walking through a forest? Doing dirty work caring for animals? Digging in dirt, building my own furniture, cooking/baking from scratch? SO invigorating! I have always imagined myself on a homestead, loooong before cottagecore and tradwife trends came to be. Now it almost makes me hesitant to admit that I would rather be at home than commuting to a workplace.
    The point of feminism is not telling women to not do "traditional" things; it's because "feminine" things are criticized in ALL people, and ALL people should be able to do what they want (as long is it jt doesn't harm anyone), is inclusive and intersectional, and ALL people are valued equally and treated equitably, no matter what they choose to do.
    Sure, people should be honest, constantly remind their viewers that they just see the glamorous times, and even give a glimpse of the hard times. But that's across ALL social media. CEO? Independent contractor? Mom? Social worker? Vanlifer? Whatever, just don't over glamourize it, be honest, and disclose that not every lifestyle is built for everyone 👍

    • @VictorH-27
      @VictorH-27 10 месяцев назад +23

      This! I'm autistic as well and I find being at home much more comforting. If in the future I am given the chance to work remotely while also be able to take care of the house and the kids, I'd love to. The outside world is overstimulating, often times stifling, but I know not everyone has the same world view.

    • @Rugmunchersauce3
      @Rugmunchersauce3 10 месяцев назад

      Autistic? Of course you are.

    • @Rugmunchersauce3
      @Rugmunchersauce3 10 месяцев назад

      You two are autistic too? Isn't it great?

    • @dogzentraining
      @dogzentraining 10 месяцев назад +7

      Femininity is so beautiful. It also terrifies a lot of people and so they want to suppress it in themselves and in others. It is the freedom to be creative. To be nurturing and to be emotional. That kind of vulnerability requires incredible courage. This can feel quite intimidating to people who don’t understand it fully. Don’t let them influence you. Do what feels right for your feminine nature ❤

    • @LaciRae
      @LaciRae 10 месяцев назад +10

      why not glamorize your life? i glamorize everything i touch. not for social media (which i don’t post on) but for my own enjoyment, & for everyone around me.

  • @krislx6447
    @krislx6447 9 месяцев назад +5

    One of my young friend loves to imitate influencer's life. She bought a lot of things she never use, wearing make up not fit, luckily she can always resell after she realize those things doesn't work. Husband and a dozen of children are not refundable, that's why I think no influencer should sell that life style.

  • @angelahamilton1656
    @angelahamilton1656 10 месяцев назад +476

    As an older woman I support women doing what they want. What is worrying is that young women may think that’s what real life is like. Who is looking after her children while she’s cooking, they must be young and in real life cooking elaborately and childcare don’t go together, and self care is non existent. In fact getting to the toilet by yourself is impossible ❤️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

    • @doobiecfoogle
      @doobiecfoogle 10 месяцев назад +47

      This was my concern as well. It is admirable what she does. There is just a hint of being inauthentic that I can’t exactly put my finger on. But hopefully I’m just being cynical.

    • @maartjevancaspel
      @maartjevancaspel 10 месяцев назад +63

      Yes, this! And I think she is infact hurting other women by portraiting her life as if it is normal, and make them doubt themselves for their REAL and messy lives. Not to mention: Where are the men caring for the kids and food? Ugh, na, really not my cup of tea.

    • @CuteAngeliica
      @CuteAngeliica 10 месяцев назад +23

      My husband provides de money for me to cook and take care of our children and it is beautiful, yes it is not easy but it is posible, and if you don’t like it don’t do it they are not making you watch the videos😂😂😂😂😂

    • @angelahamilton1656
      @angelahamilton1656 10 месяцев назад +48

      @@CuteAngeliica I did not make any judgement on anyone in my comment, as long as you’re happy with your life that’s all that matters, I only expressed a concern that a young person may look at this content and think it’s reality.

    • @brendaokuda2158
      @brendaokuda2158 10 месяцев назад +10

      Yeah, I really miss those days. But now I have grandchildren that accompany me to the toilet. I LOVE IT!!!!!

  • @cheryledstrom9860
    @cheryledstrom9860 10 месяцев назад +71

    Thank you. Thank you for standing up for other people on the internet. And for supporting NOT comparing ourselves. Comparison is a rampant joy stealer in our society.

