- Mar 19, 2020
- 941
- 2,631
Well I think it's a November release based on this. He's averaging a little over 8 animations completed a week and a little under 123 statics. Based on 1306 statics to render that's 11 weeks, October 14th plus beta time. 121 animations will essentially take a scratch under 15 weeks, plus beta time we're talking 11th November plus two weeks beta time. So a release window of October 28th to November 25th.
A few ways it could arrive sooner. 1. DPC is overestimating how much contect he has left. 2. He could cut back on some scenes. 3. He is misrepresenting his progress. (I think this would be dumb and isn't likely).
This is the renders progress table. Finally passed episode fives static render level, but in fairness to 5 it also two weeks earlier in the development cycle.
View attachment 1953196
The animation table looks like this. Animations have now surpassed 5 and 6 but not by much and episode 5 and 6 already released.
View attachment 1953205
Just to illustrate the forcasted release window, here are the tables with the current averages upto and including his production targets plus two weeks beta testing.

Even though we know he's produced a higher average in previous releases, he's showed no evidcene of a significant uptick in this whole cycle.
Perhaps he could start beta testing while the last couple of dozen animations render and use placeholders but that doesn't really feel like his style.