    • @ohnonotagain8935
      @ohnonotagain8935 10 месяцев назад

      Only those on the top know its not a competition

  • @TheLiquidRemix
    @TheLiquidRemix 10 месяцев назад +131

    I dont know if Kris is slowly becoming Oompa or Oompa is slowly becoming Kris, but Krimpa is all that remains

    • @AngryKittens
      @AngryKittens 10 месяцев назад +16


    • @jaclyn.h.3031whiskey-_3
      @jaclyn.h.3031whiskey-_3 10 месяцев назад +14

      ​@@AngryKittens Translated to English is "Uncle Piss" though 😮😂

    • @Joyfully-spring77
      @Joyfully-spring77 10 месяцев назад +4

      Oompis supremacy😂✨

    • @jaidenjn
      @jaidenjn 10 месяцев назад +3

      I didn't even know they were dating and I started watching his videos recently. I thought to myself wait they are quite similar...I guess I know why now hahaha

    • @kathyowens8400
      @kathyowens8400 10 месяцев назад +2

      Kroompa villins

  • @ImmerGenau2624
    @ImmerGenau2624 9 месяцев назад +3

    I think a big thing to look at with this is the impact wealth has in their ability to actually be trad wives. They are called influencers because it is their job to influence, and many people lash out because they feel like they aren’t represented in the space. Sure these women can do their things and make their content, but who is their audience? If it is the everyday woman then it’s something to consider. Transparency over what makes it possible for them to do what they do and how their money helps goes a long way.

  • @megamovieman101
    @megamovieman101 10 месяцев назад +624

    I’m a feminist, but I don’t think these tradwives are problematic unless they’re trying to force others to live like them. Honestly, if they themselves aren’t being forced to do it, and they actually enjoy it, then hell, let them live their lives that way. They aren’t hurting anybody. These two certainly don’t seem to be. There ARE some tradwives who try to coerce or manipulate people (Classically Abby), but they’re the minority, and I think we shouldn’t waste our energy harassing the NON-problematic ones, who are the majority of tradwives.

    • @j68715
      @j68715 10 месяцев назад +75

      Agreed. Feminism is about choices, not one right choice for every woman. Also, caring for children, cooking, cleaning has a clear economic value, as anyone who outsources those jobs knows.

    • @Danap-mykaykat
      @Danap-mykaykat 10 месяцев назад +27

      Was gonna post the same thing! I couldn’t agree more- it’s all about choice of the life you wanna live, no forcing one set path. The only time when I feel tradwives (or anyone for that matter) need to be called out is when they’re saying it must be forced as the only path in life!

    • @mromutt
      @mromutt 10 месяцев назад +23

      I think what most take issue with is in (at least in the back of their head) they feel like they are being sold on something, most these videos have a tone to them. I am not so sure people really have a problem with what they are doing but more how its making them feel. For me personally I get an overwhelming feeling of fakeness when I see these that I just can't quite put my finger on if that makes sense. But then there are people that just want to be mad at something XD so there is always that too. I don't know why people have a need to attack people though even if their content makes them feel something they dont like. I am only referencing the ones not trying to recruit to be clear, because thats a whole topic onto itself.

    • @devsie11915
      @devsie11915 10 месяцев назад +16

      We should all be going after Pearl, not this chick. She’s just doing her thing and sharing it with all of us. Idk why people are mad. Her life is goals for me lol

    • @maxtm3000
      @maxtm3000 10 месяцев назад +13

      @@mromutt You cant use the argument "they feel like they're being sold on something" when thats literally the entire influencer space in every single category, you're ALWAYS being "sold" on something, whether or not you're gullible/impressionable enough and fall into the sell, thats on you.

  • @slicerjohn1897
    @slicerjohn1897 10 месяцев назад +161

    She makes everything her kids want form scratch so if her kids want to go for a drive “first I build a furnace in the back yard” 😂.

    • @kenbrown2808
      @kenbrown2808 10 месяцев назад +15

      I guess the good thing is, her kids won't have any expectation of instant gratification. "my toddler came in wanting Kraft easymac, so first I built a plastic factory to make the little microwaveable cups..."

    • @dirtyfiendswithneedles3111
      @dirtyfiendswithneedles3111 10 месяцев назад

      How does driving include a furnace? Are you trying to make a steam engine? She makes things her kids want from scratch on social media. Do you think she does this all the time? Glad my mother was a "trad wife". I would have never been able to show love and take care of those I love as adequately if I had only been influenced by my fathers strong hand. There is a big reason men are leaving the US to find a decent traditional woman.

    • @CynthiasgymnasticschannelDavis
      @CynthiasgymnasticschannelDavis 10 месяцев назад

      Why are u mad…. Her kids are eating healthy. I would wish to have something like that. Tf is wrong with u just bc ur parents don’t make food for you and made you eat frozen foods cause they’re broke doesn’t mean she needs to do that too. Weirdo go get a life and stop hating on a person you have no idea who she is and how she lives. she literally says she doesn’t do that everyday like be Frr…

  • @shamalabdullah7590
    @shamalabdullah7590 10 месяцев назад +62

    "tall glass of sweet tea" and "im kris the trad wife and you can call me kris the trad wife" got me rolling on the floor

  • @boyo45321
    @boyo45321 8 месяцев назад +9

    My mama (before she passed) used to make everything from scratch and taught us how to do it because she always wanted us to have food without all the added sugars and gmos’. She showed her love with food and made us have a healthy relationship and outlook on food

    • @boyo45321
      @boyo45321 8 месяцев назад +1

      Also my family had one of those ovens, it’s called an aga, they’re cheaper in the long run, heats the entire house and makes food tastes gorgeous

  • @cnurenasue
    @cnurenasue 10 месяцев назад +326

    I remember growing up in the '70s and '80s when the Trad Wife was known as a "Donna Reed," wearing her pearls and vacuuming in high heels. This is nothing new. My mother was a "traditional wife." She stayed home to raise us; she made our Halloween costumes from scratch. She would sometimes take my doll when I fell asleep and put a new dress on her that she had just sewn to surprise me in the morning. Our food was homemade most of the time. She didn't wear fancy clothes and full face makeup, but she wasn't trying to impress TikTok. Society needs a lot more of people like her.

    • @kconway2263
      @kconway2263 10 месяцев назад +88

      Well, in Donna Reed’s day, she couldn’t have a bank account or credit card in her own name, so let’s be realistic about what life was like for women until 1974. That’s great that your mom did all that, as long as it was her choice, and she wasn’t forced or pressured into it.

    • @sophiel362
      @sophiel362 10 месяцев назад

      Exactly. ​@@kconway2263

    • @TheKellyGreen
      @TheKellyGreen 10 месяцев назад +22

      They still exist, they just aren’t on tik tok. 😉

    • @kittervision
      @kittervision 10 месяцев назад +7

      my mom was like this too. stay at home mom. home cooked meal six nights a week the family sits down to eat together. now my daughter and i eat takeout in different rooms. i miss my mom

    • @magickaldust1213
      @magickaldust1213 10 месяцев назад +9

      ​@@kittervision if you can recognize the cognitive dissonance between how you liked your upbringing and don't like the current relationship you experience with your kids, only YOU can take the steps you need to to change that

  • @ns35-h6s
    @ns35-h6s 10 месяцев назад +204

    There's definitely a class element to this. This kind of lifestyle requires a level of financial safety that is non-existent for a substantial number of U.S households, and it's only getting worse. That quality time you discuss at 11:30 is hard when mothers have to work multiple jobs to make ends meet. Trad Wife content makes women feel guilty about not living up to certain standards that they can't meet (whether or not creators like Nara Smith intended to do so or not).

    • @elizabeth.601
      @elizabeth.601 10 месяцев назад +28

      Its not supposed to be relatable. Its supposed to be aspirational. Its no different to those glossy lifestyle magazines that people had on their coffee tables. I enjoy seeing pretty faces, sleek homes, delicious home cooking and cute smiling children dressed smartly. There is nothing wrong with it. Even if you are not well off, seeing aesthetically pleasing things is still nice. If it makes you feel poor and miserable, thats your problem. But dont bitch and moan and make everyone else accept that they are an issue for liking or creating this kind of content

    • @odesseus
      @odesseus 10 месяцев назад +45

      @@elizabeth.601 Yeah, but it's so glossed up it's hard for it to be even aspirational. It just feels unrealistic, and I think some women can get mislead by that, perhaps. Most families these days have to have both parents work for pay for stuff (a regular old nothing-burger house is A MILLION DOLLARS), so making cereal from scratch for anyone other than these highly successful, wealthy influencers is just really kinda annoying, But, yay, good for them.

    • @ivaldi13
      @ivaldi13 10 месяцев назад +26

      The content doesn't *make you* feel anything. Your feelings are yours. Take responsibility for them.
      If you go into every video expecting to either see either a 1:1 replica of your life (If everything was this, it'd be useless.) or something to whine about because it's different (Many things are this. The human life is not a single, universal experience. We have differences, and that's a good thing.), you're putting your feelings on the chopping block with every vid.
      If you go into each vid with the sober realization that you don't have to insert yourself into everything, your feelings don't need to go whacky. It's that easy.

    • @longlongie5938
      @longlongie5938 10 месяцев назад +17

      @@elizabeth.601then that's propaganda

    • @Kat-zk6qy
      @Kat-zk6qy 10 месяцев назад +13

      I can't afford to put 3 kids in daycare, my entire paycheck would go to just that (not including the gas money to get and come from work)

  • @EdgyVeg
    @EdgyVeg 10 месяцев назад +70

    1-This is just another example of no matter what women do -we will criticize them for it.
    2-Social media isn’t real. It’s a job. Nara is clearly leaning into the meme. People’s lack of social media literacy is exhausting.

    • @kentonkinneer5197
      @kentonkinneer5197 8 месяцев назад +4

      I agree with both points, but isnt it also exhausting that the rules of social media and the rules of real life are completely different? Anything a women does will be criticized, BUT if its on social media its not real or requires a higher level of social media literacy to understand the irony and therefor should be without criticism, much like art. A stripper on OnlyFans deserves respect for the way she is making money but not the woman working in a strip club based on your "social media literacy" logic. After all. its a job. Right? So why is one woman treated vastly differently in real life because of her job vs the same job online? Why do we just accept that social media isnt real and we should all learn not to take it seriously when its been proven to cause very very real damage? I dont think Nara is doing anything wrong, but i think its irresponsible to talk about the lifestyles being presented without disclosing the full truth.

  • @Astras411
    @Astras411 7 месяцев назад +2

    Grew up, I suppose, under "The American Dream" of a sort. Dad worked. Mom stayed home all day every day and homeschooled us, and dad would make dinners. Never saw her work a day except volunteering at the county fair. Lived comfortably in middle class. Out in the country, fence, nice house, garden, flowers, animals. Parents were and still are in a very happy and healthy relationship, no "hidden agendas", or "secret misery". Our family was Protestant Christian(which isn't Mormon).
    A lot of these gals on social media are living some strange, masked life that really might be hell for them.
    But most "TradWives" dont label themselves as trad, and dont dish their life out on public platforms. They just live their lives serving their families and truly aren't "oppressed by the patriarchy" in any way. Most of these women have dedicated husbands who truly aren't out to control women, and aren't going to "trade her in for a newer model" or anything of the sort.
    Nightmares do happen, and marriages like this do fail, but most of them don't. The type of people who do this and succeed are the type of people who usually don't want the rest of the world to know that they ever existed, which they also typically succeed at.
    I do think that the bloat of this "trend" may be harming how young people view marriage and relationships in general, but I understand that marriage is far from "mainstream" nowadays. Which will not lead to a stable society. But that's not a mainstream idea, either.
    All this said, the TradWife content and all the ridiculous things that come alongside it is all hilarious and incredibly entertaining. Keep at it, I suppose.

  • @JessicaOrban3606
    @JessicaOrban3606 9 месяцев назад +128

    "Women should stop comparing and contrasting, and just go on and live their lives." 👏👏👏
    This lifestyle is not that niche, (you see it in cultures all over the world) but of course, when something becomes a trending topic, everyone goes bananas and forgets that influencers on social media show a curated snapshot of their lives.

    • @sallyhawkridge3013
      @sallyhawkridge3013 9 месяцев назад

      But let's be real, the women who are uberrich but doing this as their traditional lifestyle, and don't have a massive crew of makeup artists and nannies who feed their kids something in the 9 hours it takes to make the bread and all natural compote and fresh ground peanuts for that peanut butter sandwich, are not lithe and youthful like these women. The years show hard--they are often obese and their skin is aged and wrinkled, and they are devalued for it. People love these mothers but they don't respect them, and their bitterness shows in how they raise their kids, especially their daughters.
      *I'm* not saying they are ugly. I think they are beautiful. But lets face it--an older, heavy, wrinkled mother with inner and outer strength is, in general, not respected or celebrated on those 364 days that aren't Mother's Day.

    • @kaylagroten2348
      @kaylagroten2348 6 месяцев назад

      Sure, this is a real lifestyle globally... Posting it on the Internet is a annoying phenomenon.

  • @Laura-lo2wo
    @Laura-lo2wo 10 месяцев назад +130

    I think part of the issue around this topic is that these women are glorifying being a “trad wife” , when in fact it is their job and they are able to provide for themselves. The problem is when young girls and women look up to this thinking that it’s a great idea to become a housewife and rely solely on a man. Dependence on a man can be very dangerous for a woman, or it can work out beautifully. Risky business.

    • @adub_from_253
      @adub_from_253 10 месяцев назад +24

      Agree completely. This was a great video with several good, common sense reminders of how we should be consuming social media. However, I also agree with you completely - it’s a really important aspect that wasn’t discussed. I don’t care about the “it’s not realistic” aspect, I absolutely worry about the people who fall for the romanticized trad wife lifestyle and become 100% financially dependent on someone else. People should understand the risk of that choice. I don’t think I blame the influencers completely…it’s a broader issue - but in a way, I also think it’s irresponsible given the size of some of the platforms.

    • @Gothelittle
      @Gothelittle 10 месяцев назад +6

      To be fair, that goes on both sides. Plenty of women are told that if they pick a 'dream career' and rack up however much debt they need to earn the degree, they'll be able to walk right into a job they love with bosses who treat them with respect and the ability to rent an apartment or buy a house in which they are the only occupant. Nobody's telling them that they'll probably spend at least five years getting asked to make the coffee and sharing an apartment with two or three roommates, or that when they do want to marry and have a baby, their workplace may be extremely unfriendly about their pregnancy and maternal leave.
      Neither side is being totally honest. Either way you go, you're going to need to work hard and you won't get everything you want. But if you're careful and realistic, you'll wind up with a genuinely good life.

    • @mccringleberrytha3rd
      @mccringleberrytha3rd 9 месяцев назад

      @@adub_from_253agreed if you want to be a tradwife go ahead it’s your life after all. The safe thing is to have some extra protection ( life insurance, prenups ) no matter what, because life is unpredictable and you can’t predict what it’s gonna throw at you.

  • @sarahtelles1931
    @sarahtelles1931 10 месяцев назад +42

    So far the first two seem harmless and are living the life they want. I hope they are still happy behind the scenes of it

    • @khills
      @khills 10 месяцев назад +4

      Yeah, mostly cuz they’re not tradwives. 😂 They’re women on the internet getting hate, but… not quite the same thing?

    • @herbertcamacho1461
      @herbertcamacho1461 10 месяцев назад

      Do women really hate men this much? Even you & kris who seem to be more nuanced, normal people... and you STILL have to sneak in some nasty comment that the guy might be secretly beating her behind the scenes???
      What the actual fuck is going on.... You people are actually making me hate you.

  • @amiroquet7476
    @amiroquet7476 7 месяцев назад +2

    With Ballerina farm, some people just don't understand that sometimes people's dreams change throughout life. That's what happens to most people. Sure she loves dancing and went to school for it, but she obviously didn't want to do it as a career and found a new passion for farming. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. And just because she lives on a farm does not mean that she's poor. In fact farming is a top earning career especially in farming states like where she lives.

  • @snookat
    @snookat 10 месяцев назад +46

    I am 60 years old and grew up very poor. My Mom cooked everything we had from scratch because it was cheaper then "boxed food" My Mom also worked 40 hours a week and has a hour drive to work each day. When I got old enough I was taught how to start dinner so we could eat at a reasonable time. I am grateful for learning to bake and cook at a young age. I can make something that tastes good from very little found in my cubberts.
    When visiting my son who now lives in Colombia, South America they do not ever have a word for "homemade" because everything that cook IS homemade. Americans really need to realize there is a whole world out there where people cook and like to have children young while they are young and then get to enjoy being old and travel in their 50's.
    Great video Kris!!

    • @gypsywoman9140
      @gypsywoman9140 10 месяцев назад +1

      My goodness, how times have changed! I thought I'd be saving money by baking our sweet treats and making homemade toiletries (shampoo, toothpaste) etc....but even in 2018 before all the hyper-inflation, it turned out to be a lot more affordable to just buy the Chips Ahoy and Live Clean stuff from the store. (You're pretty much screwed either way if you're celiac with the gluten intolerance like my BFF.) Buying all the ingredients adds up fast! It's quite sad, really.

    • @TinaTomassen
      @TinaTomassen 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@gypsywoman9140 Yep! It is horrible how fresh food (especially produce but also animal or plant proteins) is more expensive than ultra processed crap nowadays...

  • @StefyB5
    @StefyB5 10 месяцев назад +94

    People nowadays have too many opinions on things that are not their business honestly. We should all learn to live and let live as long as nobody is hurting other people on purpose. Thanks Kris for speaking sense in this video about this problem.

    • @bippbunn
      @bippbunn 10 месяцев назад +7

      Exactly. People need the power of discernment. No wonder the world is falling apart, people are too preoccupied with being mad at non issues and keep quiet about actual issues

    • @MissWorldx81
      @MissWorldx81 10 месяцев назад +1

      100% YES! I need this on a plaque.

  • @CrystalLM-89
    @CrystalLM-89 10 месяцев назад +90

    Ngl I was nervous coming to this video..cuz I consider myself a traditional wife in many ways..and how social media talks about trad wives in the negative way. I'm very pleased to see your take on it. Thank you for your positive input.

    • @MalevolentSh4d0w
      @MalevolentSh4d0w 10 месяцев назад +14

      There's trad wife and "trad wife". One is just living a certain way which is your business but another is scamming people which is not

    • @arthuriglesias13
      @arthuriglesias13 10 месяцев назад

      @@MalevolentSh4d0w Unless a woman is selling you a product for money and never delivering it she is not scamming you. Stop. Its people comparing themselves to others online that feel "scammed" but they`re doing it to themselves! Take responsibility!

    • @GenXfrom75
      @GenXfrom75 10 месяцев назад +2

      Same! I was scared 😅

    • @jgmediting7770
      @jgmediting7770 10 месяцев назад +5

      The trad wives propaganda has nothing to do with being a traditional wife.

    • @Pugkin5405
      @Pugkin5405 10 месяцев назад +5

      That's because people aren't talking about traditional wives. Trad wives are the ones specifically known to push their beliefs on others which is why they aren't called "traditional" wives

  • @renepare3996
    @renepare3996 7 месяцев назад +2

    If my toddler asked me for something and it took me hours to make it, it wouldnt even be halfway done and he would want something else lol 😂

  • @davidchristoffersen1404
    @davidchristoffersen1404 10 месяцев назад +75

    As Michel Dufoux a french philosopher once said "The worst emotion in the human body is not anger or rage or even sadness, it is jealousy as it can drive people more insane than the rest of the emotions".

  • @sanctuary6689
    @sanctuary6689 10 месяцев назад +34

    8:53 My mother made our food from scratch until I was 6. She also beat me, threatened to abandon me for not loving her enough, and started shaming me for being a girl by the age 6. I’m not saying that’s the case here. I am saying that from scratch meals does not equal love.

  • @evanflynn4680
    @evanflynn4680 10 месяцев назад +81

    Ask any housewife that makes basic staples from scratch, like bread, jam or jelly, etc, and they'll tell you that with jams and jelly, they make them in large batches, or at least as large as their ovens can manage. It's a method of preservation, as well as an everyday product. Bread takes about three hours to rise before it's ready to bake, too.
    I say this, because when a kid asks for a PB and J sandwich, they're asking because they want it now. The format of "my kid asked for xyz so I decided to start making it from scratch" is about as contrived as the cooking shows where they say "here's one we prepared earlier." Of course her family is going to be eating what she makes. But she's making the video for her audience. If she wanted fresh bread for her family, homemade jams and everything else for them to have, it takes a little logistics to have it ready for when her family wants it. Her husband asking for something to eat the next day works, though.

    • @moranthang9482
      @moranthang9482 10 месяцев назад +3

      exactly. I also make my own bread a lot (not a trad wife...not even a wife. I just like bread) and well...i make it the day before i eat it because...time management.

    • @evanflynn4680
      @evanflynn4680 10 месяцев назад

      @moranthang9482 I've made my own bread, too. I started it in the morning so I could have fresh bread with lunch. Needed about four hours lead up time. It's not hard, it just takes time to knead the dough, proof it twice, and about half an hour to bake.

    • @ariesearthdragon
      @ariesearthdragon 10 месяцев назад

      Yeah, the reality is the food is made from scratch long before somebody is hungry. You don't cook/bake on an empty stomach to prolong the hunger, especially with children.

  • @Reece88_
    @Reece88_ 2 месяца назад

    0:08 the way this noise made me laugh so hard is crazy 😂

  • @Nancho0o7
    @Nancho0o7 10 месяцев назад +34

    I love how she compliments us in each video, its so sweet.

  • @allison_hope
    @allison_hope 10 месяцев назад +65

    The accent switch-ups in every video are amazing

    • @kowloonbroadcast
      @kowloonbroadcast 10 месяцев назад

      yeah, that “mate” in this one came out of nowhere yet was so convincing after texan accent loool

  • @supersquisshh
    @supersquisshh 10 месяцев назад +304

    “Toxic feminism”…. the whole “why would she choose this life, it’s giving in to patriarchal roles” is so awful why are people judging women for CHOOSING THEIR OWN PATH, YOU KNOW, WHAT TRUE FEMINISM IS SUPPOSED TO BE, THE ABILITY TO CHOOSE AND CONTROL YOUR OWN LIFE, BODY, AND MIND, this is SO enraging (love your vid Kris, very informational ❤)

    • @soft-spun
      @soft-spun 10 месяцев назад +48

      Choosing patriarchy is not feminist. True feminism is respecting women as full human adults and as unique individuals with both the legal freedom/agency and the responsibility/judgement/consequences for making immoral choices, especially those that harm other women and girls.

    • @supersquisshh
      @supersquisshh 10 месяцев назад +17

      @@soft-spun there you go, respecting women as full human adults. Exactly. I agree. Thank you for adding the definition, I was just speaking in general 😁

    • @staind.raindrop
      @staind.raindrop 10 месяцев назад +39

      @@soft-spun Filming yourself feeding your family isn't "choosing patriarchy" though

    • @fgdfgdfgdfg4tgrdfg
      @fgdfgdfgdfg4tgrdfg 10 месяцев назад +5

      that comment THAT EVERYDAY IMA SCREENSHOT IT and resend it so many time
      THANK YOU, I'm not anti feminist that's just my value. I love you so much thank you for being kind, understanding and not judgmental

    • @TheJustineCredible
      @TheJustineCredible 10 месяцев назад +6

      @@staind.raindrop It is when it's "On-Demand" cooking, lacking ANY meal-planning or budgeting.
      IT's De-Lulu!!

  • @Caminhosdavidausa
    @Caminhosdavidausa 9 месяцев назад +2

    Cooking from scratch is an art. I don’t know what the big deal is. Most of the world cooks from scratch.

  • @itslindss
    @itslindss 9 месяцев назад +33

    I really appreciate your take on this. As a creator myself i think people fail to think about how much of our lives we don’t show, and how much is exaggerated. Many creators also considering themselves as actors and putting on a little play for the masses.